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Canary Boy 10th Feb 2005 20:37

'What does one buy one who has everything for a wedding present?'

More efficient glasses....:yuk:

jindabyne 10th Feb 2005 20:50

C'mon chaps - stop being a bunch of roundheads. Charles and Camilla are decent middle-aged human beings born into a life not of their choosing. There are unattractive wives, pretty wives. Look at your own in thirty years time - and she may well not be the same model, either through age or divorce! Give them a break and move on. Whether you prefer King Charles, King Willy or whatever - either are infinitively preferable to President Blair, Brown or Howard et al - whoever the former are married to.

Raise a glass, and say good on yer!

PS - just returned from the pub.

Canary Boy 10th Feb 2005 20:54


B*gg*r, tanglefoot do make 'er look a whole lot better...

But in the morning :yuk:

soddim 10th Feb 2005 23:06

If Charlie wants to marry a paper bag job that's his choice. Could do worse and pick a Coyote job.

Toxteth O'Grady 10th Feb 2005 23:25

Look on the bright side........

At least we can rename the Merlin sim as "The Princess Consort Building" now that it's officially attached to the Duke of Cornwall!!



allan907 11th Feb 2005 05:56

In today's West Australian alongside a picture of the horses, sorry - happy couple, there is a headline which reads

"I saw my daughter abused: mother"

this link only valid for 24 hours - ie, next edition

country edition slightly different to that shown on the link

peterperfect 11th Feb 2005 07:06

The Air Force must have had a say in the date, I mean by chosing a Weds, any gratis day would neatly link the two weekends.

BEagle 11th Feb 2005 07:33

My, what rib-ticklingly top quality salty sea dog humour from peterp....:rolleyes:

On Planet Earth, April 8th is a Friday.

"Ah-haarh, me lads. Yo-ho-ho, splice the mainbrace and a fresh cabin boy in the bum barrel! Or 'twill be the cat for 'ee"


Mind you - is there really anyone around who thinks that HM will give them a day off for this?

An Teallach 11th Feb 2005 09:41

Ancient joke warning red!!

Wedding Night conversation:

Charles: "Would you like the Bridal Suite?"

Camilla: "No thank you darling, I'll just hang on to your ears!"

Fg Off Bloggs 11th Feb 2005 09:48

Note so perfect there pete!!!!! Sharpen up, there's a good chap!

BeauMan 11th Feb 2005 10:54

I hear she's been banned from usuing the khazi in Buck House though. So now Camilla has nowhere to park 'er bowels.

I'll get me coat...

peterperfect 11th Feb 2005 12:02

VPR (Valid Point Reg.) I was wrong.

I only read Althenick's 'Weds 6th' post and foolishly didn't verify, however I've already got me (duffle) coat and the next bus to planet earth is in 14 minutes.

Note to diary: Fancy that, duff information on Pprune today.

althenick 11th Feb 2005 13:00

Yeah sorry about the duff gen - I think I got it from the BBC Website.

....Still wont get a day off tho' :{

BEagle 11th Feb 2005 13:20

BITTY, peterp?

And there was I thinking you were the 'only gay in the villadge..."

Don't miss your liberty boat this w/e!


KENNYR 12th Feb 2005 19:26

Maybe she should be coralled in a stable, given the name Princess Consort and then ridden at Ascot. What a comedy act...........Big Ears and Horsey. Sorry to be so disrespectful to a member of the Royal Family but Charles is probably making the biggest mistake of his life, and he is setting a dangerous precidence with respect to a divorced person being remarried in the Church of England (or at least receiving the Archbishops blessing). The flood-gates will be thrown fully open.

Oh well, who gives a sh!t???!!!!!!!

The Queen Mum must be turning in her grave.

Red Line Entry 13th Feb 2005 09:19

What a bunch of holier-than-thou gits you lot are!

Terribly sorry if Camilla doesn't meet your standards of beauty for a public figure. What a reflection of the shallow society of today, that such an issue is so important. I assume you are all (and your spouses) paragons of Adonis-like beauty.

Similarly, you all seem to feel well qualified to act as judge, jury and (if possible) executioner on the marriage. Obviously you also live lives of perfect fidelity and shun any friends who are unfaithful, divorce or remarry.

Or are you merely sanctimonious hypocrites?

Maple 01 13th Feb 2005 09:22

Sorry to disapoint, but we ARE all paragons of Adonis-like beauty.

It's been a basic requirement at the CIO since at least 1983......

WorkingHard 13th Feb 2005 10:48

RLE - "Or are you merely sanctimonious hypocrites?"
was that adressed to us or the Windsors?

SirPeterHardingsLovechild 13th Feb 2005 11:40


Well, I like her.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to the pub to see the garlic noshing surrender monkeys get a taste of English spunk.

Solid Rust Twotter 13th Feb 2005 11:51

Chuckles could do worse. He stroked the cat pretty well the first time round with the dopey one. Let's hope it all works out this time round.

Not sure the day off will happen, though...

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