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Fatman 16th Jan 2005 20:31

Average Age
What ever happened to the frontline Mid/POff/2lt ?
Are they still out there? The average age of most of the newbies on the squadron's is now 25+. Not surprising they are a bit long on the tooth for all the discipline and run off to the "flyme loadsamoney" after their first CO's B*****king. Bring back the 17 yr olds I say .

Training Risky 17th Jan 2005 09:40

Not sure about the other two, but I know of front-line Plt Off SAR mates.

The only way to create them is for a chap to pitch up to a UAS, complete the syllabus (or do enough to get a streaming recommendation)... then fail his degree, apply to the RAF, go through IOT, BFT, AFT and OCU as an Acting Plt Off.... hey presto: you have a ready-made, cheap-as-chips pilot.

Direct Entrants with no previous experience usually have more time to kill completing EFT, that's why they pitch up to a sqn as Fg Offs

airborne_artist 17th Jan 2005 09:53

We had an RN QFI at Leeming EFTS in 79 who'd been FW carrier qualified as a Mid, but he might not have been front line.

I joined as an 18 yo Mid in 78, and even then I'm fairly sure it was impossible to get to a front line sqn in under 2 years, although I think it might have been possible to do it in ~ 2.25 if you joined BRNC in September.

BigGrecian 17th Jan 2005 11:24

With holds averaging between 6 months to a year for Pilots and 3 monthsish for Navs - Plt Offs on the front line isn't going to be getting them anytime soon!

Roghead 17th Jan 2005 16:32

Judging from replies so far there can be no challenge to the all teenage crew of a (nuke) twin engined bomber which suffered a double engine failure below safety speed whilst trying to depart Tengah. They all survived this incident although its worth recording that it was the second parchute landing for one of the navs, and the captains departure was delayed whilst the other nav strapped himself in, and still departed without a hard hat!
Happy, young, professional days or not.......:O

Si Clik 17th Jan 2005 17:38

Interestingly enough this is now a very hot issue with the Fleet Air Arm.

My recruiting contacts tell me that new enquiries after 1 Apr 05 will have to be under 24, just like the RAF.

I have mentioned this before but apparently this time the RN is prepared to miss its recruiting target rather than take people up to 26.

Therefore if your considering your options, ditch the gap year and the tentative RAF application (numbers slashed anyway) and get down the old Careers Office before its too late.


PPRuNeUser0211 17th Jan 2005 18:01

hehe, with two holds of 6 months before you even get to valley? not likely! You might just scrape through to the ocu as a plt off if u went multis, but not with the holds that are going on these days!

FJ = 4 months eft, 10 months linton, 12? months at valley or so, which puts you well into fg off territory even without holds!

BEagle 17th Jan 2005 19:21

At least the holds will give you time to learn English grammar and punctuation and to grow out of yoof-speak txtmsg prose.

PPRuNeUser0211 17th Jan 2005 19:52

nah. it will teach me defence writing which will be no use to man nor beast! As for my writing and english, why would I bother writing full sentences when i can not bother? And expend my spare capacity on aviation!

Roghead 17th Jan 2005 23:34

Maybe the requirements for an Officer and Aircrew have changed since our days BEags but certainly they are getting older without experience and do not seem to be aware that visual, written and spoken communication is important and conveys an instant message to the watcher, reader or listener.

OK, I've just reread my rather patronising and decidedly old fashioned sentiments regarding some of the PPrune Mil participants and have chosen to change nothing. I would not employ them.

So back to FATMAN's thread, where are the young front liners?

Aynayda Pizaqvick 18th Jan 2005 09:04

Nice idea Beags but I'm afraid not. On my last hold (7 months) I enquired and was told that I would not able to begin my ISS. Apparently it is a year long course to be completed once on the frontline and there was no flexibility to allow me to compress it and actually do something on my hold to enhance my career. Result? Its all memos for me for the next 3 years!

Back on thread, I will be the only Plt Off on our wings grad (fingers crossed) and be pushing 25 at that. Including FJ holds I hope to be combat ready just shy of 28 with about 5 years service. That's almost a PhD!
You'll be pushing to see even a Multis Plt Off these days as the poor guys currently face a 1yr hold before starting Melin!

hyd3failure 18th Jan 2005 09:29

whats wrong with yoof spk n txt mssgin ?

why should he learn English grammar and punctuation and grow out of yoof-speak txtmsg .... jusat because he talks differently than you do doesn't make him a bad person.

Roghead 19th Jan 2005 18:43

<why should he learn English grammar and punctuation and grow out of yoof-speak txtmsg .... jusat because he talks differently than you do doesn't make him a bad person>

Hyd3fx---- I don't think that was stated doesn't make him a bad person However it shows poor judgement if one accepts that everything has its place and with a full QWERTY board this is not the place to use text messaging.

I think its sad that there are no youngsters on front line squadrons and even sadder if by the time they do get there they have become too old to learn how to conduct their non aviation career with appropriate military decorum.

Eric Aldrovandi 20th Jan 2005 16:06

Let's face facts, anyone worthy of being RAF aircrew should have spent at least three years at university, preferably four, and therefore graduate IOT as Fg Off. Once the seniority clock has started ticking, promotion to Flt Lt should come well before joining the front line. IMHO Sqn Ldr should be easily achieved at the end of the first front-line tour.

hyd3failure 20th Jan 2005 16:12

but he might not have a full qwerty keyboard available. He may be accessing this site from his mobile. Its technology fella.

However I fully concur your thoughts ref youngsters on the Front line. It is sad but Im afraid thats the way its going to be.
Too be honest I think its as a result on the insistance of recruiting aircrew with Degrees. Like the last guy said, if they have spent 3/4 yrs at Uni they are mid 20's before they even get anywhere near the front line.

Purr Harder 21st Jan 2005 10:41

With his use of 'Yoof Speak' he is only following example set by CAS 'U Need 2 know':O

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