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Beeayeate 2nd Jan 2005 17:14

Have you been drinking?

Alas no Mr Proone, not since last evening otherwise I would never have noticed the smouldering enmitty in your first post. But I thank you for your concern and note, with passing amusement, the feigned jocularity of your reply which neatly side-steps the gist of my previous. Masterfully done Mr Proone, masterfully done. And it's only the second day of a brand new year!

pr00ne 2nd Jan 2005 20:06


If you've not been drinking you've been on something you shouldn't.

Smouldering enmitty, feigned jocularity?? Boy do you have a problem.

zorab64 3rd Jan 2005 13:57

If unsure about the whys & wherefores of whether the Tsunami should have engulfed D-G, take a look at the link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_In...quake#Overview clear and frightening explanation of the power involved in this disaster.

Trumpet_trousers 3rd Jan 2005 14:06

Mr Beeayeate and Mr Proone.....
....why don't you start another thread instead of hijacking this one? You could even call it "my will*'s bigger than yours," or some such .......
....What a great shame that in the face of such a major disaster like this that you two have to resort to such childish behaviour:mad:

Beeayeate 3rd Jan 2005 14:31


:sad: :sad:

MajorMadMax 3rd Jan 2005 15:12

A good news story...

Girl saved tourists thanks to school lesson

LONDON (Reuters) - A 10-year-old British girl saved 100 other tourists from the Asian tsunami having warned them a giant mass of water was on its way after learning about the phenomenon weeks earlier at school.

"I was on the beach and the water started to go funny," Tilly Smith told the Sun at the weekend from Phuket, Thailand.

"There were bubbles and the tide went out all of a sudden. I recognised what was happening and had a feeling there was going to be a tsunami. I told mummy."

While other holidaymakers stood and stared as the disappearing waters left boats and fish stranded on the sands, Tilly recognised the danger signs because she had done a school project on giant waves caused by underwater earthquakes.

Quick action by Tilly's mother and Thai hotel staff meant Maikhao beach was quickly cleared, just minutes before a huge wave crashed ashore. The beach was one of the few on the Thai island of Phuket where no-one was killed.

Her teacher, Andrew Kearney, paid tribute to his quick-thinking student.

"Tilly is a very bright, level-headed girl ... it is an incredible coincidence that our class were learning about this type of tsunami just two weeks before Christmas," he told the newspaper.

On Sunday, the Foreign Office said 40 Britons were confirmed dead from the December 26 tsunami which claimed some 130,000 victims. The toll is expected to rise.

pr00ne 4th Jan 2005 00:11


…”that you two have to resort to such childish behaviour ”……….

He started it………………………………………………………………………………………

buoy15 4th Jan 2005 02:19


Yeah great in slow time

This was a big one and happened in nano seconds; the plates moved 200m in a split second and created a 200ft wave from the epicentre; by the time it was registered it was too late, it was on the way. How do you employ a warning system for a castrophe when you don't know where it's going to happen? Who do you blame when it happens? Who's next? California?

rotornut 16th Jan 2005 12:59

Just a coincidence?
Why is the US suddenly interested in this Turkish airbase? Is Diego Garcia still viable?

Top US general asks Turkey to use key air base

Tue Jan 11,11:48 AM ET

ANKARA (AFP) - The United States would like to use a key Turkish air base to provide logistical support for its troops deployed in Iraq, the head of the US Central Command said.

The Incirlik base, in southern Turkey, "is a Turkish base, not an American base. We look forward to use the facilities there as an ally," General John Abizaid told reporters Tuesday after talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul.

"It is good for us, it is good for Turkey if we can use those facilities," Abizaid added, without elaborating.

The Incirlik base was used by US and British warplanes to patrol the no-fly zone over northern Iraq from between the end of the first Gulf War in 1991 and the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Ankara then limited the use of the base to logistical and humanitarian purposes. US forces have also used the base for refuelling and troop rotations into Iraq and Afghanistan.

Abizaid said his talks with Gul had also focussed on Turkish-US cooperation in Afghanistan.

"We are very satisfied in particular with our cooperation in Afghanistan," the general said.

Turkey is preparing to take over in February the command of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan for a duration of six months.

Ankara, which had led ISAF for six months as of July 2002, is expected to contribute more than 1,400 soldiers to the force, which is made up of 8,300 soldiers from more than 30 countries serving in Kabul and nine provinces north of the capital.

propulike 16th Jan 2005 14:23


I think a quick glance at an atlas would answer your question. One base is several thousands of miles away, the other is in a country sharing a border with Iraq.

rotornut 16th Jan 2005 15:54

I can't disagree with you on that. Perhaps it's just a coincidence but I still find it interesting that the US would show so much interest in Turkey right after the tsunami disaster. And DG was reported as having been spared the brunt of the force of the wave.

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