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bighead 13th Dec 2004 11:55

Flying pay for UK Mams.
As a resently qualifyed mover i was happy to find that at last our valuable contributon to flying has been recognsed. As a greduate of a recent course we were delighted to find lower rate of flying pay on our pay statements. Who swaid that we don't qualify as aircrew?? Only a brevet away!!!!

3xGreens 13th Dec 2004 12:10

Just as well your flying pay isn't dependant on your spelling aptitude.

The Rocket 13th Dec 2004 12:16

Unfortunately, that big head of yours seems to be full of sawdust.

As has been said many times before, but seems rather fitting here, perhaps you should have tried harder at school.:E

Mobile Muppet 13th Dec 2004 12:19

Nice try Big head.

Seems to me that your one of those losers who loves to try and get a bite... well how about get a life. This has all been done before...


Wappy Tupper 13th Dec 2004 12:23

As a reesently qualyfied pylot I always wundered why movers get flying pay when they are lazy ignorent muppets who don't do an in-flyght job!

Mobile Muppet 13th Dec 2004 12:31

Just before this turns into another mover bashing thread I would just like to ask those who are curious about our crew pay if they know anything about why we get it and more importantly who gives it to us.

Dont mind good banter, just dont want this thread to turn into another movers vs loadie slagging match making all those involved look rather childish.


4PON4PIN 13th Dec 2004 14:22

Back in late 60's early '70's when UK MAMAS (sic!) were at Abingdon, the bar would resound to the call of Mooovers Mooove ... SLOWLY! They were going on about flying pay and having a brevet back then.
We suggested that the old Observer's brevet be resurrected and that it be worn on a part of the anatomy commensurate with being a flying a$$ole.
Good to know the old banter continues 35yrs down the road. ;)

StopStart 13th Dec 2004 15:58


As a fan of UKMAMS generally (hush my mouth) I would genuinely like to know the thinking behing Movers getting crew pay continously.

To be honest I couldn't give a monkey's who gets it - it doesn't come out of my pocket so why should I begrudge anyone extra cash if they can get it? My only "complaint" is that GEs don't get crew pay full time. That is, frankly, scandalous :mad:. It is also, however, no fault of the muppets.

As for brevets - why not? Gives people something to work towards and be proud of when they get it.

Anyway, as I said, my major gripe with the system is that GEs don't get enough recognition for the work they do - but that's another topic all together :D

PS. Don't get me started on base movers though...... :yuk:

Wycombe 13th Dec 2004 16:11

Errrr, so are base movers at LYE no longer part of UKMAMS then??

Blakey875 13th Dec 2004 16:27


Well said. Only movers on mobile duties receive this crew pay and that does not include the officers or the WO on the training staff. The case goes back some years now to when the RAF element of the JHSUs were receiving helicopter crew pay (for parity as the army element already were). This again primarily came about as a result of the task in the Falklands where the 'hookers' were scheduled with a crew on a daily basis. Back at Lyneham the mobile element were still primarily samsonite soldiers doing a lot of flying and an attempt was made to claim crew pay not that they thought they would have much success. Surprise surprise they got it but do they still deserve it is another question. You are quite right to say that it's not the movers fault that the GE's don't get it full time. What happened there was that as we all know their tech skills are unsurpassed but their admin skills were lacking and they worded their claim to state that they would only earn crew pay when they actually flew.....

Maybe's they should resubmit the argument. As for the bighead who started this I suspect he is not a mover and is just making mischief. He hasn't even got the courage by the way to receive e-mails - I've tried.

By the way you shouldn't hate Base Movers - they're just misunderstood!

16 blades 13th Dec 2004 16:39

Bighead (how appropriate),

Surely reciept of flying pay AND the award of a brevet would make you........AIRCREW! That which you despise above all!

Sacriledge to even suggest it, but maybe it won't be such a bad thing.....after all, as aircrew the RAF could raise a F5000 on you and properly document ALL your fcuk-ups in a permanent appraisal record.....at long last!

Be careful what you wish for.......


"By the way you shouldn't hate Base Movers - they're just misunderstood!"

No, they just MISUNDERSTAND............alot.

Tee Hee!


rej 13th Dec 2004 17:39

Maybe everyone should get flying pay as we all contribute to flying.

Only joking ;) ....... BUT

I thought that Movers only contributed to:

Guardroom-cell population post 'JRM-bop'. :ouch:

Increasing the number of rwy incursions :{

Airframe damage due to p@@@ poor driving. :sad:

Oh and of course

making the rest of us look soooo good!

Mobile Muppet 13th Dec 2004 20:32

So for all you mover haters, thanks to blakey you all know why we recieve crew pay.

Whether or not were entitled to it is not the case, we get it. I dont complain or brag about my entitlements to anyone i meet. I go down route or on det and get the job done and take home my pay. I never complain that army movers are on the higher pay band or that x is better than y. Perhaps some of the readers of this site should adopt the same attitude (How much do you get paid !). Just a thought.

The army pay our crew pay, not the airforce and I will admit i get on rather well with many GE's and often sympathsise with their case for flying pay. Fingers crossed they can get someone to fight the cause.


Grimweasel 13th Dec 2004 21:58

Friends across the road in B site get AD pay (an extra allowance for hanging out the doors in flight). Currently @ £6 a day extra many a mortgage has been approved on those extra sums!
The crux is those AD types WORK in the air whereas the Mover waits for the ship to land to commence toil. I think this is where the line is drawn. If you operate in the air u recieve the pay. If you dont....you won't. Simple!! XX

Mobile Muppet 13th Dec 2004 22:35


Like many others you have no idea what mobile movers do. (Many senior RAF officers included).

I've no probs with 47 AD but perhaps you should pop down route to Baghdad or Al Udied, do some TALO's or perhaps an OP Phylis . Then YOU can accuratly pass on to others on this site what we do. I wont argue that others dont earn their extra pay and won't comment on what other trades / Forces do, without knowing the facts.


Mr C Hinecap 14th Dec 2004 05:04

Grim. Think of it this way.......
The Movers (and the GEs!) fly with the frame as part of the operating crew. The aircraft cannot complete it's mission without the crew that were allocated to it - whether their part to play is before, during or after the flying bit. Therefore, they should ALL get paid for it. Simple. Or do you agree that 'arrive late, kick tires, eyeball load I don't understand, fly, land, hotel' is all that is needed to operate? The team goes beyond the flight deck! :E

juliet 14th Dec 2004 09:17

playing devils advocate.............................

surely then everyone should get flying pay. if the pti's didnt keep me fit then i wouldnt fit through the door and so couldnt fly that load somewhere. same goes for p2 who organise my admin for me (joking here obviously, the never organise anything for me:D) agree with SS in that i really dont care who gets it, i get it and so am happy. my only real grudge, like others, is that GE's, who more and more these days carry out a real airborne job, do not get it continuosly while others who spend far more time on the ground and/or have no role in the air do get it continuosly. change the name to retention pay and give it to the groups of people that are having the hardest problem keeping their people in.

I_stood_in_the_door 14th Dec 2004 09:59

Mr Hinecap,

If the team goes beyond the flight deck, then why don't the blokes at the pointy end (slightly rounded in the M/E case) take a cut in their flying/retention pay (sharp intake of breath) to enable the bean counters to pay all personnel involved in the mission (GE's (did someone mention a PTI?), AD, Movers et al) the flying/retention/getting rather hot and sweaty pay they deserve?

Any front end volunteers?

Methinks not.



StopStart 14th Dec 2004 10:24


Yeah, gladly. I assume that those in the RAF earning more than me will then offer me the difference from their pay? It's all a big team after all....

Three cheers for the Socialist Popular Peoples' Republic!

PS. I want submarine pay. Never been on one but it's all just one big team :ok:

The Rocket 14th Dec 2004 10:47

Mr C Hinecap,

I'm surprised to find stackers have such an interest in matters such as flying pay:}

At the end of the day, when the $hit hits the fan at 30 000ft, and you're sat in the back of a Tristar/Herc etc. You and the movers may not be complaining so loudly about who gets flying pay and who doesn't, as your captain and the crew work their @rse off to prevent you from spreading yourself over a large area of countryside/desert.

Rant over, helmet on.:*

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