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BEagle 8th Sep 2004 20:39

Nope - not just because HM's biros were $hite and I could actually afford to buy batteries myself, but because there is a thing called personal integrity.

Sadly lacking in some....

Tonkenna 8th Sep 2004 20:48

Here here BEagle.

It was often a struggle to get enough FRCs and things for the students, and anyway, they only got issued one set and not the several that appear to have been sold. Anyway, it seems that justice has been done;)


BEagle 8th Sep 2004 20:50

Tonks - are you in the sun-soaked Islas Malvinas again......??? How's ATC these days...:E :E

EESDL 9th Sep 2004 12:41

No need to take Biros home, matey boy.......have a huge bucket still full from 'Routing' it up large.

Tonkenna 9th Sep 2004 17:24

Hi BEagle,

Yes, and it is snowing. ATC is fine, but not as good as it used to be... ;)

Tonks :)

tmmorris 9th Sep 2004 19:56

Sorry - just caught up with this thread - but are you sure that the UAS story is kosher? I ask because... I actually bought one of his items, and couldn't get hold of him to post it to me. When I finally rang him on his mobile he said he was in Kosovo on active service. Either he's a Walter Mitty type or he's not a UAS cadet at all... certainly there were helicopters very loudly in the background, and the ringing tone on the phone was not a UK one. And he did offer to 'source' any further items I might be looking for - which he couldn't do if he was now ex-RAF. Of course, I do have a name and address.

Just a thought...

PM me if interested in further details and officially involved.


StopStart 9th Sep 2004 22:22


The Beakster 10th Sep 2004 20:11

Active Duty in Nam no doubt...
That's hilarious!!!!!

Bet they selected him because of his previous tours in Nam, Siagon and Cambodia - but didn't contact him sooner because he'd been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Wasn't towards the back end of august was it,? because I know for a fact the guy was doing active duty on a Club 18-30 holiday in Ibiza! Seriously, one of my house mates went with him!

This is gold - must circulate to the squadron!


tmmorris: Thanks for PM back, glad to see we are talking about the same guy. :D :D

fuzzyjimbo 11th Sep 2004 10:07

I work in Sy Sqn at a certain station in the North. I can confirm (totally unofficially of course! ;) ) that we did here about this and that an individual connected to the RAF was found to be responsible.

Word to the wise though (Beakster), if you start handing out this guys details on the internet, you could find yourself in more trouble than he is ;-) Just so you know.

supert300 10th Oct 2004 10:02

Somebody is at it again! Yet more FIH, BINA, and Minor Aerodromes for sale! No wonder you can't get any of these pubs from flight planning when you need them! Another UAS stude perhaps?






StopStart 10th Oct 2004 10:34

And another logbook. And some flying gloves.


supert300 10th Oct 2004 10:41

Next time there is a war maybe the MOD should look on eBay for its supplies, that way it would probably cheaper, and the troops might actually get the kit they need!

BEagle 10th Oct 2004 10:48

chutley ferret, don't be so puerile!

This little scrote is trying to sell all maner of government kit, including hexamine stoves, flying gloves, AIDU publications...

Perhaps the civil bill will be interested in the source of the 15 or so pay-as-you-go O2 SIM cards he's also flogging.

One trusts that HM's Plod will do some delving?

Fg Off Max Stout 10th Oct 2004 11:44

I've just about calmed down from the previous little scrote's business escapades. This really pisses me off. Currently, there isn't a single UKL1 on station and I know of colleagues who nearly drove to another station 40 miles away to try to get some for an IRT. To then find little spivs selling flips for profit really irritates me.

Anyone who steals from their employer or potential employer for profit has no place in the organisation. Chutley - you're a dick.

Anyway, I still have those long johns for sale. I can throw in some as used in Iraq socks as well.

airborne_artist 10th Oct 2004 12:09

Perhaps the civil bill will be interested in the source of the 15 or so pay-as-you-go O2 SIM cards he's also flogging.
From time to time 02 gives these out for free, with no poatage charge (business must be slow) - and it has been possible to order 5 at a time (my daughter did, for one) - he may well have taken advantage of such an offer. There's no re-sale ban on them, as far as I know.

Molesworth Hold 10th Oct 2004 12:10

If you search around Ebay using the appropriate key words you will find quite a selection of kit. I wouldn’t like to meet the owner of these on a dark night.

BEagle 10th Oct 2004 12:33

HM Plod should search e-bay under 'Aircrew' or 'RAF Officer'. Lots of highly dubious items coming to light....

Mark you, there's some fun to be had. The person who's trying to flog a Vulcan CG slipstick is also trying to sell his collection of dirty books, sorry, 'adult fiction' - but the best has got to be:


Should have a few post-Pink Wednesday types getting excited!

Anyone find anything even more amusing?

BEagle 10th Oct 2004 12:52

Searched under 'RAF Officer', Jenvers!

5ft 11, size 14 with size 9 shoes? One of the more petite WRAFs then!

"Suit you, Sir!" "Ooh, yes, Sir. The ladies like a uniform, Sir. They do!"

OK - you win! Yours is the best so far!!

Lionel Lion 10th Oct 2004 15:50

Obviously the WRAF officer had a long career....Fg Off with a nice hat hardly worn. Couldn't have been a blunty or stacker either because everybody seems happy with her swift business.:D

Fg Off Max Stout 10th Oct 2004 16:48

Ok Chuts,

Apologies for my comment but I don't think the snowdrops deserved yours. If you give it out, expect to get some back. At least we now know banter is a one way thing for you.

you can throw all the insults you want to- safe in the knowledge that I don't know who you are or where you live
If we were face to face and you said

Thanks for the advive, FILTH. Why don't you go and find some out of date tax disks/car passes

Anyway, back to the filth. Have you found any out of date car passes, or haven't you finished your box of donuts yet. How I love those coppers.
I would still tell you that you were out of order, whatever flavour of "FILTH" you were referring to, snowdrop, redcap, provost, modplod, or old bill.

BTW, I'm not police, just aircrew p1ssed of by not being able to get hold of docs.

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