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tokentotty 1st Sep 2004 08:18

Anyone for Darfur?
Loads of rumours flying around station here about our imminent full scale departure for Darfur (a la Kosovo) now that the 30 days are up. Anyone got any gen?

Radar Muppet 1st Sep 2004 09:14

What a pathetically crude fishing expedition. Editor on your back for a story? You obviously have little history of actually reading PPRuNe (vice cut'n'pasting to your rag) - if you had, you would have realised that this is the last place people chat in if lives are soon to be at stake.

tokentotty 1st Sep 2004 09:23

Blimey, who pi$$ed on your breakfast?! Would probably be earning a lot more if was a journo! Am humble blunty who just wondered if anyone had any info. Am quite high up on the media ops list at the moment and quite likely, therefore, to end up out there if we do go. And another thing... points finger at chest

Big Unit Specialist 1st Sep 2004 09:39


If you need to know, someone will tell you - If you don't, they won't!
Simple isn't it?



tokentotty 1st Sep 2004 09:50

True story. If I'm getting people's backs up by asking then forget it. Maybe we should all stop thinking about what's happening in the world and how it might affect us and just wait to be told where to go. Hm...

Can't be the only person wondering what's going on though. All seems to be a bit of a similar situation though. Personally I think we have a moral responsibility to do something out in Darfur.

rivetjoint 1st Sep 2004 11:01

I'm not suggesting that there are but there might be people already there that would rather it was all kept quiet as well!

The Gorilla 1st Sep 2004 11:48


WE do not have a moral responsibility to do something in Darfur. Unlike our cousins across the water we are not a world police Force. If your conscience is bothering you I can give you details of various charitable outfits working to help relieve the suffering!!

tokentotty 1st Sep 2004 12:10

I'm not suggesting that we go in all screaming and shouting and gung-ho, but although we are not a police force, the UN does have certain policing responsibilities and as part of that organization we may have an obligation to do something.

I have every respect for the charity workers out in the region at the moment. Many of these NGOs get a lot of grief from the military and I would like to support them where they are working responsibly, as most of them do. They, however, have no capability to do anything other than deal with the consequences of autrocities and publicise what is happening. They can't take any action to prevent further autrocities, nor do they have the option of peace enforcement.

Gorilla - I regularly contribute to charities working in difficult situations, however this is not going to solve any crisis.

The Gorilla 1st Sep 2004 22:48


Me too, but sending in our troops under a UN mandate isn't going solve anything either. Since we can't sort out a few minor terrorists in Iraq, we have no chance against a handful of armed militia on camels.

And neither can our country afford to get involved in such matters any longer!!


Scud-U-Like 1st Sep 2004 23:54


As with all PPRuNe subject matter, I do not think it would be wise to speculate regarding possible operational matters, but I see no harm in debating the subject, according to what is already in the public domain. I don't know if you saw tonight's Newsnight report, but it seems the Sudan police, who have been sent to 'protect' Darfur villages are standing by, whilst Arab malitias continue to do their worst.

I really do think this is one for the African Union. It's their chance to show they do not have to rely on the old colonial powers to bring order to the situation. I think we should bring as much diplomatic pressure to bear on Sudan as we possibly can. If we can help economically, we should do that too. Militarily, we should keep clear.

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