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Stonecutter 28th Jul 2004 12:52

I too think an embroidered badge is a waste of money. It is easy to distinguish you RAF chaps wearing CS95 from Army/RM by the lack of ironing and badly fitting berets. Why DO you need camouflaged clothing?

Arte et Marte

Maple 01 28th Jul 2004 21:47

Why would you iron something that's supposed to be for camouflage? Oh yes, according to the Army nature is full of straight lines and sharp creases :D


rej 29th Jul 2004 11:46

While we are all being issued with new badges why don't they go the whole nine yards.

Go on and issue aircrew with metal, pin-on flying badges, brevets (whatever the current term is) like our USA counterparts have to be worn on shirts.

By doing so, sweaters would not need to be worn in hot weather but we would still know who are aircrew when No 2s are the order of the day.

Standing by for fall-out!

Stonecutter 29th Jul 2004 11:57

Maple 01

That'll be a bite then.

You don't need straight lines and creases to have a smartly pressed uniform. Do you not get taught to look after your kit anymore? They used to be much better on 'GET SOME IN'.

Anyway why DO the RAF need camouflage, to be unobtrusive amongst the hotel foyer plants perhaps???

And don't get me started on the WAFU's aversion to boot polish, don't they sell it on boats?

Arte et Marte

BEagle 30th Jul 2004 07:54

Surely one's batman presses one's uniform? And uses 'boot polish', whatever that might be, to keep one's footware in the right state.

Do away with all blunty blue - but keep No 1 HD and also Mess Kit.

For the rest of the time, DPM or its desert version either as in 2 piece Squaddy 95 form - or in flying suit form for aircrew.

Sloppy Link 30th Jul 2004 08:40

Stand by! Aircrew CS95 inbound to allow said individuals to become the grey man in the event of ending up sausage side. How grey can you remain with "Royal Air Force" emblazoned on your uniform? The beauty of the rank slides is you can remove them with no marks being left and of course, you have to give your rank anyway under the GC's......"Fligh Lieutenant, Sir!"....and what service might you be from?
Mmm. Am confusing myself now. Time for a restock of the argument. Gordons and Tonic should do it.

jindabyne 30th Jul 2004 08:57

In a local hotel bar last night, got chatting with a bunch of RAF guys on detachment. All were in DPMs, all of which differed in style, method of wear, and badging (the SAC badge stood out OK, but it was hard to spot the other ranking, which was worn on different parts of the body))- and my all-civvy friends were perplexed when told that they were RAF, not Army. When I asked the guys about the proposed new badge, they all thought it a good idea - constantly p****d off with being thought of as Army.

I no longer wear the uniform, but I'm with Impiger - it seems a reasonable way of promoting a better public image. In these days, that's not a bad thing! Oh, and why the need to bin working blue Mr Beagle? Tradition and pride gone out the window?

Sorry for being old - mine's a pint of Bods.

Maple 01 30th Jul 2004 10:30


Didn't realise it was a bite - thought it was more banter - DPM's for dieing in, not ironing etc. But seriously, got mistaken twice for a pongo this week :O - either the Army's dress standard is lower than you suspect or the blue beret with 'RAF' on and the few extra ponds round the middle didn't give the game away to the average punter

We usually wear DPM (other than 'in the field' - and since when is there a need for ironing boards in a combat zone?) when doing SLJs that might get our nice blues messy so they are looked on more as workmen's overalls other that somthing to be ponced up for a parade

How about subdued Albatross/Eagles?

Would stop Army elements asking when I last shaved/bulled(???!) my boots/got my hair cut :cool:


Prijon 4th Aug 2004 17:12

I've got to agree with BEagle on this one. Having been in jobs that have required to wear both blues and CS95 there can only be one winner. Stick us all in CS95, save a load of money (a popular theme nowadays) and let us all only have to worry about ironing stuff once a week (if that!).... although berets will need to be ironed more often than that to perfect the helicopter-landing-pad look.

Oh...and they can ram the patches, too! You're not going to be able to read what is says until you're within 10 cm range (or is my eyesight going?) or are they going to be bright orange so that the puplic notice and we make wonderful targets the rest of the time?!

rej 4th Aug 2004 17:37


Stick us all in CS95, save a load of money (a popular theme nowadays)

I can't see how putting us all in CS95 would be a money saver. The troops get their no 2's replaced free of charge - I'm damn sure that a blue shirt is considerably cheaper than a CS95 shirt, same for trousers etc. Yes the CS95 issue would probably last longer (initially ... please read on) but are you going to get 5 shirts etc?

All that would happen is a rapid degradation of the 'quality' of the CS95 to save money. We have all seen the loss of quality in the fabric used to make our 'blues' over the years - can we really risk this happening to kit that the lads have to wear to go into into some pretty *hitty theatres.

Prijon 4th Aug 2004 18:58


it doesn't matter that the troops get No2s free - the RAF/MOD still have to pay for them - the manufacturers don't give them to us gratis. So the money that's saved by not having to buy that stuff can be spent on ensuring that we continue to get decent CS95. Or they save that money. Anyway, CS95 is sort of hard-wearing kit; you won't have to replace much if you're just in Garrison, and if you're out in the field, well, no change from what it's like now. My 2 pairs of desert CS95 lasted fine in some rather "austere" conditions last year.

I would write to my local MP asking him to support my idea, but he's kind of upset that we're shutting the Station.... ;-)

DuckDodgers 4th Aug 2004 20:04

Interesting to note that the Army is going back to wearing light weights and shirts/jumpers with stable belt whilst in garrison due to the COST of CS95.......

Grimweasel 4th Aug 2004 20:59

Thats always been the case anyway. Its just that local commanders let us wear C95 throughout! Unless this is something new. I'd say that denims were more expensive due to better quaility fabric?

norvenmunky 4th Aug 2004 22:49

I hope these badges are fireproof!

insty66 4th Aug 2004 22:55

We can't have it both ways
How is it that so many in the RAF complain about lack of recognition and in the next breath demand to wear CS95? I don't follow that line of thinking.:hmm:
What I would like is a clear, distinctive Royal Air Force uniform, that sets us quite apart from our sister services and doesn't make me look like a security guard/ RAC man.
CS 95 should be for Ops and CCS type stuff not everyday low maintenance apparel.
Whilst I'm on the go, why not a set of wings or brevet for the shirt and restrict flying clothing for flying? after all you shouldn't see people overalls/denims/dustcoats/chefs gear (sorry don't know correct name) and if you do you should put them right:ok:

I bet that either kills the thread or prompts massive excuses about time spent getting changed etc etc for those see above.:E

did I tell you I'm on leave tomorrow? :ok: :} :D

allan907 5th Aug 2004 02:18

How's about designing a blue-ish uniform; hard wearing that can be used for combat situations and normal day to day wear; shortish jacket so that it doesn't get in the way of webbing or get caught in machinery; couple of generous breast pockets; perhaps an eagle on the shoulders above the airman rank insignia attached to the sleeve (officers on epaulettes). Could be made of different materials if a rank differentiation needed.

Oh, you could also call it a "Battle Dress"

Spotting Bad Guys 5th Aug 2004 05:00

I prefer CS95 over blues any day of the week - far more practical and looks a lot more 'military' (whatever that might be these days) than the RAC uniform we currently have to put up with.

But - whatever we do, we have to avoid the latest initiative from our USAF cousins....http://www.af.mil/photos/index.asp?galleryID=231


BEagle 5th Aug 2004 07:23

Mmm - nice? Err, no.

Looks like some Milletts Marauder - AWFUL!

allan907 5th Aug 2004 13:25

But BEagle it will make one a very difficult target if you are caught out in any blue speckly terrain. And you might scoff but that is just the kind of environment on Planet Zzarg.

JessTheDog 6th Aug 2004 20:44

I found out something interesting today....

For those of us with name patches on the right side of our CS95, we are to remove these and await further direction. The Dress Policy Committee has not reached a decision as to what will be done with any name patches! So the right side really does not know what the left side is doing!!! This also speaks volumes about the lateral thinking powers of these guys - if the right side is in use, how many other sides do we have?

...or maybe they are deliberating upon the prospect of allowing those of us with brevets to display them, as so many seem to do already, perhaps in anticipation of such a ruling! A lump of sugar to make all those bitter pills easier to swallow!

...maybe there is a Gp Capt (CS 95), with an SO1 (Top Half) who has a SO2 (Left) and a SO2 (Right) who are not talking!

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