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P51 mustang 5th May 2004 17:42

Career in the RAF.
It looks like my dream of becoming a pilot is going to be a near impossible task to accomplish due to a lack of cash, so I was thinking about a career with the RAF. I'm currently doing a degree in aerospace engineering but my heart isn't in it. I know that I can never be a pilot in the RAF as I'm short sighted, but I was wondering if anyone could suggest any jobs whereby I'd be in the air on a regular basis. Maybe as a gunner on a SAR helicopter or something.
Yes, I am aware that there's a RAF website but I'd rather prefer first hand information from those "in the know".
All responses will be greatly appreciated.

STANDTO 5th May 2004 17:49

" a gunner on a SAR helicopter "

Sort of defeats the object, methinks.

There are lots of trades. Only way to find out about them is to start trawling the web. See what floats your boat, then make further enqs with the careers office.

That is, of course, if we still have an Air Force by then

SirToppamHat 5th May 2004 18:12

Are you sure that the degree of short-sightedness prevents acceptance for pilot? Search the site for info and check.

Short-sightedness shouldn't be a barrier to commercial employment, and there are schemes for a lucky few.

I don't know enough about DE WSO to offer an opinion, but there are plenty on the site that will.

I suspect that joining on the ground (eng?) will ultimately leave you frustrated if flying is your thing, but with a degree in Aeronautical Eng I would think you stand a reasonable chance. Promotion prospects are pretty good as an Eng Officer, and should leave you with cash (and facilities depending on your location) to make flying a hobby.

Fighter Control offers a route for some to crew duties on the E-3D, but can take 3-4 years at the moment because there is no direct entrant scheme for E-3D rear crews.

If your eyesight turns out not to be a limiting factor, you will need to work on your story if you are to stand a chance of getting through the Interview Board. Whilst I suspect lack of cash is a reason many would-be pilots join the services, it is unlikely to go down well at OASC Cranwell as the sole reason for the application!!

Whatever you decide, good luck!

Mr C Hinecap 6th May 2004 05:41

Honestly? From your post you are possibly not QUITE motivated enough to get in & that far. Lack of cash and can't be @rsed to finish a degree you chose are not going to be the best indicators for selection are they?
Well you did ask.

MobiusTrip 7th May 2004 02:48

".......and a mere seven minutes after ejection, the water-logged pilot spotted the glorious sight of the yellow helicopter approaching his dinghy. The helicopter turned side on and the pilot saw what he thought was the winch operator connecting up some rescue equipment to a support strut. At first, the strange flashing from the helicopter door, the 'crack crack crack' noises and the fast repeated splashes of water around his dinghy bemused him........"

Training Risky 7th May 2004 09:31

"......the winch operator started shouting manically 'get some, get some' while shredding up the downed pilot's PSP. He grinned at the loadmaster and cackled: 'any pilot who swims is a VC, the ones that stay still - are well disciplined VC!' The loadmaster shouted to him 'how can you shoot Tornado pilots like this?'. The winch op said: 'easy, you pretend they're Harrier pilots instead! Ain't Search and Rescue hell?!, hah hah hah.... (bang bang bang)........."

(Apologies to the late, great Stanley Kubrick)

Grand Fromage 7th May 2004 11:45


How short sighted are you? The RAF do have marginal limits on eyesight (can anyone expand?!?) so in your shoes, i'd get my head in the books/RAF website and pull my finger out.

So far, even with duff eyesight, you could have got:
A 6th form flying scholarship (1/2 a ppl!)
You could be on a UAS, Ground Branch (eg short sighted) studes are allowed to fly a bit, but if you're keen, you can go to the airfield when it's quiet and get a bit more flying in.

If you're not too fussed about being an officer, you could go down the non commisionned aircrew route where there are loads of flying oppurtunities.

Have a think about whether you want to serve in HM forces and if you do then do your homework as to eliminate schoolboy questions and get down to your local careers office.

All the best!


P.S. If you decide the RAFs not for you, my recommendation would be to stay out of the UAS as it is a large social and serious responsibility and isn't there for pure enjoyment.

comedyjock 7th May 2004 14:39

Didn't think there was such a thing as a career in the forces. I thought we only had jobs now!!!

sarboy w****r 7th May 2004 22:38

"a gunner on a SAR helicopter "...

Turn a difficult sit into an easy wet...

snaggletooth 8th May 2004 00:57

"a gunner on a SAR helicopter..."

Maybe we should go from being the 'SAR Force' to the 'SAD Force'... Search & Destroy! Bring it on!

snaggletooth 11th May 2004 09:34

Thanks for the following email P51 (aged 5?),

"The USAF have gunners on their SAR special ops copters so there! Mr.Knowitall!"

They do indeed, but you are now referring to the heady world of Combat SAR, very different from SAR. Please endeavour to use the correct terminology in future & see me after class.

friendlyfairy 11th May 2004 23:38

Mustang, I think you'd suit a career as a console jockey in the back of an E3 stuffing Mars bars and pies down your throat, oh and maybe you could do a couple of mission assignments or something if you feel like it. Now thats a career!

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