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nazmasterx 27th Mar 2004 19:10

A problem with OASC - Can someone offer advice?
Hi there,

Im just wondering if any one can offer me some advice. Im going to O.A.S.C soon and i've got a problem that I will need to explain when I get down there...

A while back I was a UAS student in his first year who managed to get himself racially abused and assaulted on the street. The problem was for me that I got subsequently got arrested and charged with assault.
I told my UAS commander ,who being the great bloke he was fully supported me all the way when I told him i was innocent and that would fight the charges.

Two years later after much pain, money and frustration I was found guilty in court of the offence and did the honourable thing of offering my resignation to the UAS. That was a really devastating blow as it had always been my dream to join the RAF and fly.

Luckily for myself, I continued my fight and got myself cleared in the Appeal court.
Oviously pleased I waited a few months to take stock of life and decided that my love of the RAF and flying had not waned and I walked in to my local AFCO to get the ball rolling with regards to direct entry.

I explained my predicament to the Wing Commander who was dealling with my application who again was fully supportive and really helped with my application with some really good advice
Fast forward to 2 months ago when I got a nice "Sod off" letter from a squadron leader at OASC wishing me well for the future!
A bit aggreived I gave this chap a call and after winning a feirce argument, he said he would review my case and after a another strongly worded letter, I was offered a date.

Now the problem for me is how do I explain myself and the way the situation panned out to the guys at OASC. Especially considering the hassle I had in even obtaining a date. Am I wasting my time with the RAF? I just fear that no matter how well I do at OASC i'll get told to get lost at the end of it all...

Hope some one can help?

opso 27th Mar 2004 20:21

No, you are not wasting your time.

About halfway through the interview, just before handing over from one board member to the other, you will be asked:

You will have received information about the rehabilitation of offenders act. Bearing in mind your rights, what adverse contact have you had with the police?
That's the time to tell them the truth in a succinct manner. You were subjected to a racial attack whilst in your first year at uni, but you were the one arrested, charged and found guilty of assault. Knowing that you were innocent, you appealed and was cleared of the charge X years later/ago. The board will probably ask you a couple more questions, but will move on quite quickly to the second half of the interview. There will be more interesting and relevent things to get you talking about.

nazmasterx 28th Mar 2004 19:17

Thanks guys for some good advice. Most people I have spoke to have said its best to be honest and thats exactly what I think to.

Hopefully with some good revison and preperation with a little bit of luck I can do this.

I dare say, i'll do a post to let every one know how I get on and maybe i'll even see a few of you chaps on Pprune at Cranwell in May.



nazmasterx 28th Mar 2004 22:12

Whats a hamilton?...

Im just asking because some chap posted last nite, telliing me not too bother with the raf because I was a "Hamilton".

That post has now been deleted but I sure would like to know what he meant by that little comment?



jammers 29th Mar 2004 04:48

Ask Jenvey......he should be able to put you straight......:p

bad livin' 29th Mar 2004 18:46

Sorry to hear of your troubles, but glad that you had the courage and tenacity to fight your way clear. I suspect I know who this Sqn Ldr is, and if I do he caused enormous trouble for myself and several others when I was in the RAF for a brief period.

The moral courage you've displayed above will stand you in excellent stead - the RAF should take all that into account so long as you follow the excellent advice given.

Best of luck


Feneris 30th Mar 2004 19:52

Check you private messages.

nimrodcatcher 31st Mar 2004 09:49

Hi Naz.....sorry to hear about your troubles....good luck with OASC (and beyond!!).

Hailing from the West of Scotland, I can tell you that a "Hamilton" is a rather childish but very racist term....rhyming slang in fact, from Hamilton Academicals football team....know colloquially as "the Accies"....

I won't insult anyone by finishing the last sentence.

Don't let them put you off.....good luck in your career.

allan907 19th Apr 2004 16:46

Best of luck at OASC. The advice about the 'trouble with police' question is absolutely accurate - as an ex-recruiter and IOT flight commander I can vouch for it.

However, extra piece of gratuitous advice which will probably be greeted with howls of indignation from the 'operational' side (I are now one (civilian) so understand both sides!) you definitely need to brush up on your spelling if you hope to be an officer.

Chin chin!

STANDTO 19th Apr 2004 18:49

Best of luck mate

You'll see from my profile why I have an interest in your case. It goes a long way to show that the problem of institutional racism goes far beyond just the police service - the judicial system did you no favours before appeal either.

It might be an idea, to provide a rounded answer, to have a look at some of the McPherson report, and gain an understanding of what sometimes causes things to go wrong. Equally important are the steps taken to improve things since.

You show immense strength of character, and even 'did the decent thing' by offering your UAS resignation. If you can demonstrate those values to the Board, then you are up there with the best.

I am sorry you had to go through it in the first place


Mightycrewseven 20th Apr 2004 20:40



Because it appears that a ppruner has blantantly posted an extremely racist remark here in this forum.


Even if the pruner in question subsequently deleted his racist post. You must inform the moderator immediately as this must not happen again. I would go as far as suggesting you name the pruner in your thread.

I will remain on my soap box on this one!!!!

M7 :mad:

SpotterFC 20th Apr 2004 22:28


Concur entirely!


Mightycrewseven 23rd Apr 2004 00:29

Any news on this Naz or Moderator???????????????

I think I will continue to post (to keep thread current) until this issue is sorted. This cannot go overlooked. I do not want the same pruner posting on any threads I create.

Fair one or not???? How do you feel? Over to you pruners.

M7 :(

Always_broken_in_wilts 23rd Apr 2004 01:25

Maybe who ever did it is feeling a bit " Ron Atkinson like" so lets not get too carried away. We all say stupid things from time to time but if we are brave enought to attempt to put things right then some lenience should be given............just my humble thoughts:sad:

all spelling mistakes are "df" alcohol induced

theboywide 23rd Apr 2004 01:30

The best policy with OASC is to be completely honest. They're obviously happy with you so far as you've been given a date so you'll just be another guy in the pool!
Best of luck - see you in the bar soon!

Ray Dahvectac 23rd Apr 2004 09:31

MC7 - while I agree with your sentiments, I disagree with the idea of a public witch-hunt, especially one that starts three weeks or more after the event.

The issue appears to have been dealt with, either by the poster himself, or a Mod, deleting the offending (and offensive) post. If deleted by a Mod, then no doubt other things were said privately at the time to the offender. If deleted by the OP (if that is even possible on this board?) then he realised the error of his ways and probably and rightly feels like the complete :mad: that he is.

Either way, I think that justice has been done behind the scenes (as it should be) and I don't think we need roll out the ducking stool just yet.

Just my £0.02......

nazmasterx 1st May 2004 02:00

Thanks to everyone who posted on this topic - the support is much appreciated.

To put Mightycrewseven's mind at rest, the situation with the offensive post was dealt with by myself - thanks though for the concern. :ok:

Having private'ly messaged the person in question who wrote the offensive post, telling him to be a man and explain his comments i was messaged with an apology a week later.
Although the apology was based on Alcohol induced stupidity which is quite lame (been there done it), it was accepted so enough said on the issue.

I'm away to OASC in a weeks time so hears hoping and praying!!!

Thanks again everyone for the advice and support,


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