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-   -   New RAF Recruitment Ad. (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/113546-new-raf-recruitment-ad.html)

country calls 10th Jan 2004 20:14

This ad is one of the worst in a long list. But may have been cleverly placed and aimed at parents of the current generation of little darlings.

The recruiters haven't got the money to place it in the prime spots for the demographic it is aimed at, so it goes into the middle of programmes no 17 year old would ever watch. However, they are seen by mums and dads who like to think that their little bunnykins wont get the same treatment as grandad did on National Service. Bunnykins to parents: Im thinking of joining the army. Parents to Bunnykins: no my little darling, join the RAF, because they care!

The ad would have no effect on a 17 year old anyway, as recruiters are running under the misconception that the target audience never reads a newspaper. They will never see the story of the man who died from chest wounds because he didnt have body armour. Shortage of boots? Guns that dont work? Pension scheme about to be destroyed? Defence cuts? Todays yoof don't know about that because they are too busy playing with Lara Croft.

WRONG! I have a 19 year old nephew who if there ever is one is a waste of skin. He has had a number of jobs since leaving school, his longest lasting 7 weeks. BUT, he reads a paper every day for his horse racing tips. And the name of the paper? The Daily Sport, which bless it, has run all the above stories in between pictures of scantily clad ladies. And he has taken enough notice to ask me about them.

So, let us take some of the media budget and buy lots of kit that works, then get the stories in the papers that read " British Forces welfare packages to match US ones, in deal to buy air conditioners for every tent in the inventory" " Chancellor rules that all servicemen will get a tax rebate for time spent away" Things to entice people into this job, rather than Mc Donalds; who lets face it care more about their staff anyway

I would be interested to know how much this ad cost, and then make every recruiting NCO ask as their first question, did this ad make you come in here today? And dont even get me started on the budget that the equal opportunities/ethnic recruitment people have wasted since that began!!!!

DH98 12th Jan 2004 04:15

Warming up nicely!

Incidentally, most of TG9 are unskilled, ill informed and amatuerish, you one of them dodgyopsguy?

You know what they say about teachers, those who can't................

Nil nos tremefacit 12th Jan 2004 04:59

Presumably this ad is about the present RAF and those of us who felt that we weren't always valued whilst we were in can't report it to the ASA:confused:

flyboy007 13th Jan 2004 04:00

This latest ad, has to be the biggest load of cr%p ever (although in very close competition with the "Investors in people" stickers everywhere). I was lost for words on seeing that ad for the first time; besides, I was laughing too hard to speak! No doubt such a punchy ad will attract a real bunch of gung-ho fighters, stamping their feet in anticipation of their first splinter. Imagine in their stampede to sign up, the splinter hungry masses trample each other. Not a promblem though; the Company will care for them!!!!
Oh to be so disillusioned!

Talking Radalt 13th Jan 2004 04:43

Nothing new. Read this from a couple of years ago.

http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=39120&perpage=15&highlight=advertisi ng%20guru&pagenumber=1

Re the comments towards the end....
I'm still waiting for the phone to ring:rolleyes:

Runaway Gun 13th Jan 2004 04:54

Flyboy007, I'd love to see the advertising they used to grab your soul... :E

NURSE 13th Jan 2004 07:49

is this the add with the checkout boy with the skelf in his finger?
Not seen it through i just change channel whats it all about.

almost as bad as the 'I command a TA recce section' add

BEagle 13th Jan 2004 15:16

Ironic that this $hite advert should be shown in the ad break of the Ch4 'Spitfire Ace' programme last night! Sublime to ridiculous in 30 seconds..

Heard another good 'Be the best' advert for the Army on the radio whilst driving home yesterday - well done Army, whoever the designer-stubbled pony-tailed luvvies are who produce the load of cr@p for the RAF could learn a lesson from you!

buoy15 13th Jan 2004 20:31

I remember some years ago the Inspector of Recruiting - a 1star - visited a crew room at ice station kilo to 'meet the lads' Within earshot of some hairy old masters he asked his PSO "What are all thes SNCO's doing here?"
I have also flown with numerous groundies who said they had been assured by the CIO that if they signed up to be a policeman (etc) right now!! - they could apply to be a pilot later on. :ok:
On a similar tack, the present round of leaflets and posters would suggest that the only aircraft in our inventory are Torphoos and Tynados
The thrill of a cheap buy is soon numbed by the pain of poor quality:{

Semicolon 14th Jan 2004 04:22

Beagle is quite right when he says from the sublime to the ridiculous in 30 secs.

The RAF had a perfect opportunity for a 2 min ad which would appeal to the latter day 'few' in waiting. Courage, dedication professionalism etc etc. Instead we got a PC advert showing that if you've got a cold you'll be excused that irritating scramble or that monotonous mission over enemy territory.

Can anyone shed any light on who passed these ads as suitable material to attract potential military aircrew?

Talking Radalt 14th Jan 2004 04:51

How about....
A centre spread in The Sun detailing a day in the life of a well known South Atlantic penguin colony where boisterous yoofs in the prime of life get to:
Ar$e around in front of a captive audience of totty, (sometimes naked, the yoofs and/or the totty),
Jig around in a condemned and dimly lit Portakabin,
Watch last months big screen hits for a quid,
Do every sport they can imagine,
Be consoled by an adoptive "mum" of the WRVS and her home-made bread pudding, (no laughing at the back)
Get pi$$ed for a fiver (per week)
See some great wildlife with a free helicopter ride thrown in...
....or has it been done?
"Allegedly" the recruiters were snowed under after that edition.

"What would you like to be? A policeman, a chef, a driver?" :\
"Don't care! When can I go to the Falklands?!" :D

MovinWings 14th Jan 2004 16:06

I was unlucky enough to see the 'Super Market, Splinter' episode the other night. Having been in a 'few' years, I will say that I have never in my life see a bigger load of Cr@p!

At best, it will touch and and motivate the worthless and weak of the world....... But probably, it will just cost a small fortune, and provide nothing but ridicule.

Pointless, Pathetic, Politically Correct, Pi$$ing Cr@p.


Beeayeate 14th Jan 2004 16:45

Think about it. Some young bloke will see the ad, think to himself "Cool", and join. Then. . .

. . . gets his finger ripped by a bit of locking wire while working deep inside an aircraft. Becomes totally disillusioned when nobody takes a blind bit of notice - Staish doesn't come running, concerned individuals don't gather around and gently lead him to a nice cup of tea with visitor's biscuits. In fact all that happens is he gets a boŁŁocking from the Chiefy for bleeding on the airframe! :hmm:

Result? Yet another "yoof" who can't wait to get out 'cos the mob don't give a toss!

Wren said it all years ago . . .


Blunty 14th Jan 2004 17:04

I cannot help but wonder if the makers of the advert are extremely clever. The advert is so bad everbody, and their dogs, rip it apart and say the RAF is not like that. Endless debates persue, pages of Pprune comments, etc etc. So have they achieved there aim of promoting the RAF......................

Talking Radalt 15th Jan 2004 07:56

". . . gets his finger ripped by a bit of locking wire deep while working inside an aircraft"

Emergency state one! Emergency state one! Sumpy JT...ickle splinter...fore-finger of right hand. Emergency state one! emergency state one! :O

BEagle 15th Jan 2004 14:46

Blunty - yes, the 'it might be a cr@p advert, but it's getting the customer's product talked about' is indeed a self-gratifying piece of nonsense often trotted out by advertsing luvvies.

Doea anyone seriously think that this utter rubbish will have a positive effect on recruiting?

Blunty 15th Jan 2004 23:10

BEagle - agree totally. When I was in recruiting the people who came through the door wanted to be one of the 3 P's (Pilot, Policeman or PTI). We never had any problems recruiting for any branches or trades and I think that is still the case. Maybe the education establisments should concentrate on life skills and not coaching to pass exams!

Ombit 17th Jan 2004 20:29


Incidentally, most of TG9 are unskilled, ill informed and amatuerish, you one of them dodgyopsguy?
Excuse me, but didn't you say you were TG9. Because if that's the case, isn't it a case of pot calling kettle......

Or am I to assume that the 'Most' doesn't refer to your obvious, extremely professional, ****** retentive, Self Important self?????

I am proud, to call myself TG9 :O[Await banter]. And in the xx amount of years I have served, I can honestly say almost all TG9 I have worked with have been of the utmost prossionalism. I have only ever had problems with the ones who have a self obsessed, over-rated opinion of themselves - get my drift DH98!!!!!!

Obviously, you will be sadly missed when you leave your unit. But I wouldn't wear your best clothes when your station has 'DH98's leaving' party, because it's obviously going to be THEIR celebration!

Phew! Now I've had my rant, back to the subject!

Yes the advert is bl**dy awful. When I first saw the manager closing the store because of a splinter, I was laughing. Then when I saw it was an advert for the RAF my face dropped.

However, it is an improvement on the advert from the eighties! You know the one - no dialogue, just a Tornado flying low level followed by the message 'The Royal Air Force'. It seems they are trying to improve things, they've just gone completely off track [or is that on-Crack]!

DH98 18th Jan 2004 19:39


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I think you'll find that I can't wait to leave and put as much space between me and the half trained muppets in the trade. Excluding the controllers, most of you are nothing more than glorified ATC Admin! Now be a good chap, bog off and bore somebody else with another airfield driving brief, and when you've done that the SATCO would like one sugar in his tea.

Molesworth Hold 18th Jan 2004 20:24

I’m glad to see TG9 is the same as always. I agree with almost all of what DH98 says, but not necessarily the way he says it.

The basic recruit is probably much as he/she ever was, but they seem to be less mature, probably because they have only known an educational environment. I was a total and utter tw@t when I joined up but I would, like to think that the training sorted that out (although many will disagree.) The real challenge is working out ways to get through to today’s yoof, the methods that worked in the past certainly don’t work now.

For the people who are fond of quotes, how about this one, from an LAC that I “work” with:
“I don’t do Fridays”

Just to add to the TG9 pi$$ing contest I expect that FOTF is the same den of vice that TTF was.

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