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-   -   Personal info available on the web! (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/110773-personal-info-available-web.html)

EnnArr 2nd Dec 2003 05:43

Personal info available on the web!
Having recently attended an aircrew survival course based in the West Country and having had a 'chat' with some nice people from a certain 'persuasive questioning' organisation........deep breath........it was made blatantly obvious to me that quite a lot of personal information is available to ANYONE on the WWW. I am referring to websites such as Friends Reunited, 192.com etc etc. If one is silly enough to put info on there it can/will be used against you and you family, should you be unlucky enough to be detained by a (any) nasty foreign power.

Might I suggest that anyone who works in an operational environment should delete any info they have put on the web about themselves and their families asap.

I thank you for your time..........happy flying! :ok:

Stray Fin 2nd Dec 2003 06:18

NR. You're preaching either to the converted or the indifferent. Unfortunately the second subset will, even in times of conflict, seek publicity. For example: in the recent fisty-cuffs there were the odd one or two aircrew who were chomping at the bit to give interviews to the local rag or FHM etc, quite aware of the possible consequences.
Some even changed hair colour for the photos...
But your 'chat' certainly does make you think twice about things!

Runaway Gun 3rd Dec 2003 04:59

Isn't it ironic... don't ya think?

Strangely enough, a look at your Pprune profile gives out the following:

Licence Type (eg CPL. Pilots only) I wish!
Current a/c Type (eg B737. Pilots only) Whirly thing.......narrows it down a bit
Biography 30 something
Location UK - darn saff
Interests Flying, Drinking, Singing, Falling over...
Occupation Professional Co-pilot/Groundrunner

Now if only I could figure out your initials I could probably guess your name... :D

Tonkenna 3rd Dec 2003 05:50

Had the same lecture a few weeks ago, very interesting.

RG, good point, though your nasty interigator would need to know your username, and as far as I am aware the Geneva Convention doesn't say that you have to tell them ;) Oh and I am not that fat :)


EnnArr 3rd Dec 2003 06:20

RG, if you figure out my initials and then suss my name I will be bloody impressed! 'Narrows it down a bit' - Hmmmm, well maybe down to several hundred possibilities, well done fella. As for:

Current a/c Type (eg B737. Pilots only): Big and Noisy
Biography: Big and Angry
Location: Canada
Interests: Smoke and Mirrors
Occupation: Taking over control

.....not really sure, hang on..........I know who you are!!!

Stray Fin: You say that I am preaching to the converted/indifferent? I beg to differ sir, there are over 100,000 people on the military part of friends reunited.......and yes it sobered me up no end.

Hopefully, point made. Mine's a boddies........

sittingstress 3rd Dec 2003 06:43


Many thanks for spreading the good word! I wonder whether I had the pleasure of your company during the recent "chatting" session?

In fact during a visit today at a certain Odd unit did we have a confirmatory natter?

Tonkenna, we certainly don't need your usernames or any other info that is not in the public domain. Glad you found the lecture interesting. I am mightily impressed with the positive attitudes we meet when out and about briefing. This is a refreshing change from only 2 or 3 years ago.

To all, please take heed of your mates advice and bin all the silliness. After all it is your welfare in a nasty situation that is at stake.

On a much lighter note; I was GDT Rock in a previous job so if you fancy some concurrent activity, let me know and I can arrange for you to be gassed at the same time as being "chatted" to!

Yours, the ever proffessional Integrator

A Civilian 3rd Dec 2003 08:34

Don't you all think this is going a bit to far :)

If you wanted to find out who is who all I would need is you're IP address and a big bribe to my corrupt DSS office staffer/ Inland Rev staffer/ NHS staffer/ police staffer as all these people are legally allowed to interegate your're ISP for your personal information to find out you're name, address, credit card number and porno preference's :p

Welcome to the information age.

EnnArr 3rd Dec 2003 14:39

CTM - I pussy Q Sir!

Scud-U-Like 3rd Dec 2003 19:46

It doesn't exactly take Freddie Forsyth to work out who the indifferent are.

Navy/Army/Air Force List + Who's Who + 192.com = The bleedin' obvious.

Our brass need not worry about CAC, but, if I were a civvy, I wouldn't be too chuffed about having one of them as my nextdoor neighbour.

Runaway Gun 4th Dec 2003 02:30

Your Brevet is a bit funny.....
Thanks EnnArr for highlighting the seriousness in internet security problems. I agree fully with your point of view.

Yet I see your faces in various HM publications with the name below in bold print, or in your hometown newspaper when 'little Johnny' does well.

But if the Aviators go and represent the Forces at an airshow, or even go to work, then they must wear their real name on their chest. Why couldn't the boys/girls wear patches with "Bob", "Suz" or "Doctor Love" instead of their full label?

Admittedly names suitable to the correct sex would be ideal, but then again, maybe that would confuse the bad guys even more...:p

SpotterFC 4th Dec 2003 03:39

You don't have to post anything on 192.com. Just forget to mention you want to be ex-directory to BT, or forget to tick the box on the electoral register form that says you don't want your info placed in the 'Public' version of the Register and you'll end up on that particular web site. Then everybody can see wonderful aerial shots of your house and get detailed directions to your abode.

Isn't the internet wonderful?

Tonkenna 4th Dec 2003 04:15


It was indeed good value, and I really must stop wearing my PPRUNE name badge!!

It is very scary though just how much info is out there about us all, not just those in the mil, but I don't think there is a lot we can really do. If someone is intent on finding out about us they will, but you're right about not making it easy. I even checked what I had in friends reunited, though I didn't put much there any way, hated school;)

By the way, the idea about CS is :mad:, but thanks for the offer.

Tonks :)

sittingstress 6th Dec 2003 21:45

Their names are on the database
A fine and valiant effort by the 2 blokes at Leuchars which deserves the praise it got and is definately a newsworthy story. Positive PR is always something the head honchos strive for and in it's own right is a good thing.

However, 2 FJ aircrew have now been totally compromised including the previous flying background of one of them. I know there are those out there who think all this is cloak and dagger stuff, but I assure you that when your arse is in a sling you will be just about able to behave as briefed. Any added pressure bought to bear by the knowledge, pictures etc. of personal details will make things many times worse.

PR opportunities should not be refused but they can be better managed. The guys could have had badgeless suits on and faces pixelated out, or turn their backs, or put their helmets on with the dark visor down. Identity protection of this sort is given to alleged criminals so why shouldn't you guys have the same rights. If the broadcasters refuse then boot them off the unit. If the Station PR team refuses then please direct them our unit. Your sqn CSRO will have the contact details.

I do feel stongly about this as currently the aircrew who have to fly and put themselves at risk are being let down badly by the PR machine. Remember, it will be you who may have to bear the brunt some time so please stand up to the people organising these events and demand anonymity.

This nag is bought to you not by a jobsworth, but by someone who believes passionately that what he does for a living is right in the long run and it has saved lives.

Ladies and gentlemen here endeth the sermon.

ZH875 7th Dec 2003 05:14

Beware - Your details are available
A mate of mine passed this message on to me and due to this thread being started, I thought you might want to know where it is.

This may come as a shock, but there IS a website that holds everyone's passport details - including your photo. The worrying thing is that anyone can access other people's personal info. I've removed my info. I suggest you all do the same and quickly.

The website address is


Runaway Gun 7th Dec 2003 05:32

Sacre Bleu

That certainly is a shock. I just checked it out. Thanks :ok:

sittingstress 7th Dec 2003 16:32

Ye Gods!
Thank you for the top tip. The photo is even a high quality scan, very accurate.

QuidProQuo 7th Dec 2003 17:13

Well, I am delighted the Passport site exists. My picture is much better - I can only assume they have digitally enhanced it. I have asked if they can send me a copy to replace my rather dog eared passport.

Pilgrim101 7th Dec 2003 22:02

When they connect the anode and cathode to my privates, they'll get a damn sight more out of me than anything I've put on the web. Being a Jock, they won't get my credit card details though :p

Impiger 8th Dec 2003 00:08

Even combat aircrew don't live in isolation from the rest of the world and it is naive to think that by scrubbing some low grade information from perfectly normal sources you are protecting anything. Having done CAC, Bad K and other courses the lesson I took away was don't be surprised that they know where you went to school, or the name of your award winning budgy etc. I also realised the complete futility of the Big 6 - they know more than that, you know they know, they know you know they know etc etc.

Answer talk lots but say little. Just a view:rolleyes:

Paterbrat 8th Dec 2003 05:31

Thought Brit Rail camera booth caught my smile rather well.

FFP 8th Dec 2003 23:03

With you on that Impiger !!!

I've always found it ironic that you get payed every day, full pay, inc flying pay, when on leave but if you find yourself staying at the Baghdad Plaza at the pleasure of some dictator, you have your pay stopped !!

Must be something to do with the fact that as a POW you are entitled to be paid for work by your captor :rolleyes:

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