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18greens 5th Sep 2003 17:38

RAF Flag and Fly by for a Funeral -Update
I'm not sure if this is the right forum but here goes.

A freinds father was a Spitfire Pilot in the RAF. He died this week and they want an RAF flag over the coffin. Does anyone know where to buy one?

Also I was thinking could some sort of flyby be arranged. Its short notice and I could oblige with a Warrior or a Seminole but if a Spitfire or a Tornado could pass by on their way back from somewhere it would mean a lot to the family. Can this sort of thing be done? Who can you call?

Any help would be appreciated.

The Swinging Monkey 5th Sep 2003 17:56


May I suggest that you contact your 'local' RAF base or ATC unit? I would hope that under the circumstances, the SWO or PRO at the base would let you 'borrow' the said item. Where are you located ?
As for the flypast...phew!
There is a contact at MOD who deals solely with these sort of things, and I suppose you should try there initially, however....
it may be worth a phone call to BBMF at Coningsby and ask them the question. If they can't help you directly, they will sure know the man (or woman) at MOD who can. Good Luck, I am sure 'the boys' will do all they can to help.
MOD Tel No: 020 7218 9000 (switchboard) Ask to speak to Wg Cdr Ned Kelly (head of RAF Communications) if anyone can, Ned can!

Best wishes and kind regards

The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, lets raise a glass to a fallen hero'

WebPilot 5th Sep 2003 17:59

Flags are easily obtained from mil surplus dealers etc. If there's nothing local to you, try http://www.astroflag.co.uk for a cheap one or http://www.newtonnewtonflags.com/fla...nsign_flag.htm for a good qualilty one.

Re the flypast, the best bet to get a service flypast would be to find out which squadrons he was associated with and get in touch with the adj, if they are still current.

If you're after a Spitfire (or similar), the BBMF are probably unable to help as their tasking is set for the year (but worth a look on their website as they publish the tasking and who knows, there might be something passing by that could be diverted). You might get more joy from the Fighter Collection or one of the other warbird firms if they have something in the vicinity at the appropriate time. Ring up Dux switchboard and ask about....

noprobs 5th Sep 2003 20:39

Just to save you wasted energy searching for the RAF ensign, correct protocol, even for serving personnel, is that the coffin is covered by the Union Flag. On top, the deceased's service cap and decorations may be placed. The local RAFA will be able to provide all that is needed, and the Aircrew Association may be able to point to surviving colleagues.

The Swinging Monkey 7th Sep 2003 16:58

Ooops - Just realised, Ned Kelly is now a Group Captain!
Sorry Ned, I know you won't take offence.

Don't give up on BBMF - they are always willing to help out, and whilst Web pilot may well be correct, they are worth a try.

Good luck
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, better send Ned a bottle of the 'Famous stuff!

QuidProQuo 7th Sep 2003 17:14

Good luck with your attempt. But don't try to get Ned Kelly at MOD - he isn't there!! He is Gp Capt CC at HQ STC. Don't know his number but STC switchboard should have it. A word of caution though. Flypasts for funerals are not normally agreed to because of the massive precedence setting - but nothing ventured.....

jimgriff 8th Sep 2003 00:54

A good friend of mine recently died. He was a Grp Cpt who used to fly Hercs.
I phoned Lynham and had brilliant co operation with his old sqdn.
Faxed them a map and co ordinates of the crem. Got permission from a controlled zone nearby and if the a/c had not gone U/S would have had a flypast on the second Ken crossed the Styx so to speak.

It can be done and well done to all who try. It means a lot to those left behind that someone cares.

keep at them

Megaton 9th Sep 2003 01:28

Participation Committee may have something to say about it as well since they are supposed to be the focal point for this sort of thing.

BEagle 9th Sep 2003 03:55

Normally a special 'do' can be sorted if the right people are on-side.....

A few years ago when the sqn I was serving on had rather more say over its day-to-day activities, we managed to obtain clearance for a fly-past at the funeral of an ex-sqn chum who had died rather suddenly. It took a lot of planning, consulting the various Rules and People in Charge of said rules, but strings were pulled (as was some wool) and we flew over the church as we'd briefed. Possibly a bit lower than we'd allegedly intended, but we had to give his ghost a wry smile....;)

Then flew back below clouds/gliders/spamcans etc to the Secret Oxonian Airbase, co-incidentally right over a mate's wedding reception..... :E :E

18greens 9th Sep 2003 15:37

Thanks for all of the replies everyone.

I have been in touch with participation and even if the flight does not happen the family has been impressed with the interest that has been shown in 'sorting something out' for one of their own.

Funeral is tomorrow so we await blue skies and a healthy roar. I'll let you know if anything happens.

European Crash 9th Sep 2003 17:48

Funeral Flypast
Some years ago, a colleague of mine on a JP solo did some unauthorised aeros over a small village to impress a girl that he had met during a land away.

When he returned to his base, he was met on the pan by the OpsO who said they had received a phone call from a vicar concerning low flying during a funeral in said vallge. The pilot (who was dark-skinned) went very, very pale (for he was a devout sort of chap). The Ops O said something to the effect, 'you owe me some beers, for I have been able to to keep this quiet'. The colour of said pilot gradually returned; Ops O then mentioned, 'Actually the vicar rang up to thank us for the fly past - the chap they were burying was in the RAF during the war!'

God does move in mysterious ways!

18greens 10th Sep 2003 22:14

Well I never thought it would happen but the RAF put up two Jaguars from his old squadron for the fly by.

A fantastic and emotional sendoff for the old boy and greatly appreciated by everyone there.

A big thanks to everyone who helped.

Jordan D 10th Sep 2003 22:19

18greens, I'm very pleased that it all went off well, especially with all the bad weather that's around Southern England.

Good to see the RAF could help!


chinny 10th Sep 2003 22:22

;) Trust the Jag mates to come through:ok:

The Swinging Monkey 10th Sep 2003 23:50


What a result!
I am absolutely delighted that 'we' can still do the right stuff.
Well done to the Jag boys

The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, a bottle of the finest to the Jag sqn'

scroggs 11th Sep 2003 00:41

Isn't it nice to read some good news for a change - especially when beaurocracy can, and often does, screw it all up? Well done that Jag sqn, and whoever made the flypast possible!

Chris Kebab 11th Sep 2003 15:01

18 Greens - great result , well done.

And even though I say it through gritted teeth well done to the Jag mates for doing the business.

CrabInCab 23rd Sep 2003 17:07

Was listening to Nimrod (Elgar not elgin!) when I read the thread, how apt. Bought a tear to my eye that the Jag boys (and girls?) sorted it out at such short notice. At last some news to be proud of.

Three cheers for Colt and godspeed to our fallen hero.


Didntdoit 24th Sep 2003 16:38

Tell you what, after some of the naff threads, this has made fantastic and chest welling reading. If there is anything I miss from my time in, it is the ability to get things done. This time Jags, next time someone else. Whislt in RAFG, the Herc Wing pulled out the stops to get a training flight to landaway, agreeing to carry some mourners back to a funeral. The Wilts MT Wg put on a coach. Another training flight got them back.

When it matters, it matters and people deliver.

Keep the faith, boys and girls.

Nuff respect.

coley chaos 24th Sep 2003 22:02

To those people who made this flypast possible, not only must you have made the ceremony quite a moving one, but to a general dogsbody like me and a non mil pilot, you have hearts of gold. May those people who took part and made this happen be given extra portions and large amounts of beer. 3 CHEERS!:ok:

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