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FatPilot 15th Mar 2020 12:27

Originally Posted by givemewings (Post 10713845)
Let's hope they pinch him using the announced 'quarantine' as a reason then get him on the assault charge. If the victim is Aussie I believe it is possible to hit him with charge paperwork in an AUstralian port as well? Does NZ have an agreement to extradite people on charges with us? If so that may be another avenue... ping him when he thinks he's safe in Oz...

Originally Posted by Airbubba (Post 10714084)
Not so sure he's going to AKL anytime soon.

Standby for some major roster changes in the coming days...

Well especially with wings blowing the impending bust all over the internet. Doesn't help. Still, maybe he doesn't read prune.

And maybe Ardern will show some of hubby's balls she carries around in her purse and throw EK out of NZ if they don't send the alleged perp to answer for it. That'd be quite something. A bit like with ze germans.

givemewings 16th Mar 2020 05:12

Oh ffs, it's not rocket science for someone with Google and a lawyer to figure out. I'd wager he has both. And if anyone 'blew it', was OP for breaking the story in the first place. CC community certainly hasn't heard about it/been told.

As if this POS wouldn't work out it's not the best idea to go back to either the country it happened in OR the country the victim is from. Isn't the first time EK would be aware that legal papers can be served in a city they fly to. But sure, I'm the bad guy for adding to a discussion someone else started :rolleyes:

JAARule 16th Mar 2020 07:22

If true said individual totally unfit to be in command. Not only assault but a vicious and potentially fatal/life altering and to one of the crew they supposedly have a duty of care to...As usual there'll probably be $$$ paid to make it go away :rolleyes:
What duty of care is that? The company has a duty of care to the entire crew. You could argue everyone on the crew has a duty of care to each other to perform properly at work and especially in an emergency and I suppose also in a pub downroute. That's called common decency. The purser's in charge of the cabin crew, the capt signs for the jet and flies it and occasionally gets a kick in the ass if any of the CC act up on a layover.
What special duty of care does the captain have? I don't remember reading about it.

pilotguy1222 16th Mar 2020 11:16

Originally Posted by Emma Royds (Post 10709261)
Interesting to see that the local FO that was arrested in Millbrae close to SFO in August 2019 for being intoxicated in public, is no longer employed by EK.

Perhaps law enforcement getting involved is a step too far, regardless of where one is from?

According to a brief police report, he was hitting the officer’s car with what believed to be a knife. Quite an escalation over just being PI.

I am sure the cabin crew have not been told by the company, but most know of the incident. The CC FB pages and large chat groups spread info faster than anything I have seen before.

givemewings 16th Mar 2020 11:21

What special duty of care does the captain have? I don't remember reading about it.
Seriously? How about not assaulting a member of his own crew, let alone anyone?

olster 16th Mar 2020 11:26

Sounds a right Charlie uniform November tango.

SOPS 16th Mar 2020 11:37

I was always under the impression that the Captain had duty of care .. within limits.. of his entire crew.

JAARule 17th Mar 2020 02:35

Seriously? How about not assaulting a member of his own crew, let alone anyone?

That doesn't apply only or specially to the captain. Everyone in the world is expected to not glass another person, not just a captain. How about you apply your same standards to everyone instead of grabbing an opportunity to jump on a captain. We've all seen this crap before.
The guy, IF HE'S GUILTY, is a cretin for what he did to the girl, not for what he does for a living, regardless of how much you want to hang a captain out to dry.
"Seriously"...… grow up.

givemewings 17th Mar 2020 03:58

Oh, calm down. He's a c-t any way you cut it, I'd be saying the same if it were a purser or a CSV. But the Captain is given a responsibiity over his crew which IMHO makes this crime even more disgusting. He does have a responsibility to look out for the welfare of his crew where possible, that also includes not letting a night out get to the point where injury happens. I'd expect the same of any captain and/or purser as a SENIOR member (and have witnessed this happen in a social setting while downroute that got out of hand) That's my opinion and I couldn't give less of a crap if you think I'm 'jumping on a captain'. Don't see you going anyone for banging on about the fact he's a local now...? Yes we all know wasta is a thing, but an a$$hole is an ass regardless of where they are from... If I were still flying you'd be on my watch list since you seem to think the captain's DoC ends at signing for the plane...

Fuel-Off 17th Mar 2020 05:33

If there are some legal eagles out there that could clarify this for me but he technically doesn't have to go to NZ to be arrested and have his day in court.

NZ doesn't have an extradition treaty with the UAE. BUT if charges were laid and Interpol made aware, said alleged individual could be arrested in any other country that has an arrangement with NZ (of which there is quite a few) and sent to NZ to face justice.

Would certainly make rostering requirements for this piece of scum rather interesting.

Fuel-Off :ok:

Airbubba 22nd Mar 2020 21:38

Another EK pilot has distinguished himself in AKL:

Covid 19 coronavirus: Viaduct restaurant staff hunt down pilot refusing to self-isolate

23 Mar, 2020 8:33am

A pilot who refused to self-isolate was tracked down by staff from an Auckland waterfront restaurant to a nearby bar.

The pilot and his crew allegedly arrived in the country from a global coronavirus hotspot but were not interested in following self-isolation rules.

The pilot flew into New Zealand on Saturday and refused to co-operate with HeadQuarters staff when trying to enter, before fleeing the establishment.

Staff from HeadQuarters, owned by Leo Molloy, were sent out to track down him down - he was found 20 minutes later in a Princes Wharf restaurant.

"When [name amended] was cornered by a 135kg Tongan he suddenly became very co-operative and told us the full story", Molloy said on social media.

The man told the restaurant he and his crew did not care to follow the rules and they were leaving Auckland on Tuesday, "so who cares".

SOPS 23rd Mar 2020 09:45

And this person is allowed to fly large jet aircraft?

Airbubba 23rd Mar 2020 12:06

Originally Posted by SOPS (Post 10724963)
And this person is allowed to fly large jet aircraft?

Not the first time a pilot on a layover has exchanged words with a pub owner. :)

In Sandy's defense, the accuser has a colorful past filled with public conflict and controversy. He seems to enjoy the publicity of a confrontation at the entrance of his restaurant in this June 2019 profile by Grace Millane linked below.

At Headquarters, the queue is out the door. I lined up behind Devin Patuawa, a young, sharply dressed visual merchandiser, and told him I was writing a story about [Leo] Molloy.

"I hear he's a real c**t," he said, his eyes shining. This word hangs around Molloy. "I'm an absolute c**t with a capital C," he said on a call with The Project's producer Jon Bridges. Kirsty Kilgour has worked for Molloy for over a decade, describes him as a "mad genius" and seems to genuinely love his rough edges. "I wanted to get staff t-shirts for winter that read 'my boss is a c**t'," she says. He regularly refers to himself that way, and more regularly to others perceiving him as one.

The reputation has been hard-earned over decades. In 2002 he was fined $7000 by the employment tribunal for unjustified dismissal after physically restraining waitress Melanie Cheung from transcribing what he was saying to her. There was an incident involving astrologist Don Murray, who has published bizarre insinuations about Molloy over a period of years, and pro boxer Sean Sullivan, which made Rachel Glucina's 'best tiffs and tantrums of 2009'. And in 2014 a long-running defamation proceeding against Molloy, brought by racing executive Greg Purcell, was settled for a six-figure sum and an apology from Molloy. "My claims were baseless," his statement read.

Throughout all this, his businesses careened onwards. As Euro [one of Molloy's many earlier restaurant ventures] swelled, so did Molloy's myth. "It was so intoxicating. Suddenly going from being nothing, a nobody who never got invited to a party, to being on everybody's dance card. Everybody's. I mean everybody's. Even [billionaire Oracle CEO] Larry Ellison had me out on his boat."

When I first meet him he's at the next setting over, running a tasting with his GM Kimmi Curtane and two friends he jokingly describes as "hired muscle". After raging against Monk, he's interrupted by yelling from the pavement outside. A man with long hair and an e-bike is remonstrating with him. "They're throwing me out, mate," he says. Molloy heads around to the entrance, where the man attempts to gain re-entry. "You don't know who you're dealing with," the man tells Headquarters staff. "I don't want to stuff up your business." The scene is half menace, half farce, with tension in the air as the man refuses to leave the entrance. "I couldn't care less," Molloy tells the customer. "Now get on your bike and f**k off."


MCDU2 23rd Mar 2020 18:53

Yeah but said restaurant owner is trying to enforce the 14 day self isolation and has been requesting ID/passports of his potential patrons. He didn't just turn away Sandy on the day but a load of other tourists that are acting up down in NZ.

Capn Rex Havoc 24th Mar 2020 06:32

Let's be a little bit fair minded here. Was it mandated that he stay in his hotel? I went to Milan recently and there was no mandate that you had to stay in the hotel. He is a Kiwi. I think the days of people being concerned about past travel to China, or Italy are long gone. The virus is in all countries and exponentially growing.

777boyindubai 24th Mar 2020 10:15

One would have hoped that Sandy would have displayed two things.

1. Sense.
2. Leadership.

I'll leave it up to others to judge.

Stay safe, wash your hands and stay indoors.

MCDU2 24th Mar 2020 14:18

Originally Posted by Capn Rex Havoc (Post 10726032)
Let's be a little bit fair minded here. Was it mandated that he stay in his hotel? I went to Milan recently and there was no mandate that you had to stay in the hotel. He is a Kiwi. I think the days of people being concerned about past travel to China, or Italy are long gone. The virus is in all countries and exponentially growing.

Fair minded? Sandy must have had his head firmly down a hole for the past few weeks. Just about every jurisdiction has been publishing rules/regs/guidelines for crews when overseas. He went to a country that had a 14 day self isolation rule for passengers on top of all of the other guidance and rules that were no doubt being disseminated to him before his departure from DBX. He wanted to go and have a pint and grab some dinner but made the mistake of picking the wrong bar in the first instance. It doesn't matter one iota about any exemptions for crews - this is common sense and human decency. NZ is now in lockdown due in part to people like Sandy that have carried on regardless during this crisis.

atakacs 24th Mar 2020 16:34

Originally Posted by 777boyindubai (Post 10714077)
Had confirmation from the sandpit. The pathetic excuse for an individual is heading to AKL later this month. Police case or hush $$$ Let us see...

I guess he's not going anywhere anytime soon...

777boyindubai 24th Mar 2020 18:11

Matey is off the roster now.

uplock 26th Mar 2020 10:32

Crew had been instructed to remain in their hotel during layover.
email from DSVP Flight Ops sent on 17th March to crew as well as Sandy was very clear

" Due to the rapidly changing situation on COVID-19 across each country, I would like to remind you it is important to remain in your hotel during layover, and protect yourself by practicing strict hygiene measures."

MCDU2 26th Mar 2020 16:25

So no tea and no biscuits for a very short meeting then.

FatPilot 29th Mar 2020 14:19

Originally Posted by MCDU2 (Post 10725537)
Yeah but said restaurant owner is trying to enforce the 14 day self isolation and has been requesting ID/passports of his potential patrons. He didn't just turn away Sandy on the day but a load of other tourists that are acting up down in NZ.

Are you naming the captain? If so, why?

777boyindubai 29th Mar 2020 19:59

Because Sandy is a knob. He broke company rules. Potentially he could be a suoer-spreader of a disease that kills indiscriminately. His surname isn't mentioned. He displayed a lack of keadership and a level of arrogance that does not become a Captain.

uplock 30th Mar 2020 09:57

Ignored by many Crew who went shopping or visiting friend’s family etc.
Mandatory 14-day Quarantine Requirement on returning to Dubai after their flight.

This guy in AKL did not follow company instructions to remain in hotel, got busted and outed in the media.
He is not the only one, who did not remain in their hotel on the network.
Then again, many more in Dubai did not follow the 14 day quarantine stay at home don’t go anywhere no contact requirement either.

FatPilot 30th Mar 2020 13:06

Yeah but still. Not cool to be naming names of colleagues here for a judgement lapse alleged by some newspaper and ranted about by a local self-absorbed, possibly bi-polar, wannabe vigilante and self-confessed cretin.

The Outlaw 31st Mar 2020 02:08

Yes, but if guilty he should have his nuts cut off and stuffed down his throat for starters. Fatpilot, do you defend this sort of behavior? Is it OK in your world to act this way? He should be named in full so that others can avoid him for their own safety, while some pay him the same courtesy that he affords to his crew.

Let's hope that the police in NZ at least afford him the due process he is entitled to.

Emma Royds 31st Mar 2020 03:07

Originally Posted by FatPilot (Post 10733287)
Yeah but still. Not cool to be naming names of colleagues here for a judgement lapse alleged by some newspaper and ranted about by a local self-absorbed, possibly bi-polar, wannabe vigilante and self-confessed cretin.

It sounds like it was more than just a 'judgement lapse'?

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