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Wizofoz 5th Aug 2016 21:28

Where is mod now to delete your comment?
Why would a mod delete Harries comment? It doesn't break any PPRUNE rules.

You rail against totalitarianism, then advocate censorship.....

Nikita81 5th Aug 2016 21:46

Actually, I don't care about Harry's comment being deleted, I am criticizing the censorship and moderators. Haven't you noticed how many posts and threads (which didn't break any pprune rule) mods deleted so far since the accident? I have. But this is a private website, anyway... so don't mind me, carry on. I am a feminist, had to react on this video. I said what I wanted to say.

kirungi1 5th Aug 2016 21:47

I have always been a big fun of "the cod" :D some people say wine gets better with time. Thanks Harry, classic - can't fail to laugh about it and that's what life is all about - laughter!

ClassCbird 6th Aug 2016 07:01

Originally Posted by harry the cod (Post 9464096)

Would love to stay and chat but prefer a beer or three and to watch some videos on my computer that you really would find offensive to women! :E


Wow, yet another thread drift onto the subject of pornography!


Normally i tend to agree with many of your posts but i find #103 quite disgusting and do not find it funny at all, even if it was meant as 'banter'!

I wonder if your wife is happy about you disrespecting women?

If participating in the abuse of women is the only way some men can feel like men, then i think such men must have incredibly pitiful lives.

Harry, for someone who is often trying to take the moral high ground, on this occasion, you have failed abysmally!:=

Flyingishere 6th Aug 2016 07:11


donpizmeov 6th Aug 2016 07:43


ClassCbird 6th Aug 2016 07:58

ClassCbird likes this!:ok:

littlejet 6th Aug 2016 08:04

Class C why are you here? Cannot take a joke?
Have you ever visited Holland, Germany, Austria, Nevada...? All those countries had legalized the industry.... Does that mean that their people were all pricks by you, for allowing their governments pass such laws.
Nope, it is called FREEDOM of speech and expression!
Take CA, USA. In the past 15 years, the industry's local growth has nearly quadrupled, with annual revenues now equal to the Valley's restaurant, fast-food and bar businesses combined. 12Bn USD.
The most browsed subject on the net is? You guessed right.
Why more than 150 million people bought "50 shades", and who wrote it? Man or Woman?
Why women wear make up, high heels?
Why men go to the gym? Dye their hair and buy shiny stuff?
In a nutshell to look younger and more attractive to other sex...
How many wars, atrocities, violent events started because of religious miss-beliefs and how many because of strip joints of Nevada and Hustler magazine?
And let me not start about some of the church people and their devoted lives....at least the porn magazines are brutally honest.

So relax a bit, stop being insulted, we can discuss this for ages however this is an aviation forum and not psychoanalysis convention.

Love and regards


Callsign Kilo 6th Aug 2016 08:56

Yes, believe it. This PR piece was clearly put together by management to piss you all off even further. It's hilarious how a bit of fluff from the good ole USofA has caused pages worth of infighting on the Internet. I'm sorry, many of you look a bit silly now, not Captain Ashley. She just looks good in an dress; despite her 100 hour multiple time zone roster.

And maybe that's the message. Come to EK, work to death; yet look like Ashley? On second thoughts, do what EK recruitment's target audience will be doing. Ignore it.

ClassCbird 6th Aug 2016 09:23


As i suggested, this is not the forum for discussing porn. I wish that some of you 'men' would stop making comments relating to porn on this forum.
Your argument is weak. Many countries are governed by Sharia. Does that mean that stoning women should be accepted? Of course not.
I know i am right because i have seen first hand the damage porn does.
Debate over.
Now, back to the subject of aviation....

littlejet 6th Aug 2016 10:26

Where in that law does it say stoning women is allowed? Read some books first....and I suggest a PPL also, so you can contribute to Aviation forum.

nakbin330 6th Aug 2016 10:32

So stoning is not allowed under Sharia Law? Is that what you're saying?

Just move on LJ. You and yours obviously condone porn, most don't.

littlejet 6th Aug 2016 11:27

Sharia is a path not a law....every Islamic country has used some guidance in their legislature....did you see any stoning recently at the town square in Deira? And speaking of punishment by that "law" towards woman only, is abuse....
People become alcoholics because they abuse alcohol.
I am not a Muslim and cannot elaborate much, but I hate generalisation and blank insults.
I most certainly agree of moving on. Me and "mine" are living and let live

Nikita81 6th Aug 2016 12:04

Class C why are you here? Cannot take a joke?
An attempt to humiliate a female disputant by making allusions to sexual abuse of women is not a joke.

motojet 6th Aug 2016 15:20

Nikita, how long has it been since EK fired you? Yet after all this time you still get on this forum and get in arguments about everything EK. Perhaps you should move on. Thats really all I have to say. It's time for me to watch some videos objectifying women.

Nikita81 6th Aug 2016 17:02


Actually, I keep coming back because it's fun to watch how low some of you can go. :) It gives me the real perspective of who is to blame for what. Your lack of mutual solidarity is certainly the best thing that happened to EK management so far. :)

motojet 6th Aug 2016 17:24

You do have a point about lack of solidarity...

notapilot15 7th Aug 2016 00:12

Its always extremely difficult to figure out real motives of this world class mgmt. I have a feeling target audience of this this ad are males with a subliminal message, If you are man enough, join EK, otherwise we will hire girly girls.

Trevor the lover 7th Aug 2016 00:32

Nikita your arguments make it sound as though you are the wise one who decided I don't like here so I will move on. In reality, if you weren't fired you would probably still be at EK, thus making your arguments here somewhat hypocritical.
And if chicks want to do porn for a living - well that's their choice. If guys want to watch it, well that's their choice. Cant see that if one makes a choice they should blame others.

Nikita81 7th Aug 2016 01:53

In reality I've decided to ask some dangerous questions at the public forum and took the responsibility for the consequences. I also showed up on that forum in my black dress and on high heels (like a true feminist:)). It was my birthday. :) The manager who lost their temper on that forum and fired me, got fired two years later. The HR manager who didn't react on my harassment complaint got fired a few months after me.

You probably don't know that I've sent an e-mail reply to all AS management and EK college months before my dissmisal letter, starting with "I know that you don't give a **** about human rights, but let me introduce you with my point of view...". I've sent it because they were making me go on a training after my nightshifts of 10 or 12 hours, on my day off, with the threat that they are going to take 100 euros off my lousy salary if I don't show up at the training. They didn't mind the point of the e-mail much, but they minded the word "****". Problem was - they would never listen if I didn't use that word. That e-mail earned me a constant monitoring (higher instances "order") from my superiors and they were pretty open about it since many of them liked me. :) The ones who didn't like me, started to like me, because we were all in the same **** (here I go with that word again :)).

Do you still think I didn't expect my dissmisal letter? :) I've decided to make something of it, to go all the way through and I knew it could end both ways, with the bigger possibility that I would be fired if we know how intelligent EK management is.

It would be stupid of me to make some waves and then just resign or give up when I return home. No regrets. I am just crazy. :) And I don't like greedy bullies.

I am not you, don't project your behaviour and excuses into me.

As for the choices - you've missed the point.

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