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givemewings 15th Jan 2013 18:49

So then the issue appears to be (again) clarity in the manuals. Suprise, surprise.

How about someone directly ask the big boss then? Get it on paper then no more worrying about it and having to cover one's... rear end :E

I imagine IF it was a real issue, the tons of images of pax in our flight decks (on ground) doing the rounds of Ninjagram, Twipper and BookFace would have got security dept's interest long ago... they do look at that stuff on a regular basis (someone does, anyway) and passes on anything relevant. There is a video which is a bit 'famous' that they could have asked to be removed if they wanted to, they have not so would assume they do not think it any risk to be there. Same goes for all the post-flight PR pics...

So- anyone can tell us for 100% sure it is 'banned'? :)

OMAAbound 15th Jan 2013 20:09

I once had our company CEO onboard a flight back from JFK, once we landed and were back at gate he came to visit, said hello, whilst we were there a young boy and father asked if they could have a look to which our CEO said "I'll leave you guys to show these two around, have fun" that's enough clarification for me :O

a747jb 15th Jan 2013 21:39

Hey Payscale,

Sorry, didn't mean to imply you were scared, just that EK seems to have a fear culture in it and it makes guys nervous. Was not trying to single you or anybody else out. My apologies.

White Knight 16th Jan 2013 01:45

I always say 'yes'. And they can take photos...

Payscale - lighten up man:D:D

White Knight 16th Jan 2013 01:57

Originally Posted by givemewings
So- anyone can tell us for 100% sure it is 'banned'?

Regarding visiting the front on the ground? The answer to that is NO it is not.

Payscale 16th Jan 2013 04:46

No worries 747 - you are a gentleman.

White Knight - I would be careful making those kind of statements. Afterall you dont make company policy....Eh.....Do you?

donpizmeov 16th Jan 2013 05:56


Aren't you an emptyhad wannabe? So not an EK employee? Hence a random CEO giving the OK may not apply here. Just sayin.

Hope you have a great flight Jobinvk. I am sure the boys will let you have a look if they have time.

The Don

Sheikh Your Bootie 16th Jan 2013 06:08

Always allow visits on the ground/postflight, once all paperwork/checklists done. Me thinks some need to take a chill pill, good grief.

SyB :zzz:

OMAAbound 16th Jan 2013 09:09

The Don

I don't know where you get the assumption I'm a wannabe? And work for EK? You look like you've lived a sheltered life on pprune?

Good flying everyone

GuilhasXXI 16th Jan 2013 09:18

What I usually do, being an ATPL student, is taking my medical license with me and show the cabin crew. They take it to the captain and very often the captain invites me to stay the rest of the flight in the cockpit, there are some awesome crew´s outhere :)

falconeasydriver 16th Jan 2013 11:35

White Knight- If the OMA states that passengers are not permitted on the flight deck doesn't that mean it is prohibited? It doesn't differentiate between on the ground and in the air.
Popcorn and beer in hand.....this should be good:E

helen-damnation 16th Jan 2013 13:47

Bloody hell guys. TC said you're a manager so why not manage?

If you're comfortable when asked say yes. If not, sorry but not possible.

It's not difficult :sad:

Landflap 17th Jan 2013 10:01

Blimey, it's getting worse. Sitty, a "good reason" for saying no is that Company policy in any safe airline forbade flight deck visits years ago. Oh yeah, and "any" time means, ..........good grief, why do I bother.(?) Your assessment of a "good captain" discussing flight deck visits just beggars belief. Terrorist Organizations are now planning the easiest hit on aircraft having read the drivle on these pages.

My last company not only banned all visits to thre Flight deck but developed, after much thought, a really involved procedure for use when we wished to leave the flight deck for a "Loo visit". Actually, most of us fell about laughing until, during a CRM refresher, we were shown the 9-11 stuff & reminded that the pilots had their throats cut (probably after cosy chats with the CC for a Flight Deck visit !).

Jvindk. Do not bring very serious security focus on yourself for requesting a flight deck visit ! We (professional pilots), hate the tight policies but we see that the good ole days are way behind us now. I was welcomed on the FD many times in my formative years starting with an extended visit on a BOAC constellation in 1952. My career was greatly helped by multi visits including watching take-off & landings . When I succeeded in becoming a professional pilot, in the days that we could, I extended the same courtesy to many in the hopes that it would enhance career chances & opportunities. I miss those days & yes, Sitty, the "hotties" too. Specially when I asked them if they would like to hold my joy stick.

C'mon chaps. Is this yet another Troll wind-up. Hope so & hope Jvindk cannot be serious. He might be Head of Security, CIA, USA & he can't wait for one of you "good Captains" to say "Yes" !!

Fear_of_heights 17th Jan 2013 12:54

Then say no to cleaners, refueler guy, gate agents,station managers, engineers etc etc because they don't have access per the OMA....:ugh::ugh::ugh: obviously that part is written for flight operations not ground ones...

BigGeordie 17th Jan 2013 13:04

Landflap, you do realise we are talking about the aircraft being on the ground, with the engines shut down and the air-bridge attached don't you? The flight deck door will usually be open at that point anyway so any potential bad guys won't really need an invitation. Quite what they will do with a "hijacked" aircraft at the gate I'm not really sure.

jobinvk 17th Jan 2013 13:20

OMG. where has this thread gone.

Landflap - with respect to your profession, pls don't be soooo paranoid, you had taken this to a whole different level. All I inquired abt was a visit, if possible, on the ground, while disembarking, I know the days of inflight deck visits are over.

Fear_of_heights 17th Jan 2013 16:41

ex380 Btw the OMA states only engineers to be carried for operational reasons. I I don't remember any time I had to carry engineers that come to check the avionics,cabin,update charts or apply any mels .That part of the OMA is about being with the door armed, if you check it's under flight operations not pre departure,ground or after chocks operations :confused:

Landflap 17th Jan 2013 17:25

Jobinvk, see what you have done ! Sittingidly back to his former self, self imploding and expressing a complete lack of basic grasp of fundimental. Ok. Last go. The OMA of most airlines, let's exclude EK for a moment, forbids Flight Deck visits by pax AT ANY TIME. Sitty, that means, on the ground or in the air. ACCESS to the FLIGHT DECK will be addressed in other sections but, for example, in my last airline, where huge bullet proof , electronic sophistication meant that we needed to look at the question of "access" by loadsa peolple in different situations. So, ON THE GROUND we had a 'Locked door' and 'unlocked door' policy which meant that the door, once we were on the flight deck was NEVER open. Sitty, that does not mean that it was always CLOSED and LOCKED . Inconvenient to everyone. But, as Sitty is having great problems as he discusses Flight Deck Visits (BANNED) with his crew (Geeees, are you REALLY a Captain ).......Here is the Scenario, thanks to Prune telling us all how Pax friendly & Customer aware EK are.................;

Terrorist A says to Terrorist B " Look mate " (they are Ozzzies)," here is this fabbo pen I have invented. Now, once it gets past Security( not difficult), what you do is to ask for a Flight Deck Visit. Failing success by chaps like wingers who will happily get you on the flight deck BEFORE flight, COSY up to CC (whatever that means) and persistantly ask for a FD visit AFTER landing. 98% of EK good captains will say "YES" and love photos taken too. (well, 98% of the EK good pilots is probably 3% of the total ), B O R T........... the pen, (back to that) when mixed with Gin, ( that you will get loads of from your cosying up to CC), creates this fabbo incendiary device that, after landing, on your flight deck visit and studying photos of the A380 Flight Deck that Sitty provided us with, gives you great positioning opportunities. So, Terrorist B complies, gets his FD vist AFTER LANDING, in the SHUTDOWN PROCESS, places the pen somewhere strategic & poses with Sitty & his hotties.

Breaking news on CNN. BOOOOOOOOOOOM. A380 on the ramp, takes most of the aircraft, airbridge & lots of innocent fellas (is that OZ or Kiwi ?).

Pprune Aircrash investigaters in overdrive studying footage, at least "one hundred times" in order to establish cause..........................Oh dear. I'm off to the pub.

Can we hear from some real EK pilots to tell me that I fell for the troll, again, and not be so fast in removing me & my family from potential EK staff Travel. All sounds very scary to me but then, it appears, I am being foolishly parenoid ! Here it goes again children,...BOOOOOOOOOM !

Jet II 18th Jan 2013 02:22

Originally Posted by jobinvk (Post 7632320)
I am gonna ask right after the first service. Hopefully will get one who's in the 98%.

You have nothing to lose - despite what it might or might not say in the OMA, visits to the flight deck by passengers are fairly common after landing.

falconeasydriver 18th Jan 2013 06:07

fear and sitingidly- The OMA simply states - Visits by passengers to the flight deck are not permitted.
It seems to me that this cannot be written in any more clear terms. If it is a passenger and it is a flight deck - the two cannot meet. Bloody simple. If you choose not to adhere to that- so be it, but the OMA states that they cannot visit- and that is that.
Ahhhh yes, there we have it, another easy going anti-establishment attitude from a collegue (ex A380..I'd bet the farm you are from Oz :D).
So sure of his position
"ITS IN THE OMA!!" and yet lacking in any balanced assessment of the intent or spirit of the document, probably because he's been surrounded in his career in EK or elsewhere by trainers and collegues that are also utterly lacking any common sense either.
A quick look at the OMA does indeed back up ex A380's assertion...but his assessment also misses the key contextual point, 8.3 relates to flight procedures, clearly the aircraft, with brake set, engines shutdown, chocks in place and doors open....is no longer in flight:ugh:

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