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Kernow 101 14th Oct 2011 13:27

Emirates Hold Pool

This is mainly for the guys who don't have the hour requirements yet but have passed through the preselection assessment day.

I attended this early this year and was invited with only circa 1700hrs. I passed, and was told after 2,000 I would be invited to the 2nd part (sim, medical, etc) in Dubai. If this is passed, then the formal offer could be forthcoming after I hit 2,500.

However, after passing 2,000 a few months back and updating the system, I have yet to hear anything about the next stage.

Is there anyone else who was / is in a similar situation? I am updating every month, and following up with an email, but not hearing anything in return. Hence, a tad anxious!

Also, have you all been asked out to Dubai for the 2nd part? I hear some are being offered sims elsewhere and then Dubai after.

Thanks in advance.

Tajfaa 15th Oct 2011 07:12

Keep updating and "reminding" the right person via e-mail, just like you're doing. We are recruiting like crazy and they might have a hard time keeping up in the office. 34 pilots joined in 8 days recently (!) which points to the stress the recruiters are under at the moment.

Keep it up, and don't loose the faith! You will be very welcome when you make it!


sheikmyarse 15th Oct 2011 14:01

Know where you are heading to...
According to the U.S. Department of State annual report on human rights practices, the UAE is violating a number of fundamental practices. Specifically, the UAE does not have democratically-elected institutions and citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties. In certain instances, the government of the UAE has abused people in custody and has denied their citizens the right to a speedy trial and access to counsel during official investigations.[2]
The government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media practises self-censorship by avoiding directly criticizing the government. Freedom of association is also curtailed.
The UAE has not signed most international human-rights and labor-rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, and the Convention against Torture.

fatbus 15th Oct 2011 14:58

Just ignore SMA

jackbauer 15th Oct 2011 15:06

Sheiky, nice job of copy and paste there. Doubt you could even spell human rights let alone understand what it really means. You were fired from EK so get over it. Class clown!

thatwasclose 15th Oct 2011 17:36

hahaha, nice one !

leeds 65 15th Oct 2011 17:46

This relentless American insistence to promote their version of 'freedom' on everyone in the universe is getting very boring now.

Its clear as mud that the path to a 'legitimate' Iranian war has already started.

Who's next North Korea,Cuba,Outer Mongolia ? etc etc

An over patriotic bunch of politicians ruining the image of their country and the majority of americans who are in fact very nice people.Sad

Anyway back to the topic

Flyer1015 17th Oct 2011 01:10

Specifically, the UAE does not have democratically-elected institutions and citizens do not have the right to change their government or to form political parties.
Oh, and like the career politicians here actually stand for the people? Give me a break! They've all been in the pockets of special interest groups and lobbyists! You want real change in America, limit the terms of politicians to one term only, a true public service opportunity, and done after the one term. Only then can you avoid career politicians who put corporations, lobbyists, and sepcial interests first, and people second.

sheikmyarse 17th Oct 2011 06:57

Yeah.. I know it's the heat... the booze to survive it, the fatigue of all those night flights and maybe false impression of being privileged just cause you live in a ****** up villa built by slaves in the middle of the desert or have a free membership to a low quality gym located in an diotical piramid shaped building with false sfinxes standing on the side of the entrance runned by underpaid filipinos and make twice the money as german truck driver that gives to your head and makes you lose contact with reality. I don't know if you read the free press and you heard of what is happening all over the free democratic world. People is in the street to manifest against the very problem you mention . Please just tell me much people is in front of the Dubai Stock exchange today?

White Knight 17th Oct 2011 07:23

Originally Posted by SMA
Yeah.. I know it's the heat... the booze to survive it, the fatigue of all those night flights and maybe false impression of being privileged just cause you live in a ****** up villa built by slaves in the middle of the desert or have a free membership to a low quality gym in an diotical piramid shaped building with false sfinxes standing on te side of the entrance door and runned by underpaid filipinos and make twice the money as german truck driver that gives to your head and makes you lose contact with reality. I don't know if you read the free press and you heard of what is happening all over the free democratic world. People is in the street to manifest against the very problem you mention . Please just tell me much people is in front of the Dubai Stock exchange today?

One day Sheiky you may make sense!!! Keep taking your pills!!!

Seems to me that the people in the streets of Europe etc are the lazy, I want something for nothing crowd:ugh:. Wealth redistribution; well, they're not having mine:E

I guess the "Daily Mail" that I read isn't part of the free press heh SMA? Or do you refer to the "TreeHuggers' Times" or "Daily FreeLoader"?

sheikmyarse 17th Oct 2011 07:49

WK the very fact that people like you exists.. makes me sick.

White Knight 17th Oct 2011 08:03


Now go and freeload somewhere else!

TangoUniform 17th Oct 2011 14:31

WK, Excuse my ignorance, but would you please explain your "executes children"? That's a new one. Oh and ask the Kurds in northern Iraq about WMD...must have been fairy dust. And if I'm not mistaken, again just my ignorance, believe that most western intelligence agencies agreed with the buying of "yellow cake". Probably not a justification for a ten year war, but...........Again help me with the executes children. Besides, it was declared unconstitutional years ago under the eighth and fourteenth ammendments. But don't let the facts get in the way of a good US bashing. And how did we get from EK Hold Pool to executing children?

White Knight 17th Oct 2011 15:41

TU - where did I mention children?????? :rolleyes::rolleyes: Or execution????? In fact - where do I mention Kurds, WMD or yellow-cake?????



TangoUniform 17th Oct 2011 20:32

Sincerely apologize WK. Got your post mixed up with Varmit and Wizofoz. Too much fog in my eyes today. My bad.

Alconguin Crusader 17th Oct 2011 20:51

The US State Department never said Iraq had WMD.
The CIA said it, MI6 said it, the UN said it and Sadam Hussein said he had it.
As as was said earlier the Kurds know Iraq had WMD and they know it real good.
I am a supporter of the Death Penalty but I can't remember the US issuing a Death Sentence to a kid. As the Federal Gov't only gives the Death Pentalty to a smalll or limited amount of cases agasint the Federal government I can't imagine a kid commiting a crime agasint the government.
Now it is much easier to commit a crime involving the state so it would be the state that issues the death penalty after a trial by jury with 4 separate and independent appeal process' after that trial.
I can't imagine a level of the judicial branch issuing a death sentence to a kid. Maybe a 16 year old that kills a cop but if a 16 year old did kill a cop I will flip the switch as would countless others around the world.
Keep bashing the States. What other country would you like to lead? China, Iran, India the UAE? Before any of you bashers say you would like a change of power try living in those Police States first and see how it is.
Back to the topic, Emirates is hiring 2000 hour pilots now?

DuneMentat 18th Oct 2011 04:30

19 posts and only 2 are relevant to the thread.. Can we please get back on track..

I'm almost in the same situation as I'm short of the required hours but I have been through the selection process already. They told me you must have a start date within 12 months of your interview so you don't want it too early either.

But keep updating and emailing them and you will get your chance as well


777boyindubai 18th Oct 2011 06:07

Guys, please can we get back on track here!

SOPS 18th Oct 2011 07:12

Talk about max thread drift!!!!!

Flyer1015 18th Oct 2011 18:29

I like how the original poster has 1700 total hours and got called from EK, probably because some of that time is > 30 ton jet. Yet, 4000+ hours, 24 ton jet, sorry! :rolleyes:

BGG 18th Oct 2011 18:47

Hi...is anybody aware of how much significance Emirates places on the 30 ton rule? ie; do all or just a certain percentage of your hours have to constitute above 30 ton experience...what if you have a few thousand hours on aircraft under this weight but then begin to fly some heavies...would they only be interested in the heavy hours or would all my hours count towards the application?

This is so confusing...:confused:

BGG 19th Oct 2011 09:39

Thanks Varmint :ok:

inner 19th Oct 2011 15:58

mission impossible

i got 2300h under the belt BUT only with 1800h on learjet. Is this a mission impossible for me to apply since i don't have airline hours?

Aussie 22nd Oct 2011 08:37

You can always apply and see how you go.... but i wouldnt think youd have much luck...

Good luck anyway

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