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cf680c2b 21st Mar 2011 10:17

some low cost A320 operator in Kuwait just folded so I'm sure a glut of resumes arrived in DXB. Therefore, I question the removal of the 30T anytime soon.

Ek has benefited from the demise of other airlines since its inception.

Aussie 21st Mar 2011 15:07

The 30T rule will go as soon as the supply dries up... no sign of that for now. :eek:

leftarmover 23rd Mar 2011 07:36

Getting back on topic..
The arbitrary 55 ton rule is the point in question.
‘Dune’, sadly you are so right. What to do..
1/ Apply for job in First World with Airline that recognises existing Command time having stupidly resigned to come to Middle East.. Plus; employment contract then protected by law. Minus; pay half what it was before leaving First World.
2/ Put up and shut up.. Plus; eventually get to cure oneself of ‘big shinny jet disease’. Minus; endure further years acquiring pointless 4000 sudoku/bunk/heading knob twiddling hrs.
3/ Try to galvanise a common voice to represent those of us disadvantaged by this illegal employment contract change.. Plus; get to cure ‘big shinny jet disease’ earlier. Minus; run the risk of losing job for questioning the all-powerful incompetent.
Suggestions?! :rolleyes:

cf680c2b 23rd Mar 2011 08:54

3) ME carriers maintain a perceived advantage by not having unions to contend with so a common voice theory is not viable and will be met with extreme resistance from management (my assumption).

2) If you can bear it for a few more years then do so. That is based on personal tolerance levels.

1) The strongest statement any employee can make about their displeasure is to vote with their feet. Pack and say "bye-bye." Sometimes you have to take one step back to take 2 steps forward.

Dune 23rd Mar 2011 09:21

I'm not a career counselor but here is how I see it.

1/ Apply for job in First World with Airline that recognizes existing Command time having stupidly resigned to come to Middle East.. Plus; employment contract then protected by law. Minus; pay half what it was before leaving First World.

If you have the aviation career time left (to age 65) to go back to that "1st world job" along with a reasonable financial situation (as long as you are not one of those idiots who blew your EK salary over the last XX years on cars, boats, bars and women) that will allow you to recover financially over the course of your career.

You made the mistake leaving that 1st world job to come here, so it is time to admit to that big mistake, cut your losses and move on.

Sort of like leaving a bad marriage by admitting you made a huge mistake marrying your wife and then moving on to a much better life by getting a divorce and moving onto someone else. It will cost you huge financially but the "quality of life" reward in the end makes up for the financial loss. You ain't got no money but you got a honey:O.

2/ Put up and shut up.. Plus; eventually get to cure oneself of ‘big shinny jet disease’. Minus; endure further years acquiring pointless 4000 sudoku/bunk/heading knob twiddling hrs.

Should the above option #1 not be available (or hurt too much) then it is time to face facts that you are screwed; that you made a big mistake and learn to live with your poor choices and make the best of it.

Sort of like staying in a bad marriage by admitting you made a huge mistake marrying your wife but not willing to endure the pain to go through a messy divorce. It will cost you huge in the "quality of life" department but the financial reward in the end makes up for the emotional pain. You got tons of money but being with that bitch ain't so funny:bored:.

3/ Try to galvanise a common voice to represent those of us disadvantaged by this illegal employment contract change.. Plus; get to cure ‘big shinny jet disease’ earlier. Minus; run the risk of losing job for questioning the all-powerful incompetent.

As stated previous, your voice (or any number of pilots voices) in any matter related to Emirates is irrelevant. You're wasting your breath and bandwidth thinking that anything you have to say will in any way affect the way the management of this company will deal with you. Only market forces (mass internal resignations or newbies finally catching on that this job is not "Aviation Nirvana) will EVER change any aspect of how they deal with us. You gave up the opportunity to be part of the "newbie change" crowd when you signed your contract; now your only choice is to be part of the "mass resignation" crowd if/when you've finally had enough.

Sort of like staying in a bad marriage by admitting you made a huge mistake marrying your wife, not willing to endure the pain to go through a messy divorce, and constantly going out to the local bar to cry on your bar stool and complain to everyone who is within listening distance how awful you life is because you complain in your whiny voice that "my wife is such a bitch and just doesn't listen to me". Not only will you have decided to stay with the hag; you will have lost not only your friends respect (they wonder where your balls are) but also your own self respect.

Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 3 just makes you sound like a pimply faced pre-menstrual school girl (no offense to the ladies on this forum!).

Visual Procedures 23rd Mar 2011 13:17


Love your work! :D

leftarmover 23rd Mar 2011 14:16

Much appreciate your thoughts.
‘Dune’, thank you for your ‘warts and all’ honesty and integrity. A rare commodity here for sure..
The Middle East really should come with a health, indeed career warning! If, like me, all you have previously known is ‘First World’ employment. Beware..:ouch:

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