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A330 man 7th Aug 2010 20:31

QR rostering department mistakes
The mistakes of QR rostering department are on the increase, involving some illegalities that goes un-discovered due to the internal cover ups, along with the lack of auditing on them.

They hide behind closed doors while each and every one of us is subject to their misconduct that affects our daily life.

Please share any rostering mistakes including -but not limited to-ignoring some of the CAA regulations, corruption, manipulation, unfairness, rigging of the bidding system…etc.
in the name of safety, fairness and equality between pilots let us shed some light on the tricks behind the closed doors. :ok:

Dan cooper 7th Aug 2010 22:40

Do you really need an example of the obvious incompetence of the rostering?

Actually I like some of their mistakes, e.g. I like is when they shoot themselves in the foot buy filling your week with 5 days STBY, but they call you in your day off paying you extra money and a Day off in lieu.

I also like it when they roster you for min. rest between 2 flights, and for 10 or 15 minutes delay, you just bust the next duty (bad if it is a nice layover, but it often leave them with a full night work to re-construct the roster.

I don't think the space is enough but I will share below some issues:

-Unfair distribution of the layovers.
-Ignoring or canceling the awarded requests by Jeppesen before distributing the monthly roster.
-Taking your days off without even asking you (forcing some of us to report sick just to avoid the hassle).
-Planning the "nice" layovers just after a minimum rest, the result : few minutes delay and the layover goes to "someone else" and what do you get in return? 4 sectors day.
-The inability to respect any seniority system awarding the annual leave. (is it possible that some pilots serving for 5 or 6 years could not get their leave once during Christmas holidays?

I leave the rest for other colleagues to share their experience here.

loc22550 8th Aug 2010 03:25

200% correct Dan cooper.:
-I already got roster a couple of time for an illegal duty in this airline...
-Giving you a 1 day stby duty in the middle of days off... and if you ask to remove it: "NOT allowed" reason: excessive days off in a row!!(would be acceptable for C.C.)
- A STBY at night turning into a morning flight a few days before or the opposite: Whats the meaning of a STBY??? Ladies and gents from the roster let me give you the definition of a STBY duty : "a period of time during wich you are supposed to be called to be assigned for a Duty!" Thats iT!! Is it already too complicated for you to understand the definition??
We used to have whats it's call a TBN before for this kind of changes!
-After planning a good rest in order to wake up like a brave at 5.00 Am for your early morning flight, you see the "roster change "message on your mobile, and you realise that your early morning flight has been turned into a late afternoon flight! (oops another call to the roster mafia to get back your initial schedule as there is no explanation for the change!)
- Being called during your rest period! Again..ladies and gents from the roster: did you ever heard about the word REST and what it means...??
-If you have a duty in excess of 12 hours they might only give you 12 hours rest after....Again you have to go and remind them that the rest period shall be 12 hours OR as long as the preceding duty WICHEVER is the GREATER...!
Endless stories.....

A320 Man 8th Aug 2010 10:37

Loc22550, you are right, many of the rostering mistakes goes unnoticed because they are not monitored by anyone.

I personally got removed from a nice layover because of an arrival delay after working for 14 hrs, yet was rostered for a worse flight just after 12 hrs (that was still illegal) I had to keep calling till I found a supervisor who understood what I was talking about, and admitted the mistake.

I was surprised to be the one to correct their mistake, and just wondered, what if I flew and had an incedent ? will I be forgiven?? Don't think so.

AirbusMaster 8th Aug 2010 10:41

Guys if any of you still pay a "tip/gift" to get a better roster, do you mind telling us what is the current rate?

A330 man 8th Aug 2010 12:11

Last time I checked, it was QR 1500, you will have no "bad" flights.
But for QR 2000 you will get only the best flights on your fleet.

The payment location changed from the car parking - due to the installed cameras- to a coffee shop after office hours, usually at 03:45 PM after driving out of the tech building. The management can prove the corruption if they just compare the monthly pilots' roster.

The question is: Do they want to stop this practice?
I think they couldn't care less.

noise of freedom 8th Aug 2010 12:22

Unfortunatlly again all true...

the rostering dept is ruled by corrupted indians,sorry to say that and it seems that nobody cares.
The outcome?More people leaving the company,more wasted money and less safety...

So why the CEO doesn't take any action,is corruption a serious issue in a strict muslim country like Qatar?


PS the jaeppesen bidding doesn't work because the roster is modified at least 4-5 days before it comes out.
An example?No mere then 3 days off for pilots only! no days off after leave even if we are over crew...

to me it all seems a joke,treating people like **** for no reasons is really usless and not understandable.

violet08 8th Aug 2010 12:26

Is the rostering bribe (QR1500/2000) per month? Or a different time period? After 5 months of really crappy schedules, it is tempting!

loc22550 8th Aug 2010 12:32

Violet : you are NOT gone solve the problem by acting like that!
If you still have some dignity please leave this dirty practice to DIRTY CHEAP people!

Dan cooper 8th Aug 2010 13:30

You are right Loc22550, but it hurts to see those cheap/dirty people enjoying their lives, while dignified pilots suffer.

I believe that it can be corrected if this department is not in conflict with the chief pilots, and if they are monitored by a higher authority.

I don't understand why QR paid for the Jeppesen system, then allow those roster manipulators to play these games.

Another practice:
Receiving this sms: check your roster change", when you see no memo with the reason of change….most likely it was a swap without your consent upon a request of another pilot – it happens usually during the night shift.

P.S. how many roster changes you receive per month in a 5 star airlines?
As any major airline, the better rostering department, the less roster changes.

CI999 8th Aug 2010 14:57

it will always be there
there are alots of other bigger mafias (managment, indain, brits,) tell me about that......:=

Daft Wader 8th Aug 2010 17:18

That is why the Cash Machines are there , as they dish out a variety of currencies , this helps to iron out any exchange rate fluctuations.

May the farce be with with you

Daft Wader

Mr Angry from Purley 8th Aug 2010 17:48

Watch out for the Palace mafia also.....

A330 man 8th Aug 2010 20:59

Guys, let's stick to the subject of the forum, share & expose the malpractices of the rostering department with facts.

We are not trying to insult anyone here, just expose the wrong doing of the rostering department in QR.

I don't see why ALL pilots are punished when one of us commit a mistake while the rostering men and women are having this kind of free hand.

JCUERVO 8th Aug 2010 22:14

Ok so lets make them nervous...Who knows of the locations of the meetings and the date to make the arrangements? We'll make sure to give'em a nice little visit in the middle of the dealings...PM to the ppl on this forum and make it public knowledge...Scare tactics are used on us every day, might as well put what we have learned while being employed here to good use! ...Hope one of them is reading this right now...

PS: Bonus came in :)

QR UNITED 2009 8th Aug 2010 22:56

Some people are joking over here ??
Don't you know who made max 3 days off ?? Mr "TRE" BM when he used Turkish Capt roster to demote Mr New Zeland CRM mr PM ( who deserve it but not on the back of pilots ) .

What are you talking about CEO and fairness ? CEO has nothing to do with fairness or reducing corruption . He is main source of QR unfair treatment of cabin and cockpit crew .

CEO hate pilots and he show this in any way he can . One of the ways is to make pilot roster as bad as it can be in order to prove that there are people who will work regardless of anything and he managed to do this till
now .

CEO spend more time dealing with cabin crew then thinking about any pilot problems except trying to make pilot life as miserable as he can .

AAB has spend more $$ on cameras to control cabin crew in and out then on 1 week bonus he give us .

PIPE RIDER 9th Aug 2010 02:47

Corruption or not? there will ways be corruption, what I think its worse is that the EVPO, CEO al all the useless managers ending in O, always fall for the promises of the rostering managers, and find out that it doesn't work. You try to squeeze the juice of pilots, we will fall sick, we will be fatigue, duties will overlap each other etc.... I can think of three times this stupid type of roster on 320 has come and go.... and then then rostering is calling you friday morning..sir,sir we have no CPs to operate BAH guess what? BAH was delayed 1 hour because no CP......at least I DONT fly on days off regardless of the $$$$$$$$$$

loc22550 9th Aug 2010 03:24

CEO has other priority..like tracking pilots without hats or open jacket ...much more important than tracking corruption inisde roster department.:}

CI999 9th Aug 2010 08:13

look out
middle managment is the worst mafia, most (I must say all) hates the CEO any way. if middle managment administrative corruptionrostring stopped, likewise crew scheduling and crew rostering automatically follow....... mosquitoes fly in slum:rolleyes: that's what it is clean managment clean staff & vs.............

knotaloud 9th Aug 2010 14:39

Word in the corridors is that the rostering mismanager Mr PM has resigned. Can anyone confirm the good news?

filthyrichandcatflap 9th Aug 2010 15:47

Watch out for the Palace mafia also....."


Dan cooper 9th Aug 2010 16:19

the rostering mismanager Mr PM has resigned. Can anyone confirm the good news?
I hope it is correct, He is good only in showing great power point presentations!

He could sell himself as a good rostering manager for a short time, but his incompetence became clear to everyone now.

airwjo 10th Aug 2010 17:54

am reading this forum, and i start laughing.

what do you mean with rostering department? you mean corruption center!!! indian mafia especially, starting from help(less) desk, going to the top. the camorra in italy is better, they have at least honor. i do not want to insult any nationality, but sorry, it is like this.

they do what ever they want, you think they care about the jeppesen system?

hahahahaha, why they issue rosters days later? right, they are working behind it, taking their bribes for good layovers.

i know, there will be always corruption, but what is happening here, is too much - way toooooooo much.


AirbusMaster 10th Aug 2010 19:35

Almost every individual in the airline knows about the manipulation, mistakes and incompetence of both the Helpless desk and the rostering department.

The question remain : why the management is doing nothing about it?
Maybe some managers are benifited?

Why are they allowed to do whatever they want? wasting the recourses of the company by assigning too many -non used- STBYs to the limit they have to call you in your day OFF instead of the falsely filled STBY days?

I don't mind, it is an extra money for me.

Suggestion: let the jeppesen system assign the flights (including the training requirements) then upload the system directly to the AIMS, and see how it will works.

QR might save half of the working force of this corrupt department.

atyourcervix73 10th Aug 2010 22:13

Should be relatively easy to out those responsible, or at the very least make it known, that YOU know, as does everyone else.
Name names, point the finger, put your money where the other mouths usually are.
I'm sure there must be a global company email address book, so copy everyone in, and stipulate a confirmation when its read.
Start at the CEO and work down.
Now for the best bit, you can do it with total anonymity, just create an appropriate email address on a public non Qatari domain via a secure proxy server (you know what I mean) and hey presto..you can sit back and watch things evolve....
A post or two on here with the contents of emails etc etc wouldn't go amiss either.
Just a suggestion mind.

airwjo 11th Aug 2010 13:19

just a fact as well,

it is easy to point them out, at least, when they try to cancel a nice layover, even you are legal to do it.

they did it with me but only one time, because i followed it up, with all names.

went to rostering manager with all the evidence - got my layover back in 1 minute after i told him, i will take this a level higher.

since then, it never happened again, they just punish me now with not giving me my requests.

but am up to this already as well.


Dan cooper 11th Aug 2010 15:24

P.M. is out

since then, it never happened again, they just punish me now with not giving me my requests.

but am up to this already as well.
I think airwjo should take it to a higher level, prove their unfairness and manipulation.

Again : why can they do this and go unpunished ? How can they ignore the Jeppesen awarded flights? Who is responsible of following up the final outcome of the monthly rosters?

I can confirm that the rostering missmanager is OUT. I cannot confirm if he has resigned or was "ordered" to resign.

I believe the smell of his kitchen became too strong to ignore.

Let us see if the new manager will be able to hold the wild horses of this department.

More pilots would join QA and less would resign just for this single reason:
Better balanced and fair roster.

Dan cooper 12th Aug 2010 11:12

Roster Balancing Lesson:
Dear Rostering department,

Due to the fact that you have no clue on balancing pilots layovers -either intentionally or accidentally- find belolw an example from an Airline who had no expensive Jeppesen system, but they had a small computer with excel sheet used to balance the layovers (in number and in quality) for all pilots of same category and rank.

Layovers numbers are published every 3 months to show how the layovers were balanced – and almost equal – between pilots.

Layovers were divided into groups, e.g. USA: included: NY, FL, LAX. The Far East included: BKK, SIN, MNL, PEK, Mid East included: CAI, TUN, BAH…etc.

It did not matter if you flew to the USA to stay in NY, FL, or LAX, but no one spent most of his 3 months flying to the USA while the other is flying to the Mid East.

I think this kind of transparency would prevent any possibility of corruption or illegal favors.

airwjo 12th Aug 2010 19:10

well said dan cooper, would make life more easier.

transparent rosters are easy to achieve.

let's see, what is happening now.

what i learned here, you have to stand up and speak in order to get to your rights, otherwise you are just a ball or better a staff number.


AirbusMaster 12th Aug 2010 19:46

Dan Cooper,

Very well said, I am sure this information is available in the rostering department current sophisticated system, but is any manager outside the rostering mafia able to get it?

if yes, is anyone really interested in fairness and transparency in QA?

I hope the answer is yes, because you just inspired the new rostering manager with a simple method to improve the work -and more important the reputation-of his department.

Mr Angry from Purley 12th Aug 2010 20:55

filthyrich - "watch out for the Palace Mafia" - in joke sorry can't tell you it's a secret however if you pay mde top $$ i'll let you know..
Dan Cooper - I used AIMS in a previous life about xx years ago, pilots used to bitch and moan about distribution of the "decent 8 day trips". If i remember correctly it was set up by trip length not destination....And i never had time to set it up correctly, have you thought about that..:\

airwjo 13th Aug 2010 06:33

we had a similar system in my previous airline - and it was working!!!

anyway guys, you remember, when they introduced the jeppesen system?

for 3 months it was working perfectly!!!!! (at least for me and for some other guys i talked to)

then of a sudden, everything changed again, and why, because our lovely rostering is working behind it.

that's it. so, why they spent millions of dollars, if they screw it up, and then they are talking about saving money - what a contradiction

loc22550 13th Aug 2010 11:08

" is anyone really interested in fairness and transparency in .Q.A?":}

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