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Escaped EK 20th Mar 2010 13:59

A word to the wise (ex-EK driver's experience)
I have recently escaped the evil empire and would like to share a few thoughts. Many things have been written about EK over the past years for the most part true, but i would like to add a few more insights.

After I tendered my resignation I was asked to attend for an EXIT interview. The under lying question was why are you leaving and what can we do to change your mind?

Simply put my reply was that prior to signing up I was presented a glossy corporate image of EK where I would live in a fabulous villa supplied by the company who would pay “all reasonable utilities” and all I had to do was jump into my chauffer driven Audi & fly approx 75 hours a month staying in 5 star hotels whilst my wife and children attended private school 95% paid for by the company and if I worked over time (more that 78) I would receive a healthy overtime payment known as productivity pay. Then on my return I would enjoy ample time off to enjoy liberal cosmopolitan Dubai and socialize with my friends. The incremental pay scale table along with the historical regular pay increases and amazing company profit share where brilliant, my promised & future tax free salary would allow us to live the good life with loads of toys and the ability to save a lot of money and if I stayed 5 years I would receive 75% of the company’s provident fund contributions representing 12% of my growing salary or 100% if I stayed 7 years. We could travel home and see the world regularly using the firm and standby tickets available to all staff not using holidays which were 42 days a years but using days off that we could bid for using the amazing EK bid system even stringing days together over 2 months so we could have 2 weeks off but still work our 75 hours. But the real carrot was the ability to make the left seat in 3 years.

The reality was very different, I had decided to leave because the accommodation was a scandal, what we were shown and what we eventually received were as different as a Boeing NG and an Antonov . The quality of the build was shoddy, it leaked whenever it rained and I guess the plumber did the tiling and the carpenter did the plumbing. I now had to pay a large portion of the exorbitant DEWA electricity and water bills for the villa that requires constant AC to keep at a reasonable temperature due to its poor insulation and a water requirement needed to keep the garden green to give my family somewhere same to play and relax escaping the world’s biggest construction site that is Dubai and having to pay extra fees because the company had not been paying its bills. When I returned from trips having driven home in the tattered battered Audi driven by a poor contract driver who was working 15 hours straight and driving the world’s most dangerous roads at 140km, I was continuously fatigued and trying to figure out what time zone I was in.

Working over 90 hours a month with the overtime pay essentially abolished by moving the threshold to beyond the legal annual average. The pay increases stopped and the published pay scale increment was abolished and the bonus none existent even thought the company continuously made money, the greed was becoming obvious, extreme and obscene. The cost of living had skyrocketed in Dubai and we were finding it difficult to make ends meet. We were not alone most of my neighbours were expressing the same worries, savings and toys were out of the question. Schools fees were rising an average of 12% per year on already crazy prices with company contribution frozen, so within 3 years my contribution of 5% was rising to over 25% and would represent 2 months of my stalled salary. The bid system was failing with top bids frequently not achieving the requested time off or pairings. Stringing days together proved difficult often impossible so trips had to wait until annual leave which was bid for and often achieved unworkable dates not coinciding with school holidays and only the 30 legal minimum days being permitted, the balance being allocated as random days off at the company’s will. Then to top it all the carrot of command had rotted and become turnip somewhere out in the distance out of reach getting further away.

So what can we do to convince you to stay they asked, I simply replied deliver on your promises, give me chance at command, increase my salary so i can afford to stay, sort out the school fees and give me back my life so i can enjoy my family by allowing me to fly reasonable long haul hours. The reply was that current policy does not permit us to do that.

In the words of the soon to be late Mr ED “You’re obviously not getting my message. We don’t accept email objection letters. Additionally, our contracts with all employees allow for revisions to the conditions and policies of the company so long as they are advised to the employee – it does not require a ‘re-negotiation” – your contract is worthless, it is a guide, the writing is on the wall chaps, bail if you can, plan if you can’t, join at your peril.

I for one have acted and not just talked, life on the outside is good despite what they will have you believe. You simply cannot not apply a low-cost short haul model safely to a long haul operation. My advice to the wannabe if you have a job and it pays your bills stay, if you’re out of work and get an EK job offer by all means take it but be warned!

Maybe the coming bumper profit will see some changes for the better either through logic and open eyes or through economic competition for staff, but I seriously doubt it.

kiwi 20th Mar 2010 16:03

And I can guarantee that the reason for your resignation would have been placed under heading of "Personal".
A rather handy all encompassing explanation to the powers above, that accepts no fault on the company side.
There are none so blind as those who choose not to see.

NG_Kaptain 20th Mar 2010 17:01

Five years ago EK would have been my dream job. Working for a legacy carrier and not wanting to pack it in , but still reading these boards, Emirates seemed like a very happy progressive company.
How things have changed in such a short time. Is it the Emiratization of flight ops? When did the rot set in?
When my previous company shut down and I needed to find a new home I accepted the first firm offer and went to work for the guys south of you, mainly because I didn't wish to go through the selection process twice.
If I had been offered a job first by EK I probably would have accepted it. The way your managers are treating you guys I believe when the next hiring boom comes up EK will have a lot of shinny new aircraft parked because there wont be pilots to fly them. Hopefully management is reading these forums and will do something quickly to correct the current crisis.

BritishGuy 20th Mar 2010 17:23

Escaped EK, would you mind if I ask what it is you moved on to?

Manning Road 21st Mar 2010 05:12

Thanks Escapee for that lucid summation.

Capt Roo 21st Mar 2010 05:51

Sad comments. Almost joined EK a few years ago, glad now with hindsight that I didn't! Since things are picking up in the far east and contracts are being renewed again staying on was the right call.

The main reason we didn't come was that my wife felt she would be discriminated against in Dubai, given that she is not Anglo-Saxon.

Looks like there are bigger problems in sunny Dubai though. One thing about the far east - contracts are honoured to the letter. Very silly of the Dubains to try to wiggle out of a contract, it will always come back to bite them.

Che Xindamail 21st Mar 2010 15:06

Very well-written.
Reminded me of Good Will Hunting, when Matt Damon is being interviewed for the CIA job and explains why he shouldn't take it.
Good luck with your new job whatever it is.

M-rat 21st Mar 2010 15:30

I sent my EK Contract to a lawyer in my home country. I wanted his opinion:

This is nothing but a framework for mischief


So that's that I guess.

ManagementMotion 21st Mar 2010 18:40

Well written but:

Emirates remains one of the best packages available.
Can anyone name another Airline that offers a better package and is currently recruiting? Please give details if able.

Most know this hence the turnover of pilots is well within historic norms with regards to Emirates and better than many major carriers.

Job security is high from a number of perspectives. E.g. Not the same can be said for a major British carrier that is undoubtably going to collapse or break up given their losses, industrial action and an unsustainable pension system that has been raided to the point where the liabilities will ultimately bring the airline down. Many will not see their expected returns. Contrast this with Emirates' completely independent Provident Fund.

We can probably expect many of this carrier's pilots to be applying here over the next few years. Most of them arriving with more than ample type and network experience.

Marooned 21st Mar 2010 20:07

M&M/Mana or whoever else you'll be soon, did you actually read the post?

Emirates remains one of the best packages available.
If they/you stuck to the 'contract', and I use the word contract loosely, it may well be one of the best packages but YOU lie and cheat it down to a mediocre one.

As for the so called provident fund you have to be in management to think any returns from the BA pension could be anywhere near as cr*p as the mismanaged fund we have to put up with.

So the managements strategy is to keep working the crews to the max in the hope that eventually BA pilots (once BA goes bust?) will jump at the chance to come over and do the same... Where do they get you idiots from?

Well done Escaped EK, hope to follow soon. Perhaps you could tell us where the tunnel is?

fdcg27 22nd Mar 2010 00:58

So, we have a couple of pilots who have actually lived the dream and found it a nightmare.
Shame they treat their expats like day labor.
The airline does have lots of new equipment on order.
Wonder who they will find to fly all those new A380s?

411A 22nd Mar 2010 03:13

Wonder who they will find to fly all those new A380s?
I expect the stack of applications for all types is at least eight feet tall, by now.
No shortage, me thinks.
Now, having said this, just what guys find when they are actually employeed is another kettle of fish...apparently.:hmm::}

Taylor01 22nd Mar 2010 03:23

The word is out!
Please quit saying what a great package we have. That is the lure of today. We all know that that is subject to change without any notice and a pilot's health is worth more than what you say you offer. The word is out around the world and until you make the flight conditions better (i.e. not 90+ hours every month with min days off) people will not come and we will continue to leave.:=

sony 22nd Mar 2010 03:56

Can anyone name another Airline that offers a better package and is currently recruiting? Please give details if able.

Just off the top of my head....Air Japan contract (higher pay), NCA contract (higher pay) and accepting resume's for recruitment within the year, any of the Air China contracts (higher pay). Actually most of the contracts out there currently pay more than Emirates. As for permanent employment, there are quite a few airlines that pay significantly more than Emirates, but as you imply, are not recruiting... like British Airways and Cathay.

That being said I do not think Emirates is a bad gig. There are plenty of places that are much worse. Money is not everything. There are so many factors that are specific to any individual that will determine the quality of a "JOB"

dustyprops 22nd Mar 2010 05:07

Escaped EK - enjoy having your life back mate:) and what a great post.

Absolutely a must read for anybody thinking of joining. Rolling from one punch to the next is what it feels like.

Anyone considering EK take heed of the warning, as things stand right now, this is very sound advice.

MM - give it up, the "EK great package" line is getting old.

QCM1 22nd Mar 2010 06:20

Freedom in Oz....avoid being Native Arborigen or Indian from India or trying to build a mosq:rolleyes:

halas 22nd Mar 2010 06:29

I'm Native Arborigen and l get to eat vindaloo in my mosq :}


Snake man 22nd Mar 2010 07:49


1) "Most know this hence the turnover of pilots is well within historic norms".
Is it possible that this has more to do with the current economic downturn and not so much to do with what a fabulous job this is? It might be more accurate to measure the success of our current recruitment drive and how many of the selected candidates are actually pitching up for the job.

2) "Job security is high from a number of perspectives."
Do you want to try explaining that to all the people who have been fired/demoted/disciplined in the last 12 months? Most notably to Manchester F/O who was fired during training for doing a go-around?

3) "a major British carrier that is undoubtably going to collapse".
I don't know what to say.........! Where did you pluck that undoubted fact from?

4) "We can probably expect many of this carrier's pilots to be applying here over the next few years."
Possibly you haven't been here terribly long, so let me help you out. An assortment of managers from TCK's time onwards have been predicting the imminent arrival of "many" BA pilots who are going to solve all our recruitment and experience problems. It just hasn't happened. If indeed you are management, may I ask: "Does this mean you will be opening the doors to DEC's again.....?"


Payscale 22nd Mar 2010 08:45

1) Simple economics. In down times they will squeeze us like lemons. In good times reward us to show the world, and their creditors that all is good.

2) Only fractions of the trust circulates in rumors. Thats a fact! the rest is mere spin offs of the truth. This IS an airline in the 14th century...their management sometimes reflects it. If BA or the other big airlines could fire pilots at will, they would too. Its every managers wet dream to come there before retirement and try out those principles that didnt work at home.

3) Who knows! Swiss Air didnt see it coming either.... SAS might be next..

4) The doors doe DEC was never closed. Its an automatic door that opens when you approach it. Rightly so. I dont particularly like the DEC concept, but it has always been part of the expat pilot scene. I expect the I too will be a DEC sometime...maybe you will too!

Take Care


johnnyramjet 22nd Mar 2010 09:00

Sydney only
QCM1 Here are a list of Sydney Mosque's, there are many more in other cities. Try building a Church in the ME. Another twist of facts. :ugh:

Sydney Mosques and Prayer Room Locations
Name: Al-Azhar Mosque

Address: 172 Burwood Rd,Burwood,NSW 2192
Phone: 97404396

Name: Artarmon Musallah
Address: 35 Hampden Rd,Artarmon,NSW 2064

Name: Ashfield Musallah
Address: 1/27 Holden st.,Ashfield,NSW 2131

Name: Auburn Gallipoli Mosque
Address: 15-19 North Parade,Auburn,NSW 2144
Phone: 96465972

Name: Auburn Musallah
Address: 12-16 Harrow Road,Auburn,NSW 2144
Phone: 98203553

Name: Bankstown Mosque [Masjid-e-Abu Bakr]
Address: 2 Winspear Ave,Bankstown,NSW 2200
Phone: 97074842

Name: Bankstown Musalla
Address: 108 Adnum Lane,Bankstown,NSW 2200

Name: Belmore Mosque
Address: 172B Burwood Road,Belmore,NSW 2192

Name: Blacktown Mosque
Address: Cnr Prince and Forth Street,Blacktown,NSW 2148

Name: Bonnyrigg Mosque
Address: 44 Bibbys Place,Bonnyrigg,NSW 2177
Phone: 98234126

Name: Cabramatta Mosque
Address: 52 Water Street,Cabramatta West,NSW 2216

Name: Campbelltown (Minto) Mosque
Address: 44-48 Westmoreland Rd,Leumeah,NSW 2560
Phone: 98202536

Name: Carringbah Musalah
Address: 28 Frosbisher Ave,Carringbah,NSW 2229
Phone: 95256694

Name: Central Coast Mosque (Wyong Mosque)
Address: 13A Howarth Street,Wyong,NSW 2259
Phone: 43531451

Name: Charmhaven Musallah
Address: 18 Pacific Hwy,Charmhaven,NSW 2263
Phone: 43931599

Name: Chatswood Musalah
Address: 1 Albert Ave,Chatswood,NSW 2057

Name: Dee Why [Al Jihad] Mosque
Address: 12 South Creek Rd,Dee Why,NSW 2099
Phone: 99826102

Name: Erskinville Mosque
Address: 13 John Street,Erskinville,NSW 2043
Phone: 95163039

Name: Gladesville Musallah
Address: Cowell Street Car Park,Gladesville,NSW 2111

Name: Global Islamic Youth Centre & Prayer Hall
Address: 265 George St,Liverpool,NSW 2170
Phone: 96021511

Name: Gosford Musalah
Address: Narrara Road,Gosford,NSW 2250

Name: Granville Musallah
Address: 3/ 23-25 South Street,Granville,NSW 2142
Phone: 96324475

Name: Green Valley Mosque
Address: 264 Wilson Road,Green Valley,NSW 2168
Phone: 96074074

Name: Gwynneville [Omar] Mosque
Address: 9 Foley Street,Gwynneville,NSW 2500
Phone: 43531451

Name: Hornsby Musala
Address: 73 Jersey St,Hornsby,NSW 207
Phone: 414507255

Name: Illawarra Mosque [Bilal Mosque]
Address: 1 Bethlehem Street,Cringila,NSW 2501
Phone: 42746232

Name: Kensington Musallah
Address: 1/178 Cnr of ANZAC Parade & Todman Avenue,Kensington,NSW 2033

Name: Lakemba Mosque [Al-Imam Ali]
Address: 65 - 67 Wangee Road,Lakemba,NSW 2195
Phone: 97506833

Name: Lakemba Musalah
Address: 19 Haldon Street Cnr Railway Pde,Lakemba,NSW 2195
Phone: 97503690

Name: Liverpool Mosque
Address: 42 Wilson Road,Hinchinbrook,NSW 2168
Phone: 96074074

Name: Lurnea Mosque (Islamic House Mosque)
Address:9 Brigalow Avenue,Casula,NSW 2158

Name: Macquarie University Musalla
Address:Ground Floor, International Bldg, Macquarie University,North Ryde,NSW 2113

Name: Mascot Musallah
Address:Upstairs 1215 Botany Road,Mascot,NSW 2020
Phone: 96624410

Name: Masjid Darul Imaan
Address:Cnr Princess Hwy & Eden St,Arncliffe,NSW 2205

Name: Mayfield Mosque
Address:36 Silsoe Street,Mayfield,NSW 2304

Name: Merrylands Friday Prayers Hall
Address:Merrylands Community Centre, Miller St, Merrylands,Merrylands,NSW 2160
Phone: 96826280

Name: Nepean Mosque
Address:Cnr Luxford Rd and Hythe Street,Mount Druitt,NSW 2770
Phone: 98322546

Name: Newcastle Mosque
Address:6 Metcalf Street,Wallsend,NSW 2287
Phone: 49500099

Name: North Sydney Musalah
Address:McMahons Point Community Centre, 165 Blue Point Rd,North Sydney,NSW 2060

Name: Omar Mosque - Auburn
Address:43 Harrow Road,Auburn,NSW 2144
Phone: 96437711

Name: Omar Mosque Wollongong
Address:9 Foley St, Gwynneville,Wollongong,NSW 2500
Phone: 02-4225 1962

Name: Paramatta Musalah
Address:Paramatta Town Hall,Paramatta,NSW 2150

Name: Penshurst Mosque
Address:447 Forrest Rd,Penshurst,NSW 2222
Phone: 95803390

Name: Prospect Musallah
Address:420 Blacktown Road,Prospect,NSW 2148

Name: Punchbowl Musallah
Address:27 Matthews Road,Punchbowl,NSW 2196

Name: Redfern Mosque
Address:328 Cleveland St,Redfern,NSW 2010
Phone: 96984149

Name: Rooty Hill Mosque
Address:25-29 Woodstock Ave,Rooty Hill,NSW 2770
Phone: 96772613

Name: Rydalmere Mosque
Address:465 Victoria Rd, Cnr Primrose Ave,Rydalmere,NSW 2116
Phone: 96387788

Name: Ryde Masjeed-Musallah
Address:120 Blaxland Road,Ryde,NSW 2112
Phone: 98072149

Name: Sefton Mosque
Address:11-13 Helen Street,Sefton,NSW 2162
Phone: 96451313

Name: Smithfield Mosque
Address:30 Bourke St,Smithfield,NSW 2164
Phone: 96092551

Name: South Hurstville Musallah
Address:18 Culwulla Street,South Hurstville,NSW 2220

Name: Surry Hills Mosque
Address:175-177, Commonwealth Street,Surry Hills,NSW 2010
Phone: 92810440

Name: Sydney CBD Musalah
Address:Level 2, 86 Pitt Street,Sydney,NSW 2000

Name: Tempe Mosque [Al-Hijrah]
Address:45 Station Street,Tempe,NSW 2044
Phone: 95588533

Name: Town Hall Mussalah
Address:167B Castlereagh Street, Town Hall,Sydney,NSW 2000

Name: Wynyard Mussalah
Address:60 Clarence Street,Sydney,NSW 2000

Name: York Street Mosque
Address:36 York Street,Sydney,NSW 2000
Phone: 92992798

Name: Zetland Mosque
Address:932 Bourke Street,Zetland,NSW 2017
Phone: 93196733

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