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Microburst2002 18th Mar 2010 20:27

In the sand pit, this would never had happened. Because there are no locals serving booze.

However, there was a macro party a few years ago in a compound and over a hundred people were to enjoy the caressess of a whip. I don't know if they finaly did.

Look, in this countries there is no justice. There is no democracy. They don't even want these things, which should be limited just to the western world, where we appreciate them.

you have to be careful, save money, go back home when you are done, and that's it. It can be better than living in a western city where you can be killed if you enter in the wrong street or alley. Everything has pros and cons.

We think they are crazy. They think we are demons. For us, the middle age was over 800 years ago. You are in a different world.


411A 18th Mar 2010 21:19

We think they are crazy. They think we are demons. For us, the middle age was over 800 years ago. You are in a different world.
Gotta laugh at that...but, so true.
Sadly, some folks who arrive in the region, never realise.

EFC 3 DAYS 19th Mar 2010 20:55

This whole case is nothing but a FACE SAVING issue. Local made a claim. Police showed up with puffed up chests. Couple sent to jail. International media involved. Accuser refuses to give anymore testemony other than she saw what she saw, or her "out at 2AM in the morning kids" saw what they saw.
So now what?
Boll@x at its absolute Middle Eastern best!

Dan Winterland 20th Mar 2010 07:00

Such hypocracy when you have establishments such as the Cyclone. (Is it still open? Haven't been there for 5 years).

Gulfstreamaviator 20th Mar 2010 07:04

Cyclone has closed
And in its place is either a multistory car park, or a Japanese Pod hotel... aka love hotel..



captainsmiffy 20th Mar 2010 19:59

411A...do you own a goldfish?!

faheel 21st Mar 2010 00:14

I have been an expat for the past 30 years ,spent 5 years in the sandpit too,and 411's statements on this thread are stating the obvious.

I cannot believe that some of you lot think that you can go to another country and expect their laws to take into account the law of the land where you came from !

Look to state it simply, would you be prepared to have (for instance)shariah law used as an excuse if a muslim were to kill his daughter because she kissed a guy in public in say the US of A or the UK or the like??
Of course you would not !

So once again to state the obvious, you comply with their laws,its their train set don't be bloody naive and think you should be excused because you are a non emirati.:(

Romasik 21st Mar 2010 03:22

Do you guys believe those kids were so mean to invent the whole story? Such devil's children:E. Come on! Most probably it's true. Besides it's their business to be in the restaurant at that time. Actually, it's their lifestyle which is not punishable in any way. And you know that.
What if someone injects heroin in front of your kids in Manchester:eek:? Kissing in the lips in Dubai is the same thing to the locals. And these are not crazy youth on the road but simply the family. Just respect them a little. This will make your life a lot easier. And their's, by the way. Remember were you are...

5star 21st Mar 2010 07:35

I guess most would agree over here it's not very decent to kiss in public.
(well at 2am in a restaurant isn't really public either but that's another discussion...) However to anyone from the ME considering him/herself in another league : Most westerners have a problem with the punishment this couple got. Jail and deportation. Com'on!

The same couple +kids, who turned the couple in, are probably in the same league as the ones who raced on Al Ain Road a few weeks ago with a kid unbuckled on the lap of a woman in the front seat. Nice one isn't it to have your child killed in a road crash because you didn't bother buckling up.
For this one, my dear friends, you would go to jail in the western world...

Double standards.
They have a long long way to go....Insh..

superspotter 21st Mar 2010 08:01

Ah, but you are forgetting 5star that the woman in the car crash is entirely blameless because you see, it was God's will wasnt it?? He's got a lot to answer for, that Allah (PBOH, dont want a fatwa) :confused:

alwayzinit 21st Mar 2010 13:30

What strikes me as most bizarre in the recent spate of "Outrageous Behaviour" incidents is that DXB desperately wants and needs western tourists to fill up the 5* hotels but is then surprised when tourists behave like well...........tourists:ugh:. (i know these latest 2 were working in dxb)

The "It's their train set" thing is all well and good if the tourist's host (:}) weren't ripping them off left right and centre.

The JBR was built for Westerners to pour shed loads of cash into DXB, it's a bit harsh to lock up then kick out people who, by the surroudings alone, were lead to believe that at 2 am a quick snog wouldn't bother anyone..............especially as at a significant number of swanky hotels the night fighters are displaying a whole lot more with the husbands and sons of local families who are so disgusted and yet the filth do nothing:ugh:.

Dxb instigated Duty Free Zones to encourage inward investment, why not Sharia Free Zones to encourage tourists and stop all these silly headlines!

Dixons Cider 22nd Mar 2010 05:40

Sadly, some folks who arrive in the region, never realise.

I cannot believe that some of you lot think that you can go to another country and expect their laws to take into account the law of the land where you came from !
Its not about expecting to live as you do in your home country, or being insulated from the rules if you're a tourist. Its about the rules themselves. Hypocracy if rife here, we all know that. However, whether they like it ir not, this place needs tourism...

Dubai’s Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) has launched a stimulus package for its tourism industry to attract and maintain its visitor numbers over the summer, according to a report. more...

All these recently highlighted events are doing nothing for the image of the place to potential visitors. The have to decide and clearly state if they want to be a fundamentalist medieval state, or a place that welcomes visitors and their money. Cant have both.

Todays news - no more alchohol to be used in cooking. At all.
Archaic? you decide..

Dubaian 22nd Mar 2010 06:54

Any chef will tell you all the alcohol boils off in cooking. (Not true of some sauces for desserts of course.) But all the licensed restaurants in DXB have been using little wineglass symbols on the menus for years to indicate where alcohol has been part of the preparation and hence allow the good Moslems to avoid it. What was the problem with that??
Some of the 'government' must be nuts to get yet more bad press for Dubai with this latest ruling. Pretty damn difficult to make Moules Mariniere without a dry white wine. Soon we'll be reduced to Gordon Ramsey and his mates just offering a traditional Mutton Grab. Saves washing the cutlery too.

Oh and I've just found out they're not going to issue any more licences for massage parlours. The place is going downhill faster than an Olympic skier

Bus429 23rd Mar 2010 02:53

According to today's Gulf News, alcohol in cooking is not being banned. The authorities are merely enforcing segregation of those foods with alcohol and those without.

Dubaian 23rd Mar 2010 05:29

Yes at least one wise local has prevailed and sorted out the lunacy 7DAYS - Municipality U-turn over alcohol in food

Fubaliera 23rd Mar 2010 06:48

:rolleyes:Even worse, How about Qatar s bid for the 2022 world Cup. Imagine that, a world cup with out hookers, booze and giving the referree the finger. Yeah right.

pinkus 23rd Mar 2010 07:28

Fatpilot don't hate on the stick dance. It's the best thing about Arabic culture!!

YouTube - Michael Jackson' Smooth Criminal Arabic Dance

Tower Ranger 23rd Mar 2010 08:06

Thanks for that, made me laugh! I`m confused though, is that an instructional video on how to drive a Land Cruiser and control your kids whilst on the mobile phone?

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