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Yossarian 1st Jun 2009 11:16

If ever something needs to be said, it is now. Please don't sit in the front row and whinge about this. Write to ED. You will be referred to HR. Write to them too. Question them regarding the change to your contract, referencing the actual wording in yours. There is no need to be antagonistic. Stick to the facts. Ask to be educated about how this is possible.

What good will this do? Maybe none at all. But print out the paper trail. Print out or copy every bit of correspondence you have with the company regarding contractual issues or changes made to conditions of employment. Keep copies of all your training forms. Especially the good ones! ;) Maybe one day you have a bad day and are asked to resign. Give that file to a lawyer back home. He might find it interesting reading and enough grounds to hammer in the last nail of a lawsuit against these clowns.

another_EK_pilot 1st Jun 2009 18:49

Also in DSO with all in all 5 of us in the villa and our bill was 28000.

Bredrin 2nd Jun 2009 02:58

I know that we have beaten this topic to death but, there are two main issues.
1) The breach of contract.
2) You obviously now are being penalised for having children (Remember Dubai is about families) and helping to make Dubai a lush oasis.
I am not in Dubai but, it doesn't matter whether the 21,000+ is enough. IT IS WRONG!
No one will take it to court but, you would probably win.

FFFrentit 2nd Jun 2009 10:13

Make Yourself Heard
I've been here for about a year now and have been a victim of the empty promises made to me by EK before I joined, i.e housing (it took a year to get my permanent accomodation and it is way below the standard of what was shown!), productivity, the Utilities Allowance fiasco, Education Support Allowance falling behind, etc.

The fact is, none of the above was accurately described in my employment contract and as such I just have to take a "like or leave it" attitude regarding these factors.

"The Company will pay rent, tax, all relevant cooking gas, electricity and water charges", as quoted directly from my employment contract is written in black and white and has no limit attached to it, nor a reference to limits that may be hidden in some obscure document somewhere.


In the absence of a union, or any form of legal representation / protection for that matter, we have to stand up for ourselves as individuals. If enough individuals make a loud enough noise, surely somebody must take notice. They may not do anything about it, but at least you will know that you have been heard.

Send an email to Helena at HR, cc Ed and your Fleet Manager - make sure that they are aware of your position in this case.

Somebody recently said something to the effect of "if you're not prepared to make a stand, don't winge about it on the flight deck".

Make a stand - at least you'll keep a little of your dignity intact whilst our "managers" probably realise that they lost theirs a long time ago.

And, if you're an FO and worried about repercussions - get some b;)lls - you'll have to face up to many more challenges as a Captain.

I'm an FO and I've sent my email. How about you?

Plank Cap 2nd Jun 2009 12:17

email duly sent.........
Hi Folks,

Entirely agree with writing in to HR to advise them how impressed we are with the unilateral change to our contracted terms and conditions, and personnally have done so.

What's the betting they now quote the ''Employment Regulations (currently published, and as amended from time to time after the date of this Contract of Employment) form a part of your Contract of Employment''.

The quote comes directly from my contract - can they use this terminology as a get-out?

puff m'call 2nd Jun 2009 14:18

This letter has been constructed by someone to help us all and I think it's very good, copy it, change it if you like, print it and sign it then send it to HR.

We all need to do this to show are feelings at what the Fockers are doing to us...:mad: Pass the word around and get everyone you know to send in the letter.

Let's not roll over and take this, it's our contract and they are breaking it, again!!! :mad: :mad:

To: John T. Howard - MGR HRBS-FLT OPS & ENG
Cc: Helena White - HRM(OPS)
Subject: FW: Environmental Awareness - Policy on Recovery of Excess Water and Electricity Costs in Company Provided Accommodation

Ref : Attached letter; Re : "Environmental Awareness"

Dear John,

Whilst it is encouraging to see that Emirates is trying to be "Environmentally Aware", full payment of Utilities is one of the very few things that is specifically mentioned in my contract. Quote "Utilities: The Company bears the cost of all normal utilities, e.g. water, electricity and gas, which are used in Company accommodation for normal living purposes." (End quote).

I realise that some of the conditions I joined under, (that aren't directly specified in my contract) have deteriorated. (e.g. Payment of overtime only after 92hrs). However, this is one of the few conditions that is actually written in my Contract and I do not accept that the Company has the legal right to change this without my consent.

I would suggest that if the Company (and the Country) wants to reduce my, and their, "environmental footprint" significantly, blatantly breaking a contract is not the way to show leadership on this issue.

Also, if the Company would like to introduce a new Contract policy for Utilities, then it can be offered to all new joiners.

I look forward to your reply,

(Your name here)

discovering 2nd Jun 2009 16:33

I have written to my Fleet Manager as below. If you do not write something similar, you will be accepting the change to your Contract by default.


Re: EVPHR/006/2009 26th May 2009, DEWA Consumption in Company provided villas

I refer to the above letter, requesting payment of charges in excess of Dhs 21,600 py.

My Contract of Employment Ref: REC/XXXXXX/XXXXX page 4 section Furnished Company Accommodation states: 'The Company will pay rent, tax, all relevent cooking gas, electricity and water charges.'

I do not agree to my Contract of Employment as above being amended.

yours sincerely,

waldorfin 3rd Jun 2009 02:49

Heard from a very reliable source last night that due to the "phenomenal" response to the utilities fiasco that TC has asked for a review. Keep those letters coming lads and ladesses.

Here's hoping reason prevails.....

halas 3rd Jun 2009 04:27

They want the coal face to save money, yet they supply a 77L for a FIFA junket to Nassau, from Zurich via DXB :confused:

Must be hard to pour millions in to that sponsorship. Well, actually now l see how it's done. Take the cash out of the power and water budget and give it to FIFA. :ok:


PS never did see that trip appear in the pairings report. Hope CPB doesn't get too sun-burnt.:E

sheiken around 3rd Jun 2009 06:11

Write In ...
Ok..My letters are in. One to Ed (4 days ago) and no response. One to J.H. (HR) and one to H.W. (HR) - Still awaiting a response.

It can't be over-emphasized how important it is to urge all of the guys/girls to write in to HR, Ed, TCAS etc. about this MAJOR breech of contract. In my opinion, there have been other breeches of the contract in the last few months, but this one is, for me, the one that has broken the camels back....no pun intended !!

Just remember, if they get away with this one, just imagine what's coming next..I shudder to think.

fatbus 3rd Jun 2009 06:24

Do you really think they care? Unfortunately not.

Dropp the Pilot 3rd Jun 2009 07:09

Depending how intent they are on pushing this through you may want to be careful how strongly you word your objections.

For instance, if you were to use as your template something like the one included in Discovering's recent post a very likely response could be:

"We regret you do not agree to your contract revision. We will consider your contract to be cancelled effective June 30, 2009 unless we receive from you written agreement to the new terms within 48 hours".

If that sounds overly dramatic I have personally observed the case where a certain Captain wished to resign from a stressful Flight Ops management position in order to return to the line. The official response he received was that his resignation was declined but should he wish to insist upon resignation he should be aware that there were no line Captain positions available for the forseeable future.

Hardball is as hardball does.

helen-damnation 3rd Jun 2009 11:47

We will consider your contract to be cancelled effective June 30, 2009 unless we receive from you written agreement to the new terms within 48 hours".
At which point they acknowledge they are changing the T & C's :ugh:

Wouldn't look good when the upturn comes and they're screaming out for crew........ again.

Keep Desiccating :O

fatbus 3rd Jun 2009 12:34

HR/Bean counters only look at today and how they can make themslves look good , they could care less of when EK will need pilots

captainsmiffy 4th Jun 2009 04:35

Environmental issue? My foot!
I responded to Eds e-mail about the 'environmental issue' and got an e-mail back about how lucky we were to have jobs in this economic climate and how Emirates must keep costs down etc - so now it is nothing to do with the environment at all! Well, no surprises there then but nice to finally be told the real reason for the 'smash and grab' on my terms and conditions of contract! And there was I, in the mistaken belief that we had just made $406 million dollars with the utilities paid! Silly me!

MumbaiRadio 4th Jun 2009 07:24

Collective action allowed by UAE labour law
for 85 dhs you can get yourself a copy of the UAE labour law.
You will then discover that under Part IX of this law employees of any company based in the UAE are legally allowed collective action against their employers for matters relating to their contracts. The process is clearly described in the law and basically consists in sending the complaint to the employer AND the appropriate body of the UAE Ministry of Labour. If after 1 week the controversy is not settled amicably the employees have the right to ask the Ministry to conduct the arbitration until a settlment is reached. In the absence of an amicable settlment the Ministry will then take the lead, hear the facts from both parties and come to a decision.
If you really want to get serious about this issue (and create a precedent to avoid deliberate future changes in the contractual conditions) it is advisable to hire a local lawyer and proceed collectively under the auspices of the law. Email/ letter writing to management is ok as a first step to avoid the 'silent consent' and to vent out the frustration but will not change the situation from what I have seen so far.

woodja51 4th Jun 2009 07:54

power and glory
Not that I would ever have done anything like this but if you feel so pre-disposed I have heard that if you remove the water meter and put a screw driver into the impeller that it doesnt spin so quick and hence.... well you can all work that one out...

and as far as the electricity goes... you could always tap of one of the phases before it gets to the meter... as long as the bill doesnt go to zero of course... as that might raise suspicions...

as I said I have only heard of this... really ... trust me...

and ... oh - I live out so my sympathies to you all but when you corner a rat it does bizarre things...

as far as the contract goes.. the hardball thing wont work as the contract for all of us can be terminated with reasonable notice. and the employment manual amended as a management pre-rogative unilaterally.

The contract on the other hand cannot without the concept of repudiation being invoked... however as EK is a wholly owned subsidary of the government and is basically immune under sovereign rules .. ie you need the governments permission to take them to court.. unlikely to succeed.

Just my 2 fils worth ...


Plank Cap 4th Jun 2009 12:37

HR Reply...........
Well, just had the response from Mr. JH of HR, and as forecast in my last posting on the previous page, they are justifying this by playing the ''change to the applicable manuals'' card. From the company's viewpoint, they are therefore seeing this as not breaching anybody's contract.

Anybody care to differ?

kingpost 4th Jun 2009 13:04

Even if it is changed in the manuals it still needs to be agreed by the employee as it is a change to the contract. By sitting back and paying your bill one could determine that you accepted the change.

It's no use paying now and wanting to sue later, you won't stand a chance - you need to object in writing and get confirmation that it has been received, you may have a case then.

As many of you signed your contracts overseas I would suggest taking up legal action there - don't piss around with this system we know how it likes to expat bash!

Aircav 5th Jun 2009 20:27

Legal Position
Has anyone got any informal (but proper) legal advice about HR's position with regards to this situation?

Would be nice to know before I continue my fight with them.

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