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Cyberbird 20th Feb 2009 16:23

To a pilot's son ....
Well... i'm just packin' up for another lenghty down-under/Kiwi trip ..
takin' me away from family & son for almost ten days - Love it or leave it, i know...
but someone at "youtube" expressed those feelings in a very moving way:
honest feelings expressed very nicely in words &music, which most of us share, when we're leaving the front door with suitcase in the right arm, and the flight-kit in the left & cap on the hat - at 4:30 am - whilst the loved ones are stiill sleeping ... :zzz:

YouTube - To a pilot's son

Boeing 777-300ER 20th Feb 2009 18:35

Yes indeed.

Very moving words expressing most of our feelings towards our loved ones.

Cyberbird have a safe trip.

disconnected 20th Feb 2009 20:42

Good one.

The bit that AAR can't fathom...

faheel 20th Feb 2009 23:59

Its the Hallmark channel on yotube! too much saccharin for me :}

williewalsh 21st Feb 2009 03:52

Me too, anyone for a group hug and a bit of therapy so we can learn to express our emotions about a job that is voluntary, a result of choice.

The mans been watching too much Oprah. Cheesy music and corny sentiments.
Whats all that boll0cks about final flight or something.Way to go cheering your family up:yuk:

The culture of having to express every sodding emotion in the states really makes me puke.Especially when its shared with strangers like me who really dont give a toss about this gentlemans innerself or family neglect of his choosing.

Now wheres that effing kitten its time for a swim:E

Wiley 21st Feb 2009 04:11

Soooo... anyone like to take odds that Cyberbird's real life ID has been unmasked? When not ppruning, does he go by the name of Fuzzy?

(Apologies to non-EK readers. In-house joke.)

kingoftheslipstream 22nd Feb 2009 07:00

Having a child - son 'r daughter - has been likened ta havin' yer heart walk around outside yer body.

Those complex emotions near departure time are an interestin' source of deep feelin's.

But I reckon' some a this stuff should stay where it's felt -in yer heart.

When you get all mushy like this 'n front of everybody... well... folks might start to thinkin' yer a bad poet 'n stuff.

Some words should hit the air like silence
- Chip Taylor

djuggler 22nd Feb 2009 07:38

whatever you say, we have all to admit that we go through different levels of emotion before we go on a long haul flight. some are happy because it means a chance for them to be away from the chaos of their own homes and enjoy some fleeting moments in the company of others. some feel sad because they'd just simply miss their families. whichever group you belong, who cares? it's your life. but we must not forget that when we decided to become pilots early on in our lives, 99 percent if not all of us were single, no commitment, no responsibilites, and we only thought then about having a good time. but along the way, perspective starts to change when we get married and have kids.

the guy who made that video is simply going through some kind of emotional roller-coaster ride, which is quite typical for a father who is strongly attached to his son. was becoming a pilot his own choice. yes, i believe so. but did he choose to feel that way? no, i don't think so. it's only a natural feeling, and being a father myself, i know how it feels.

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