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400tons 17th Mar 2010 13:54

Before signing any contract,ask HR to show you the official life and lost of licence insurance,you will be very surprised (nothing to do with what we were told) same as medical insurance.For 1 class compound ask the name of the compound and check on internet,another surprise..we are in a hotel since August :ugh:
Flights NONE (1 per week)
Check SA,at least you will get better than here

slatanmhor 18th Mar 2010 18:13

Hey 400tons....
thanks again for the beef!
I just wish i was at the stage whereby they were actually offering me a job. I dont think that will happen for a very long time somehow.
I am particularly interested in Alwafeerair cause they would actually provide the applicant (me) with the rating on the 74-400. I dont know of any other carrier out there willing to do that.....
What star hotel are you staying at there??? Is it at least luxurious???
I know what you mean by having to stay in hotels instead of your own apartment...-I have lived in hotels now for at least 15 years now so fully understand how boring that becomes!!

400tons 19th Mar 2010 09:31

Slatanmhor, check your PM;)

mutt 19th Mar 2010 11:07

Latest rumor is that AlWafeer are getting 777's........ sounds like an extremely interesting business plan, personally i would have thought that it was more logical but get their present aircraft flying and making money :):)


jetstreamhoney 23rd Mar 2010 14:56

I have just been on their career website. It doesn't specify nationality for cabin crew. Does anyone know if they employ cabin crew from the UK. Are the current cabin crew based in Saudia City?

Adrianaabd 8th Jun 2010 07:06

Alwafeer Air Cabin Crew
Dear Cabin Safety,

I wannna know if there is any cabin crew intake in Malaysia for 2010? Do reply me on these matter. Best regards and thank you. :)


Cabin Safety 13th Jun 2010 16:40

Dear Adriana,

Currently, Alwafeer Air hs NO recruitment plan for cabin crews and it's not expected to have one in 2010. Maye they would consider such a plan when the operational demand increase and aquire more aircrafts.


Adrianaabd 14th Jun 2010 04:37

Owh really? If that so, thank you for the information btw.Hope someday they want to recruit more crews.I'm looking forward to it :) Do inform if there's any will you? Have a nice day!

mutt 14th Jun 2010 12:05

Cabin Safety, is it true that you are only operating 2 flights a WEEK? Soon to be increased to 3? Considering that you have 3 aircraft, that cant be extremely economic!


mutt 14th Jul 2010 16:19

Newspaper reports today that they are starting flights to Baghdad and Basra. Nice to see them operate:ok:


fruityPCH 24th Jul 2010 18:44

Cabin Crew
Is it true that Alwafeer Air will not hire any cabin crews for this year? Anybody know about it?

Thank You.

carlimti 31st Jul 2010 11:06

Attention: alwafeeer wanabbbes
hey dudes everyone should SERIOUSLY research this company BEFORE joining

here is some help

1. LATE Salary since January 2010 ( from 10 days to 22 days late)

2. No flight pay has been paid(operated since haj last year)

3. Accomadation: NOT provided as promised in the contract or what was said at the interview, still in hotel, IMPOSSIBLE to take family and live a normal life.

4. Flight time: if looking for hours, this is NOT the place, lucky to get 100 hours in a year.

5. Operations: standards of a weak aeroclub, disorganised, unprofessional, not a good career move.

6. Lifestyle: NO LIFESTYLE HERE, eg: single men cannot go to the malls in the evening, with the accom in the hotel u cannot bring your family, therefore you will be single and wont be able to bring guests to a hotel without getting arrested.

7. Days off: most months=NO ROSTER=DAY TO DAY FLYING, therefore no days off are given or can be planned. The rosters given so far have been all STBY-ALL MONTH, 1 day off on 7 days.

8. Annual leave: cannot be taken when you want it, must take it when company tells you in the amount dictated by the company, therefore impossible to plan or commute.

9. This is NOT a commuting job, dont be fooled

10. No tickets and no ID Travel.

11. Training: one pilot has waited one (1) year to START TRAINING.

12. a big percentage of original pilots have left or are leaving soon


a. Live downtown in a very bad old compound.


c. poor training and standards

d. very badly treated, constant late pay, no vactaion when you want it

e. during flight saudi stewards do no work=girls are expected to worked like mules

f. girls that accomadate Cabin Crew Manager advances are traeted well and given prioerty for flights (wich=more pay) and vacation wheneber they want.

g. if you want to come here and get expeirience for anoder airiline, THIS IS NOT THE PLACE.

Some good points:

aircraft are pretty paint job

and.....ummmmmm....that all folks!!!!

ShinjukuHustler 2nd Aug 2010 05:51

AlWaffle Airlines...
A little research done before joining an outfit like this would stand to any would-be incumbents; chances are they'd think twice.

This 'thing' has been years in the making in fits and starts; just look at the hodge-podge of goons that are behind it :ugh: There are no profitable airlines in KSA, all are on some sort of life support from wealthy benefactors or from gov handouts.

You need to be one of the 'habeebees' to prosper in a company:} like that.

Hustle On :ok:

mutt 2nd Aug 2010 09:19

To give credit where its due, they are finally operating flights which they should have flown two years ago......


MMBenar 3rd Aug 2010 04:48

What? Didn't the infamous lowlife lato g string ( of the MAS MH 653 hijack thread ) work wonders with the management to get a " great deal " for those guys? I heard he has a sidekick formerly of KAL, Kuwaiti and East African Airways to " sniff " out the best deal!

Bwanah Kumbaya 3rd Aug 2010 19:06

You mean the devon dole arse ya is in the pilgrim transpoting business? Over in kimchiland, this snake was the most vociferous anti muslim big mouth and now he is in the holy land...if the current kaffiyeh wearer employers of his actually know about his past, they will probably put him on the friday market show!
Small wonder the g string character is with dd, forktoungues twine together!

Vel Paar 9th Aug 2010 21:14

Bwanah......forked tongues indeed. These two low lifes will be brown nosing all the way, conning the poor sods looking for a gig in the desert. The hajj season will bee coming in about 2-3 months, just watch out for these two conning forked tongues around the MAS sim in Subang, WMSA

ipohmali 12th Aug 2010 03:32

Did lato kuru aka gstring promise anybody fast track recruitment ala the jet airways recruitment caper he tried to pull off several years ago? Be careful guys, don't get suck into it especially when he starts his recruitment drive at MAS sim or KL Hilton.

MMBenar 17th Aug 2010 00:14

****ty bai and fellow viper soiling the holy sands of Arabia?

Well it's now Ramadhan and the umrah is in progress. In about 2 months, the hajj season will begin in earnest. It remains to be seen how many unfortunate chaps will fall for the trap of flying for this outfit.

flyinghawk 3rd Oct 2010 15:42

This is what to expect from a scam operator who is telling everybody the good news, BUT he put the $$$$ in his fat belly. There was a thread earlier mentioned that he has a good share of another scam operator close to Saudia and went down. Think before you apply there.

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