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dubaigong 14th Jun 2011 11:15

You can as long as you are not reported to the police by somebody or they don't find out.
Because if caught , for sure you go to jail and then you will be deported...

The other solution is to get married...

But there are plenty of other things you should be aware of before joining Dubai or this will be bad surprise.

There is somewhere on the UAE government website a guide to the foreigners planning to come here , it is really a mandatory reading according to me if you plan to come and work here.

Old King Coal 14th Jun 2011 12:15

Does this help? See: gulfnews : Living together in the UAE? Think twice

mirage2000pilot 15th Jun 2011 07:00

Flydubai interview
Hi all,

I would like to know if anyone has any info concerning the interview in Dubai?
Thank you.

adverse-bump 16th Jun 2011 18:21

Is any body on the interview on the 20 th this month? If so contact if you fancy a beer before hand!

Jeffdh17 16th Jun 2011 22:51

Can anyone advise as to what to expect for the final interview phase in Dubai? Technical questions, etc?


hazy85 17th Jun 2011 21:13

hi there can u help me in telling how da selection procedure went and wat they asked u because i have cleared da intial screaning and waiting for the interview i will appreciate ur concern in this

click 18th Jun 2011 07:03

If it's any help, I heard that they are pretty big on English skills...

Diz 21st Jun 2011 15:05

Just completed and submitted the application process.Normally how long is the wait to get an invitation ?So far I've only got a reply saying that I'll be screened.What are the chances of getting called for Captain position for a guy with 7800tt all on jet 1500PIC 73classic and 100PIC NG?:ooh:

dubaigong 21st Jun 2011 17:41

All the chances as they start to look for non rated pilots due to the fact that the source is drying.

Now , it is not because you will be called for the interview that it means that you will get the job... there is no guarantee...

EKBemused 22nd Jun 2011 19:11

Final Interview
Hello! all,
I just had my final interview in Dubai and I felt it was more of a formality and a chance for the FZ recruitment team to meet you in person and ensure CTC has not made an obvious error in the selection process.
There were two people at the interview, one of them a pilot.
There were no technical questions and just three or four example based questions after asking you to detail your career to date and obviously, why do you want to work for FZ.
After the interview you get to meet Mr. Ken Giles and then go for your medical.
Nothing to prepare for, just be yourself.
If it is any help, I am 51 and non type rated, though I have flown the 733 in the past. I was assessed as a DEC and have wide body experience.
For those who are preparing for the assessments with CTC my suggestion is to just go for the Pilapt test well rested and with an open mind. While it is demanding, I believe they are not expecting spectacular results but just a slight improvement as you repeat the tests.
All of us felt we were hopeless at it but managed to get through to the sim.
The sim is straight forward too. A take off with no AP/FD and no auto thrust. A SID followed by some climbing/descending turns followed by a raw data ILS, a go around with the engine failing during it. The FD is available for guidance during the procedure as they pop up when TOGA is selected. This is followed by a normal two engine VOR approach with full automation to a full stop landing.
Good luck and all the best.

dynamicd 23rd Jun 2011 20:50

fly dubai to Ek,Ey Qr
Hello guys sorry to digress here. I have heard people say that once you are hired by flyflydubai, you would. Never be able. to join Ek,Ey,or Qr in the future even after staying for 3 Years or paying off the bond.Any truth in this?

Vanheden 23rd Jun 2011 21:32

Reason being?

dubaigong 24th Jun 2011 06:20


First , you should find out which company you want to join according to what you are looking for ( big aircraft long haul operation , medium aircraft low cost operation , looking for quick command or not , lifestyle you are looking for etc... )

Then when you choice is made , do what is needed to get hired by this company and then if you fail to join try your next choice...

There is nothing more different than Flydubai and Emirates so think carefully before deciding.

There is no reason why you should not be able to join QR or EY after Flydubai but it is true that for the time being pilots from Flydubai trying to join Emirates have been told NO because there is an agreement between the 2 companies as they belong to the same government.

It seems that after 3 years in Flydubai the ban will be lifted and you should be able to join Emirates... Wait and see.

But again , if your goal is to join Emirates go right away to Emirates.Why would you want to loose 3 years of seniority in Flydubai ?

Toilet 27th Jun 2011 06:51

There are 34 pilots from Flydubai on the interview list at Etihad as of today. And EQ has started calling pilots from Flydubai personally to hear if they are willing to leave. So people are leaving, before the 3 year band, if you leave after 2 years, your UAE legal salary bonus will cover the most of the last 1/3 of the bond that is left. ( if you where type rated )

dubaigong 27th Jun 2011 09:35


Are sure about your information ?
How do you know exactly the number of Flydubai's pilot who have applied to Etihad ?
34 would mean around one pilot out of five... sounds a lot BUT we will soon see if you are right.

roden737 28th Jun 2011 15:05

Well.... I'm not actually on hold but my status is 'awaiting decision' for more then 6 weeks now and I meet all the requirements and then some....

Alaska737 1st Jul 2011 23:05

Next stage ......FO seat lock!
As hiring gets tighter and non-typed DECs come in they will have no choice but to start seat locking senior FOs.....sadly it will back fire on them as it would be more beneficial for those FOs to leave rather than commit for extra years on lower pay and worse benefits. No upgrade after 1 year is just a waste.

I heard a couple of captains were called by EK but this is a breach of the poaching agreement, and I am sure that EK would be very diplomatic in this regard. To answer your questions if you solicit them is fine, I am sure they and Ethiad would be highly interested to take any FD pilot, though.

For the newbies wanting to join. As a whole the company is better than the likes of the European carrier Riyanair?

SKYWRITER1 2nd Jul 2011 07:16

Eh? Seat lock FO's???????? Surely the job market is tighter for Captains? Why "seat lock" Fo's when you can farm the constant supply of those desperate for a job, whether they be experienced disillusioned guys from a european loco or low houred cadets to supply EK. Experienced captains have, and always will be harder to attract. If they start denying guys an upgrade, people will vote with their feet.

BurDubaiBob 2nd Jul 2011 08:16

Alaska737 isn't far wrong but, imho, many F/O's will remain bound to the RHS for a slightly different reason. Consider the following assumptions:
  • That the initial order for 54 aircraft is fulfilled.
  • One aircraft delivery per month.
  • No additional aircraft orders are in the pipeline.
  • Ratio of 7 Capts and 7 F/O's per aircraft (around-the-clock flying ups the requirement for crew) .
  • Continue to recruit Direct Entry Captains.
  • None of the Captain's leave the company.
  • Previous high levels of experience requirement for F/O recruits is not changed.
  • F/O upgrade requirements are not changed.
  • If an upgrade slot is available, that all the F/O's will upgrade, and will do so based upon their seniority number.
  • That the ratio of F/O upgrades is 3 - 4 per each new aircraft delivered (with that being balanced by recruitment of 4 - 3 DEC's).
  • Do not get Emirate' cadet pilots in place of F/O's.
With this present scenario, by the time the 54th aircraft is delivered there should be:
  • 378 Captains, made up of 227 DEC's and 151 upgrade F/O's.
  • 529 F/O's will have been hired in total (of which 151 will have upgraded to Captain) still leaving 378 F/O's occupying the RHS (which matches the number of Captains).
The projected date for 151st F/O being recruited will be when 22nd aircraft is delivered (in 3 months from now) !

And what if flydubai immediately stopped all DEC recruitment and instead relied entirely on upgrading F/O's to fill the LHS?

Using this alternative scenario, by the time the 54th aircraft is delivered there should be:
  • 378 Captains, made up of 115 DEC's and 263 upgrade F/O's.
  • 641 F/O's will have been hired in total (of which 263 will have upgraded to Captain) still leaving 378 F/O's occupying the RHS (which matches the number of Captains).
The projected date for 263rd F/O having been recruited will be achieved when 27th aircraft is delivered (approximately 8 months from now).

So depending upon which scenario you go for, and if nothing changes with the underlying assumptions:
  • If DEC recruitment continues: F/O's hoping to upgrade prior to the delivery of the 54th aircraft need to join within the next 3 months.
  • If DEC recruitment ceases: F/O's hoping to upgrade prior to the delivery of the 54th aircraft need to join within the next 8 months. (though there is presently little or no sign of DEC recruitment being suspended)
The bottom line is that there will come a point, sooner or later, when the present rate of F/O command upgrades will cease.
After that point, the only hope for any of the 378 F/O's stuck in the RHS to upgrade will be if either more aircraft are ordered, or if there's a departure by some of the 378 Captains, or if an awful lot of F/O's - ahead of them in the seniority list - fail their upgrade ?!

You've just got to 'do the math', and do remember that most of the F/O's recruited thus far are already high-hour / high-experience, so there is no reason why most of them should not achieve an upgrade in advance of folk who join after the aircraft delivery vs. upgrade watershed!

SKYWRITER1 2nd Jul 2011 11:44


your figures make perfect sense, I don't dispute them, but I'm sure many things will change before all the aircraft do arrive. This only then puts FZ in a similar position to most other airlines. I suppose its how you look at the job you have or are considering applying for. If you are joining FZ to get that quick upgrade, then yes, you have to consider the maths just the same as you would when you join any other airline. Fast upgrades can't be sustained forever.

Maybe I was wrong, but I considered the earlier comments to be an implication that FO's already at FZ were virtually already in dead mens shoes. Something I could't disagree with more.


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