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Voodoo 3 3rd Mar 2014 16:02

Just remember that if you went that extra mile this last year.... it wasn't enough. Maybe two miles would suffice next time?
I'm quite sure that I could do five miles bare feet on broken glass in the summer heat while flagellating myself the whole way and it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Wondering now why I bothered to go with flight plan fuel so much if the thanks I get is great job, no bonus but here's to next year…….:(

Old King Coal 3rd Mar 2014 16:19

Recite after me: "Don't pat me on my back; Pat me on my wallet"

Blue system 3rd Mar 2014 17:27

Pole shift,

Many of the Fo's are proven, experienced aviators with 5000-10000 hours and several thousand hours PIC/Airline command to boot. They just lacked the right typerating or else they would be sat direct in the left seat with that experience.

So tell me again why a DEC that joins at a later stage should jump the que?
And ofcourse a DEC will not move backwards :ugh: . He keeps his number like everyone else...

On speed on profile 3rd Mar 2014 17:58

Pole shift,

You may think you are a proven and experienced aviator but what exactly have you brought to the company with regards to commitment??...... Because that is exactly what the FZ seniority system rewards and for everyone who has endured the bad rosters over the last few years, it actually finally means something.

By their very nature, a DEC has probably left a not so stable job (or even unemployment) to come to FZ because the terms and conditions are better or they had no other option. Count yourself lucky if you fall into either bracket. Just because you are a captain, it doesn't automatically entitle you to better rights than your fellow, longer suffering FO. You may not like it but it is a fair system and it is one that every pilot in FZ knowingly signs up to.

I suggest you stop whining about it on here, stick your head above the parapet and go and make your thoughts heard where it counts if it really bothers you that much....... Or not.........

A little humility and respect goes a long way in the flight deck and the crew room!

JimbosJet 3rd Mar 2014 23:35

Is anyone able to shed some idea on the length of time it takes before you hear from Fly Dubai following an online application? I'm current on a modern Boeing with 5500+ hrs and applying for a non-type rated FO position. Is recruitment ongoing or is there a backlog due to the training departments workload?

Oh and before the flaming starts, I'm humble enough to realise that I may not hear anything at all if I'm deemed unsuitable.

WYOMINGPILOT 4th Mar 2014 01:14

I think everything is backlogged due to the runway closure which lasts until summertime. Type rated applicants are being given November start dates. It will clear out next year but expect slow response times now. The good news is lots of expected future growth with the new orders.

Azadpanchi 11th Mar 2014 17:28

Is this Flydubai CAE 737 TR program actually for recruitment or just a scheme by CAE to sell their TRs..?? can anyone confirm..?? :confused:

Thrustrequired 12th Mar 2014 01:15

Help !
Hi guys, I would like to share my situation with you all in search for some thoughts !

I'm actually flying in South America, and my current situation is starting to bother me. My airline has something around 120 acfts and a lot of old skippers (who are unable to retire due to previous airlines bankruptcy). My number on the seniority list is something around 400 and there is no fleet growth expected on the near future.

My duty roster has only 8 days off (no matter what) and we are usually flying 5x1. Long ground times, short rest periods, days and nights in sequence are often found. The salary ain't bad because I'm single and live with my parents, but I would have to struggle to afford having a family with that. Long story short, I can't save much nowadays, would save even less if I had wife and kids.

That said, do you guys think that going to ME would be a nice choice ? I know some people that decided to do the move, but I'm very connected to my family and must admit that I fear leaving all behind.

I'm 3700 tt, 2900 on the 737.

I know this is a very personal decision, but what do you guys think ? Am I going to have better T&C in the ME ? Is FlyDubai a good choice ?

I'm also curious about the upgrade time for an applicant like me.

Thanks in advance for the help !!! :ok:

Vortac1 13th Mar 2014 00:26

Hey Thrust,

Like you said, this is a very personal decision, nobody will be able to give you a straight answer for your particular case.

But...I'd strongly suggest to go ahead and bite the bullet and read this thread thoroughly from the beginning. It will tell you all you need to know about FD, conditions, pros and cons. It will give you some idea of what to expect as an expat for FD, you should be able to compare and maybe judge if its worth leaving home behind.

Its a tough choice, good luck!

LostinT2DXB 13th Mar 2014 08:18


It is never an easy decision to leave ones home. You need to ask yourself where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years. Set some goals, see if your current job can get you there in your reasonable time frame. The ME is a land opportunity, but it is filled with risk at every turn. You have an advantage of no wife or kids, so money wouldn't be an issue right now with taking the job at FZ. People who come here with a non-working spouse and a few kids are already behind the power curve with needing a large villa/apartment, school fees, etc....

Do your homework, understand what this place is, and really take a good look at your goals in life.......then make a decision.

Just as an FYI, there is a long line of applicants to get into this job, so if you haven't even filled out the app it would be a good place to start!

All the best with your decision:ok:

High Energy 13th Mar 2014 16:32

Matalla base * Rumor
A little birdie in Sri Lanka told me that Flydubai is looking to fly from Matalla to;
-Kuala Lumpur

Timeframe yet unknown but this is with the Sri Lankan CAA. So still a rumor.

Thrustrequired 13th Mar 2014 19:21

Tks !
Hey "Vortac" and "LostinT2DXB" !

First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts with me ! It's always good to hear the opinion of those who are actually "living the situation"

After taking some time to talk with my girlfriend (7yrs with the same woman lol), we decided that the best thing to do is go to DXB in my next vacation so we can feel how things are up there.

As you guys suggested, I'll do my homework... And that means learn as much as I can about the company from this thread and talk with those who are flying nowadays at FZ.

By the way, how's the job market for pilot's spouses ? My girlfriend is a nutritionist and I would like to have some insights about how would be her life up there.

Thanks again for the help, folks.

Fly safe... :ok:

had-enough 14th Mar 2014 17:39


Vortac isn't even an FZ pilot, so be careful when taking advice from people 'living the situation', but do read this thread all the way back, should give you all the info you need.

Best of luck!


Vortac1 14th Mar 2014 18:11

Hey Thrustrequired,

No need to thank, many of us here are glad to throw some advice from personal experience. As Had-enough so eloquently put it, I dont fly for FD, I never claimed to be an FD pilot, this is why I refrain from providing input regarding first hand info from the company itself, but not when it comes to issues regarding becoming an expat or doing your due diligence when it comes to making the call to head to UAE.

With that said, I did and am "living the situation" that the OP is asking about, which is insight about becoming an Expat in Dubai. I went through the entire process and decision making analysis with my wife when this opportunity presented itself a few months back, just like Thrustrequired is trying to do now. I've also been an expat in Europe before and in US in a prior life. Yeah, I think I may have a little bit of insight with regards to being an expat in different continents, just trying to share the experience to others, thats all.

Thrustrequired, good call on heading over to Dubai with the girlfriend first, I did the exact same thing before we pulled the trigger, proved to be a good move.

Feel free to PM me your email address or skype name, I'd be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

Good luck amigo.

henriksch 14th Mar 2014 23:35

Hi guys

Have been looking through this thread, and gotten alot of very usefull information. I have a CTC assessment for DEC coming up, and I am preparing the best I can.
Just a few questions, that I hope you can help with.

For the interview; what sort of sim profile is it for the DEC (rated)?
I have seen that CTC use the PilApt test. What would be the best place to get my hands on some material to prepare for this (i just have ipad available)

For the work;
It sounds like PBS have helped alot, and people are getting happier with the roster. i would of course be very low senority. Would it be possible to bid for, say, 4 long night flights, and then two days off followed by another 4 night flying days. I know its hard, but it would at least provide some stability to a low senority pilot (assume the night flights are not too hard to get, since they dont sound too popular)

Regarding the travelling on EK flights. How does this work. Is it similar to what EK crew get? Is it ID-90 or a third?

Thank you

N747EX 15th Mar 2014 19:53

Hi all, just wondering about the housing allowance for FO's the 12,000 AED still seems a bit short for a 2/3 bed villa or how are you guys finding it now? Thanks

LNAV737 16th Mar 2014 08:11

Hi ...2-3 bedrom villa ? Hhaah i don't think so my friend.Most likely 2 bedroom apartment in not so popular areas ....good luck with the villa:=

Otto Throttle 16th Mar 2014 09:44


A 3/4 bed villa is still a possibility on the FO allowance (I have one bang on the money), but it all depends where you want to live. If you can be flexible about the areas you are prepared to live in, you can still find a half-decent place for the budget. However, rentals are increasing fairly rapidly as a result of rampant greed and the more popular areas are probably priced more in line with the indications given by LNAV. Don't lose all hope though.

Search this thread and some of the expat forums elsewhere on the web, and they will give you a pretty accurate range of where your living expenses are likely to be.

High Energy 18th Mar 2014 09:54

Flydubai daily flight to Moscow starting Sep 2014! No timings/airport and terminal known yet.


N747EX 18th Mar 2014 21:33

Thanks LNAV and OTTO for your replies much appreciated. Currently about halfway through this thread very informative indeed

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