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Kamelchaser 12th Apr 2008 10:54

In response to an ASR about the Captain not feeling comfortable resting in the CRC while he left two FO's to manage the flight, management commented that they considered all FOs to be of command standard, and therefore it wasn't an issue.

And five minutes later these same FOs are failing the infamous "knowledge" test?

Surely that would indicate the Captain who filed the ASR in the first place has a valid point?

Ramboflyer 1 12th Apr 2008 11:54

Dont forget to mention the phone in the 777 bunk is not very loud and many pilots do not wake up with just a call. In an emergency you cannot always spare a cabin crew to go wake up the captain. Im all for paxing in First class.

jet999 12th Apr 2008 12:03

The Comments
I never intended to get into a discussion about who was right or wrong on the forum. I simply stated the facts of what is actually happening. By all means invent whatever you wish, for whatever reason you see fit but it may put some people off what is essentially a straightforward selection/interview/ upgrade/FLC test.
It is important to be factual and not listen to the one or two ramblers who, for various reasons, did not get a pass first time. Most pass second time and nearly all rate the process well afterwards.
Good luck to the 8 in May.

Billy Madrid 12th Apr 2008 15:26

Why in emirates do some Captains seem to think less of our F/o's.
Basically the only reason most of these guys are F/o’s and you are a Captain is because you joined before them. Thats all. Date of joining. We have some of the most experienced F/o’s in any airline, with most having had commands before joining Emirates.

Now Being a Captain in emirates is not easy but it's not because of our F/o's, it because we get no support from company. One of the things that makes it possible to operate in these conditions is having an experienced F/o sitting next to me.

I've flown with another Captain (DEC by the way) on a ULR that put in ASR about turbulence and 2 F/o's etc and to be honest from what I saw I'd rather have two F/o's than him sitting there any day.
I find it all a bit Old school (BOAC/SAA).
Try treating your F/o as a captain in waiting and not as some incompetent and you might just learn something.

As for the crew rest in the boeing/airbus. It’s in the wrong place and we all know it. Not because of our F/os but because we need two seat’s (Day time) and access to a toilet with out having to wait 20 mins and stand knee deep in whatever that liquid is on the floor!

I wondered why Boeing said that the forward crew rest with seats allowed for more revenue. It’s because most other airlines block two Business class seats for crew when there is only a bunk for rest. (Virg/BA /UAL etc!)

Old school captains and DEC’s feel free to shoot me down.


145qrh 12th Apr 2008 17:44

Jet 999.

You are obviously a helpful sort of chap....but don't and I repeat don't pass off what you said in your earlier post as fact....gossip , rumour ,hearsay by all means but not fact.:=:=

If we had facts or truth for that matter from our DSVP EK FLT OPS DSO VD and etc,etc life could be a bit simpler.

but some of our senior "managers", in the loosest possible use of the word, actively pass out wrong info to try and divide and loosen the collective workforce. We are so busy discussing bullshot that the bad news gets passed with barely a murmur.. :yuk:

They think its a bit of a wheeze to see how long it takes to come back to them that we will get 50% and 6 months bonus, after they told someone about what they heard from Maurice,TC,Ed,Al Uncle TOm Cobley and all , about record bonus and unbelievable pay rise.

Disinformation.....Miss Information and down right lies.:ugh::ugh:

Just a few of the treats that our new hires get too look forward too as they while away their time in the 30R undershoot..

Internationalpilot 13th Apr 2008 01:52

Hy gents.... sorry but I think you are going out of topic.
The thread started about upgrades being delayed not on the quality of training ( By the way... what training..?) or the process of upgrading it self...(... they should call it obedience, patience and memory test ..and again no training...)
So please can somebody tell me if this delay story is true?
Because if it is true and I will be dalayed just only a week I will accellerate the process of getting the fkuk out of this place.
If it is true this is becoming a real fraud...along with the crappy pay, accomodotion crap and Dubai as a whole ....

jumbo1 13th Apr 2008 03:54

Are you really going to leave just because your command has been delayed by a week? or a month? or 3 months? Where else in the world do you get a widebody command in 3 years (or less if eligible?)
In the context of your whole career what difference does a week make or a month or three?
Sometimes I think people need a reality check. You need to get out of the sandpit more often mate! Will do you good to chill a bit. It will all come together when it does. They need you so be patient.
Not trying to have a go at you by the way.
Good luck when you do start and see you on the line

typhoonpilot 13th Apr 2008 03:57

Because if it is true and I will be dalayed just only a week I will accellerate the process of getting the fkuk out of this place.
If it is true this is becoming a real fraud...along with the crappy pay, accomodotion crap and Dubai as a whole ....

A one week delay to an upgrade on a B777 at a reasonably good job and that is the reason for leaving :confused:

Just a little perspective on upgrade time lines for you. When a company tells you that upgrades are happening at three years ( or four years, or whatever ) that is what is occuring at the moment. Any projection told to somebody joining an airline is just that, it's only a projection based on current plans. There are many variables in this projection. Aircraft orders, aircraft delivery delays, economic conditions, war, mergers, etc will all affect whether the projection stays even remotely close.

Five years ago a group of us were discussing upgrade times at EK and came to the conclusion that the 3-4 year to command idea was only a reasonable certainty if you were hired inside seniority number 1000. We were wrong, EK have surprised to the upside ( in most cases ). Two years ago I calulated upgrades out for possible new joiners and started advising guys that a decision to join should be based on a 5 to 7 year time frame. Again, I was wrong. Guys hired two years ago will still see an upgrade inside 4 years.

One of these guys who is "delayed" on his B777 upgrade is my neighbor. He joined in October 2005. His class has been moved back two months, but he's still starting the upgrade one month before his 3rd year anniversery. Oh, the humanity of it all !!! :rolleyes:


Sheikh-It-Easy 13th Apr 2008 08:27


Thank you for that insightful look at the reality of things in relation to upgrade times.

It's nice that you have this perspective where others do not and for sharing this information with the rest of us.

Because quite frankly, I feel like a mushroom here sometimes at EK, in that I get kept in the dark and get fed bulls**t.

I don't mean from management either, but from some of my good colleagues here on this forum.

jumbo1 13th Apr 2008 09:14

Sheikh it easy,
If you take what you read on this forum as gospel then I worry for you chum. It's a site for disgruntled Ek folks to deter new arrivals so they can get a big pay raise. (well thats the logic of some anyway)
Some folks air legit issues but they inevitably get hijacked by others who are more interested in spelling mistakes and shooting their colleagues down in flames for all and sundry. Somewhere in between will lie a semblance of truth. Read between the lines and make of it what you will, but please don't make career decisions based on an internet forum - if you do then you deserve what you get.
I hope I spellchecked properly but will sit quietly and await the incoming......

whossorrynow 13th Apr 2008 10:27

A thought for the 35+ Airbus F/Os who have been at EK for over 4 years and are still firmly seated on the right side (opposite of left that is).

Up to 18 months of command salary and seniority lost or gained at the whim of a fleet planners secretary.

Ah, the lottery of life at EK.

casio man 13th Apr 2008 10:46

"Ah, the lottery of life at EK"

And how does that differ from the rest of life? Sheesh!:=

Sheikh-It-Easy 13th Apr 2008 21:10

Jumbo 1,

Thanks for your "compassion" which I did not ask for. I was paying Typhoonpilot a compliment personally for his contribution to this post and this had nothing to do with you. So please keep your personal comments about how I make my personal decisions to yourself..."chum."

To be true I came to this website before I joined and went against popular forum opinion of not joining Emirates and joined anyway...so your shots in the dark are way off.

I think Tyhoonpilot has something valid to say and right or wrong, it's a fresh persperctive and I happen to appreciate positive people who have something good to say.

But that's me personally. You may be totally different and I respect that but don't slag me for something I perceive to be a fair post.

correamd11 14th Apr 2008 09:44

Back To Topic
Let's stop grumping and come back to the thread.
It's not about quality of training or experience and knowledge of FO's.
But apparently what happened is that someone from the Planning Dept f#$% up and 12 courses have been cancelled - postponed if you so wish.
There will be a course in the end of May and then next will be in September.
And I agree 100% with Typhoon: what is 3 months for one who's been waiting for years?
And Madrid's correct: there are FO's here with more than 15000 hours on 744, MD11, 767 and so on, who are not on the left hand seat simply because of the company's requirements and policies. Which are ok as well, a line has to be drawn somewhere.
And let's not forget our chaps on the Bus who have to wait even longer - also because of a poor planning.
Keep the blue side up fellows.:cool:

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