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iQatar 9th Sep 2012 20:07

I applied Nov 2011. Dec 2011 HR asked for MCC and ATPL results 89% average ( I know its very average) with 1 repeat. In mid Feb I was invited for a interview. So, 2 months & 1 week after I have submitted the results online before I got the invitation.

Stick35 10th Sep 2012 08:00


Everytime if i log in my account, even without updating it, i always get a confirmation mail.:ugh:

But my hope is dead.

sun-wing 10th Sep 2012 10:00

Hello MD83 FO,

If you think that 5 Pilots from 120 is "MOST" of The Spanair Guys are failing... You are right. Any way, some of then didn't get The RP because X-Ray problems.

Best Regards

MD83 said:

most of the spanair pilots are failing so dont lose hope

upwhereIbelong 10th Sep 2012 10:42

x rays ,Problems ????
well dont want to sound stupid ,but dont they also medical in Spain ???

This whole Spanair think annoys me ,simple fact is ,next big opening in Spain all wanna go home .
Its a Job Nomad thing I guess specially in the Airline World ,little movement ,one company closes next opens -->just use the same people ...
Or they take the ones paying for themselves to fly .....thats the Rookie intake ,mix it with few Ladies and youre all legal and noone can blame your hiring Culture.

Thats what i like here in Qatar ,you get a chance ,they look at you and give you a opportunity to develop yourself .I hope this will not get destroyed by some smarta$$$ in a Department who comes up with saving by just using typerated Guys .

Let the beating begin ...


transport jock 10th Sep 2012 11:49

Hi guys,

One question please: when you update your online application form, do you receive a confirmation email from QR or not? I had a confirmation email when I first applied and after a couple of months I updated the application but did not receive any email to confirm. Is that normal?

I have the exact same as you. No emails or anything whenever i update my online application

Redline 10th Sep 2012 13:59

I really don't think that the sniping at the Spanair guys is meant as maliciously as some are taking it... It's no secret that elements of the recruitment process have been poorly executed.. And that there are potentially hundreds of highly qualified professionals around the globe sitting on the backsides being starved of information about something that is quite frankly an enormous undertaking..

It's not a decision to be taken lightly.. People in some cases moving their families away from everything they hold close (Spanair pilots included).. others its a big big step up career wise..

Myself.. I get asked a couple of times a day 'Any news from Qatar?'.. My boss asks me..My kids ask me..I get asked at the school gate dropping my kids off... Even my landlord.. It's a colossal mess..

I feel for the guys (and girls) that are out of work.. but I don't blame anybody, not Spanair, or Qatar Airways.. there's no deliberate campaign to p##s pilots around the world off.. No calculated agenda.. It's just very unfortunate..

:E a bit more info from QR wouldn't go amiss though

Flyer1015 11th Sep 2012 05:34

x rays ,Problems ????
well dont want to sound stupid ,but dont they also medical in Spain ???
You do realize different countries have different medical standards? For example, I can hold a FAA First class medical but by UK CAA standards, I could only hold a third class medical with my medical issue. I have doubts I could hold a QR first class medical too. The real problem here isn't the medical issues of pilots. The problem is that Qatar doesn't do the medical exam a part of the interview process like Emirates does. By having the medical taken care of as part of the interview cycle, you can find out right away that something is a problem. Right now, I could get hired at Qatar, get a class date, quit my job, leave my home country, come to Doha, and then find out my medical condition is actually unacceptable by QR standards. The problem here isn't the pilots.

This whole Spanair think annoys me ,simple fact is ,next big opening in Spain all wanna go home .
Its a Job Nomad thing I guess specially in the Airline World ,little movement ,one company closes next opens -->just use the same people ...
Or they take the ones paying for themselves to fly .....thats the Rookie intake ,mix it with few Ladies and youre all legal and noone can blame your hiring Culture.
Huh? Why does that annoy you? They are Spaniards who feel forced out of their employment, voluntarily or involuntarily, and are pursuing opportunities elsewhere to keep their families taken care of. Their family ties are in Spain, not Qatar. So yes, if a better opportunity opens back up in Spain, then they will bail, as they should! Family and home is most important.

Thats what i like here in Qatar ,you get a chance ,they look at you and give you a opportunity to develop yourself .I hope this will not get destroyed by some smarta$$$ in a Department who comes up with saving by just using typerated Guys .
So what if they hire type rated guys only? That is usually almost an external factor in hiring, predicated on the industry's status as a whole. Have a lack of qualified pilots applying or coming through your door, then the company is apt to take non-type rated guys. Or have a glut of pilots who are out of work with plenty of Airbus or Boeing time, and the company can then require type rated pilots only. It just depends. I don't get why that makes you upset?

sqn012 11th Sep 2012 07:17


same situation here in Paris : have been asked many times by people around me "so you are still there ?!...". Every morning at the school gate : "When do you plan to leave finally ?". Answer : no idea !
French Expat generally work for petroleum companies like TOTAL, and have attractive package. They are not immigrants in Qatar but just expats for 2/3 years. They have very good salaries and nice houses close to west bay. So people around me don't understand why I have no clues about QR. Both schools of my children are really confused about what I tell them. I initially told them that we would leave on June. Still there in September, and I think still there in January, or worse, never called by QR. Qr has changed his recruitment process. Harder and longer. Too many people failing I have heard. They think the recruitment process was not sufficient. So what will happen to all of us on the talent pool who passed with the old process ?

I have 3 kids including a baby of 4 months. Not that easy to plan the big move to Doha without any info ! And I guess (hope) they will send me a small email one day saying "Your DOJ is xxx. (in 2 or 3 weeks)" !
My wife is nervous. Every day is a challenge. Jobless, no money, long waiting from QR. Do I have to pay another type rating without any real plan and a critical financial situation ? At least I have this plan to Doha. We are very motivated because aviation in France is completely dead. AF is not recruiting a single guy since 2008 and talk about redundancies today. They have a crappy plan until 2015, which is supposed to save the company. But nothing really serious have changed. BA has changed (the contracts and sometimes the salaries). LH as well I think. Will AF change seriously someday ? Not good for French jobless pilots. This is roughly the only solid and attractive company group in France. Not like in Germany or the UK where we can find other companies like German wings, Air Berlin, Easy Jet, Ryanair, Virgin, BMI ...etc
I am ready to relocate anywhere in Western Europe with my family, but nobody wants me without any experience on type. So let's wait for QR, the only chance in the World for untype rated guys ...

I have a friend who paid his 320 type rating last year. No job at the end. He is still jobless. He was looking for something in Vietnam. They are finally not interested in his profile because many guys have some experience on type in the world. And they prefer to hire foreign experienced captains, and train their local copilots (asian ones). So useless to pay a new type rating.

Aviation is definitely becoming completely crazy today. Too many young guys ready to PAY for flying in a company and buy some block hours !!! Is there any other job like this ...? I doubt. Paying to work and build at least some experience ! But what about their personal life ? How do you get married and grow up children with this kind of life ?...

The myth of aviation is dead. There are some old companies still very attractive (major ones), struggling to stay competitive. And new ones (mainly low cost), who give some jobs to all jobless pilots in the world (Asia and ME companies).

Employed guys work like hell and are bored flying, when jobless guys struggle to find a job. What a stupid situation.

Well, finally pilots are the same than yesterday. Let's meet in Doha one day, and keep aviation spirit alive (if any ...) all together around a beer.

Just my personal current vision of today's Aviation.

Flying since 1990.

iQatar 11th Sep 2012 07:35

Can somebody please post a link to the flightdeck career page. I cannot find it on qatarairways.com ( from the UK ). Is it worth to update your application if you are already simming in the pool? I have flown about 350 hours since the interview and IR expire date has change. Thank you.

B767PL 11th Sep 2012 15:03

Well said sqn012.

Flying is becoming slowly only for those who want to sell their souls for it. The reward....... is there even one anymore?

Stick35 11th Sep 2012 17:33

@b767pl: it is not only about selling your soul. I'm also prepared to pay my rating for 737/a320. The reason? I'm 36, heading to the 40's. I need a breakthrough cause soon ( or maybe im already) you are too old. And if paying my rating can be the solution, well so be it. Im stuck in bizz aviation. Guess what: it is a job not a career!!

ironbutt57 11th Sep 2012 18:29

passed but did not accept employment.

From what I understand if one declines a class date offer then it's game over...permanantly...

jeanpaul172 11th Sep 2012 20:55

Sqn, First of all, the major part of your post well said.

The part I don't agree with is the part about the selections. As far as I know the selection still consists of a written test, interview and sim and all on the same day. Which part in your opinion has gotten more difficult? And what takes longer exactly? I believe that information is not true. Don't get me
Wrong though, I believe that the process was indeed short and not too difficult, I just dont think it has been changed.

Ps: If im wrong, and it indeed has been changed, please can anybody explain the new selection system?

Cheers guys! And goodluck!

sqn012 12th Sep 2012 06:29

I have been told that the selection process had changed in July this year. So it is quite new. You probably did the selection, like all of us, well before this change.

"To Be Confirmed" of course...

Kgn6 12th Sep 2012 16:38

I logged on the QR website to update also and noticed that not only are the Pilots positions not offered anymore, but I can't even log in to update my application???? I've been hearing the same things about the failiure rate, but I have been told not to worry about the updating if you are in pool or on shortlist to be called.

Stick35 13th Sep 2012 06:52

Correct, you can not update your profile anymore. Says enough though.

upwhereIbelong 13th Sep 2012 08:39

But isnt it good if they stop recruiting and finally work off the Pool?

speedhold 13th Sep 2012 16:32

Well it looks like they are not advertising for flight deck crew ....anybody see this

B767PL 13th Sep 2012 17:32

Seems the whole career page on their website has changed, since the last time I checked anyways, and I also cannot find Flight Deck positions available. When I try to search for it, it comes up as no vacancies for that position.

Wonder what other changes will be coming along with this one.

transport jock 15th Sep 2012 00:09

yeah... cant find my application anymore on the website.. when i go to the "check your career flight-status" section and try to log in, it doesnt recognise my email/password combination i used for my original application either..

wonder if they are going to put in place a new online application form, or they just wiped the database clean...

ironbutt57 15th Sep 2012 05:11

If you're in the pool then updates not required

Andrexxx 15th Sep 2012 11:47

You're in the pool!
Hi guys,
Any type rated FO passed the interview and got a joining date being unemployed by more than one year? This (frustrating :ugh:) waiting in the pool is bringing a lot of pilots to the lack of "recency"... Could it compromise the hiring process?
Cheers :ok:

upwhereIbelong 15th Sep 2012 12:41

if youre typerated why u dont try other Solutions if you cannot wait anymore ,I know its hard ,but with a 320 330 rating (I just assume u have those) theres plenty advertisment in Far East .For Record Pay .

Just an Input .

Also ,even me ,the most unrelaxed person when it comes to waiting ,has learned to just wait for it ...

Things will move soon ,Inshaallah!!


Andrexxx 15th Sep 2012 13:11

Thank you UP... Unfortunately all the companies I tried to contact said that I need last flight within 6 months! My point if this could be the same requirement with QR at the time they will give me a joining date.. If they will!!!
Thanks again :)

330airbus 15th Sep 2012 15:47

Nice first post onedollar. :ugh:

Tell us more about why they got terminated then?
Plenty of people here including myself are very happy.
Do your job, what you should be doing anyway, and have no problems.

Guys Seriously don't listen to such ridiculous comments.

B767PL 15th Sep 2012 16:18

One dollar, please expand? Why the terminations?

Also I wonder if the requirements at QR will change after they bring back the hiring page again for flight crew, and if the FTSO position will still be there. .

Firegoofy 16th Sep 2012 06:20


I have only one question.

Give me one reason why people don't execute a go-around when they are unstable ??

A go-around is like a "reset" and will not be punished. Further if you adhere to the OM-A you will have a good life!! SIMPLE, isn't it ?

Homo Ludens 16th Sep 2012 09:41

Ooooh, the PARANOIA!
And WHAT grey areas?
It is black on white: If in doubt - GO AROUND!
And then you fill an ASR, go home and NOBODY will call you. Been there, done that. Many times.
You can not live your life in fear!

gcc_ 16th Sep 2012 17:51


Was your friend given a warning the first time something went wrong? Just genuinely wondering.

Black Pudding 17th Sep 2012 00:02

So the one he knew of, was what ?

upwhereIbelong 17th Sep 2012 09:23

For me its a great opportunity become team of a company with new equipment and good people.
I just want to know my DOJ !

jeanpaul172 17th Sep 2012 10:39

Guys! Anyone knows what is the future of the talent pool? Will we all get called in due time? And has the selection really changed like was mentioned earlier? Cheers

planoramix 19th Sep 2012 11:50

Since my joining date at QR it has been a positive experience.
Training was very slow but then it gave me more time with my kids which, by the way, love it here.
Now on line and flying a lot I abide to the rules and have nothing to be stressed about.
Nice working environement.

captain.weird 19th Sep 2012 14:47

I'm glad to hear the goodnews man!

On which fleet do you fly?

casablanca 19th Sep 2012 20:36

I was wondering, as it was mentioned earlier that many 320 first officers were transitioning to the 787, are they also transitioning captains from 320 or are most coming from the 777?

SkullFlyer 19th Sep 2012 21:56

I heard about some people that should go to the 777 but when signing contract they ofered the A320. This still happening ?
I am a 767 pilot with screening scheduled for October 29. I want to go to the 777 but I am afraid lo leave my job and then they offer the A320, wich I really don't have interest.
In addition, can someone give some update about the screening process ? Than you.

airline man 20th Sep 2012 04:57

How witty! You seem to be such a happy person Ajax!

dash8pilotCanada 20th Sep 2012 14:20

Skull flyer,

If you read through this forum, you will see that it has happened to many people before: (Applied for Widebody and Given Narrowbody, even after joining). Its all based on which fleet they need pilots on, not based on your previous experience.

Iver 20th Sep 2012 14:33

Skull flyer,

They have a choice and you have a choice. Tell them 777 or 787 or no deal (if asked). In any interview, explain your prefernce and why a heavy Boeing slot makes sense for them and you. May not work, but you have heavy Boeing experience and both of those fleets are growing. They may say no and then EK and the other big UAE carrier become better options. I still think Emirates is probably the better way to go from an overall package if you ever had the choice - but others may disagree. Apply to the big 3 if you want the ME and roll the dice. The Qatar HR group has been an utter disaster with poor communication and a disorganized process. From what I have been hearing, don't be surprised if things go silent for long periods and don't expect Western standards of communication.

Good luck

flyforfood1 20th Sep 2012 14:39

I would think with 767 experience its more than likely you will go 777, especially if your coming from the USA, as the system there to get into these positions usually means your overall experience is generally higher than those in a similar position coming from Europe.

Just for your info and a little background, those that were told they would be on the 777 and ended up on the 320 had Boeing experience yes (some widebody, some not), however their overall total time was around 1500 hours (and less) in some circumstances, that tied with a spate of heavy landings on that fleet mean't they re-evaluted where guys ended up, some 320 some 330, again dependant on total hours.

At the time it seemed to be around 3K total and over went wide body those under went to 320, not everyone but most. Also factored into this was the massive delay in waiting for the simulator (3+ months) to complete type ratings, they needed guys elsewhere so changed them, fair enough in my eyes, some guys felt screwed over and for some rightly so, as they were promised one thing, gave up their position in a comfortable company and then once arrived were given another and yes that does hurt!

Nothing is a given here, sometimes its luck, but there are no guarantees!

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