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-   -   Latest Bjorn's 'gift' to his pilots : Pilot Airport Standby! (https://www.pprune.org/middle-east/282981-latest-bjorns-gift-his-pilots-pilot-airport-standby.html)

Heleheleyani 7th Jul 2007 05:46

guys we are not getting paid nothing at the moment for the ASTBY I added up all my time away from base and the ASTBY is not added to the total time away from base, I will complain about it, why do we have to find out their mistakes every time if we don't notice they will keep us 4 hours here and pay nothing at all. :mad:

FlyingCroc 7th Jul 2007 05:54

Sorry to tell you guys but I warned you in the beginning when it was announced that the scum like AD an BN were hired at Gulf Air :yuk:
Ever heard of Crossair? Anyone ever worked there can tell you the disgusting details. SBY at airport and lounging overnight in airport was one of the many tricks. Any many more to come :yuk:
Advise you guys get on the Massalama list as fast as possible :}

Dixons Cider 7th Jul 2007 07:49

Dixon, still the ****** you always were
Jack, Jack := ....a wonderfully well thought out, professional and mature response. Could I suggest some anger management techniques may be worth considering?

Back to the thread - Is it just me, or do others feel that this latest development, along with the earlier report times, is a veiled way of implying that we are part of GF's poor OTP? I'm not bitching, just think its a bit of a slap in the face. How many times do we cut corners, expedite things, after having been given a seemingly pointless aircraft change etc, just to try and reduce the delay? Why do we do it? After all, its going to be us that has to present ourselves upstairs for tea and biscuits when we screw up because we pushed it too much.

Many potential delays present themselves in the course of a duty, and many times we do our best to minimise them. Its the nature of the game for sure, and it would be correct to say its our professional obligation to do the best we can for our company and its passengers, after all they are the reason we're in our seats. I can quite happily say hand on heart that myself and most of my colleagues do the best we can. I just feel these latest developments and the way they were implemented is tantamount to saying "you boys are not holding up your end of the deal here".

I'm not advocating work to rule or anything ridiculous here. Maybe I'm stating the obvious, but in the current environment of emphasis on OTP and the "push push" mentality, perhaps we just need to sit back some times, take a deep breath, and let things unfold in their natural manner, and so be it with the delay. Especially so in the punitive culture we work in, it'll be our heads that roll when it goes wrong.

Ironbutts example of delaying boarding because of a ridiculosly hot cabin is a classic example of keeping things in perpective, after all the passengers are our business, whats the point of OTP if you have 200 pissed off pax and the associated health risks. And in an ideal world, maybe next time the enginers will connect the ground A/C earlier!!

vomit comet 7th Jul 2007 08:36

dixon i totally agree with what u r saying:D no more pushing from myside,no more discretion,gonna write every little thing in the tech book no matter what it is...i am just gonna sit back relax and watch the circus:E sick and tired of them blamin the poor crew:E

boeingdriverx 7th Jul 2007 08:55

Dixons! I am with you on this one, well said!

It seems that sometimes nobody is responsible except us... One little thing goes wrong and you are suspended or under scrutiny of some comittee, and you could loose your job.

I waited 1 week ago 40mn after ETD with all passengers on board, because some ground staff lost the pax manifest and we had to wait forever to get a new one.

Apply that simple rule to get better OTP: Push ground staff to close the boarding gate ETD-10 (as per the book by the way), whoever is lost in the terminal, and start offloading the missing one ASAP, you might end up going on time and passenger will learn to be on time too...


ironbutt57 7th Jul 2007 09:01

well vomit welcome aboard...you are now going to comply with om-a??? I always have written all defects in the tech log....it annoys me when i get handed over an airplane and the previous crew gives all kinds of verbal defects then the book is clean...thinking they are "helping" the company, when in fact they are not...failure to report defects is one reason (of many) the airplanes are in the shape they are in now...pls vomit DO enter all defects in the tech log...encourage your friends to as well...it will help engineering fix the planes..and in the long run IMPROVE GF's otp!!!:ok:

vomit comet 7th Jul 2007 10:53

:Ehello ib57..i do enter everything..i think pilots r reluctant or just dont care any more,the reason is largely to blame on engineering,they have progressively become worse..eg LB has 317 enteries in the book last time i checked...its been going on like this for the past two months!! otp out the window..we nearly lost our slots into frankfurt and paris because of late arrivals/departures...and what have bn/ad dream team with sr have done about it nothing:(

Che Guevara 7th Jul 2007 14:23

Hello scan, scan etc.
I believe you flew for GFA for some time; was their engineering culture ever any good?

boeingdriverx 7th Jul 2007 17:51

difficult to juge the past, but I don't think GAMCO was better than SRT, when you see the condition of our airplanes...

ojguilty 8th Jul 2007 16:05

However it is legal and it is a common practice.

Where, in Haiti??????? The only common practice in this industry is NOT to do it. Here's hoping they don't "discover" this policy in Wally World!

parabellum 9th Jul 2007 00:47

Huge difference between a split duty accomodation requirements and the requirements for a four hour airport standby.

Airport standbys have been around for well over thirty five years in various parts of the world to my certain knowledge, possibly a lot longer. Always considered to be the thick end of the wedge, rather than a twelve hour standby at home and being called in the last hour etc. Airport Standby = four hours of chatting to anyone around in the crew reporting area, where comfortable furnishings need to be provided plus tea, coffee etc. then off home, finished! Either that or you are off on a trip somewhere which beats stand-by anyday, just be aware of which flights you are covering and what you need to have with you by way of crew baggage, just in case. If you do 06:00 to 10:00 and don't get called you have effectively got a day off rather than another eight hours just hanging round at home/on mobile etc.

Give it a couple of months and you'll be enjoying it!;)

Sal-e 9th Jul 2007 02:01

I think I still prefer waiting at home or some nearby mall even if it is for 8 to 12. I treat sby duties as days off with no beer drinking.

GF{crew} 9th Jul 2007 05:05

from our cabin crew we use to do the ARSB and i just done one from 2200 to 0200 and guss what for the 4hrs the coffe machine and the other out of order and costa coffe of course was close at that time so praper urself to at least have btl of water with u to drink u well need it :bored:

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