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jetcharter727 15th Dec 2006 12:34

looking for this guy!!!!
C V**********
the dude is a f:mad: :mad: king thief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

four engine jock 15th Dec 2006 12:42

UAE or South Africa
I think he is working for XXXX in UAE . And yes he is a SNAKE!!!!
he worked in South Africa .
They paid for his FAA B727 Type rating that cost over $15.000 and left them after six month.Ihear they are looking for him to sue him and to get there money back. Calling him a thief is a nice way to put it!!!


Not a very good pilot either...

4HolerPoler 15th Dec 2006 14:57

Ahh, now there's more to this than meets the eye. I'd make a small wager that jetcharter727, a new member to this site, apparently created to flame Captain CV, he of questionable moral and (thanks 4 engine jock) aviating skills, is closely related to Mr. T, the owner of I***** Air, Captain CV's previous employer.

Story goes is that Mr. T became accustomed to paying his captains 11,000 South African Rands (that's almost $ 1,600) a month when pilots were plentiful. Now times have changed and Mr. T's previous slave labor has moved on to better things.

So Mr. T was forced to hire unrated guys, such as our hapless Captain CV, from far-flung lands like Belgium & heaven forbid, pay for their ratings. Albeit at the cheapest facility he could find.

And so the now hapless Mr. T is surprised when guys like Cappy CV move on to better things as soon as he's got a few underpaid hours under his belt. Wake up and smell the roses Mr. T - look after your staff, pay them a decent wage and show them the respect they deserve and they'll stick around and then you or your staff won't have to come to this site and flame your ex-employees for doing a runner.

Got it?


four engine jock 15th Dec 2006 17:13

get you facts RIGHT !!!
Just so that you know.
This Capt was making $4000.00 every month. Thats about 28.800 rands every month. I dont think thats to bad in South Africa.

The true cost of a type rating in the USA was about $20.000 . if you include hotel, per diem and air tickets.
And for your info the school he went is a very good one. check them out your self. Higher Power Aviation.
Mr T never makes crew sign a bond. Just a hand shake unlike many other airline in SA
when this so call capt resigned Mr T just asked him to give the company 30 days. and to pay the cost of only the shcool . ($9800.00 ). I think thats very fare.
this capt CV said he would for at least two years.
Every one has the right to seek other employment
its not correct to just pick up you salary and f..k off without letting any one know!!!
Mr T gave this Capt a job even when everyone told him not to cause its not the first time he does this.

With all that in said

You should get you facts right before you make a comment.

expatula 15th Dec 2006 18:14

4 engine jock, what are you so upset about this capt cv? :eek:

four engine jock 15th Dec 2006 18:27

Because of this!!!!
This guy begged for the job. And I thought he was my friend!! GUESS NOT!!
He was unemployed for over a year!
All his friends warned me about him and told me he would do something like this. And told me not to trust him. I stuck my neck out for this guy!!
Everyone has the right to better them self and to seek better employment and more money..
But not like this!!!
he is not even that good of a pilot!!!!

But Aviation is a very small world.

It will catch up to him.

Thats why Iam upset.

4HolerPoler 15th Dec 2006 21:27

I have a good friend who worked as a skipper for them & his all-inclusive salary was 11,000 SA fund-vouchers; granted this was a few years ago, though not more than a couple.

Cappy CV will be pulling in around 11 to 12 G's a month with his new outfit. Sure, he'll be earning his money but are you surprised that he's gone?

How can you sue someone when he wasn't bonded?

The time has come that the great majority of captains of jet aircraft will no longer consider any loyalty to their employers when they're getting paid a paltry 1,600 or even 4,000 bucks. Even in Africa.

Get used to it.


GoreTex 16th Dec 2006 10:03

4 engine dude,
get a life, CV congrats to your new better job.

four engine jock 17th Dec 2006 04:32

THre are ways to do things
Fact of the matter is that we all have the right to go were the money is.
All I say is you should never close your doors
CV did it the wrong way.
YES he was paid what I said.
Not many pay that much in South Africa unless you work for SAA.
IF you leave a job ,the least is to give them 30 days notice.
Well Enough said

Wizofoz 17th Dec 2006 06:51

This Capt was making $4000.00 every month. Thats about 28.800 rands every month. I dont think thats to bad in South Africa.
Maybe not, but it's cr@p money anywhere else in the world. If you have a supply of South African pilots, great, paySouth African wages. If not, welcome to globilisation!!

futr-kofeshop-dweler 17th Dec 2006 08:47

Way to go CV, whoever you may be!!! So you've burned your bridges in Africa, still a few continents to go, and rumour has it they all need pilots in the forseeable future!


For all people/companies paying slave wages (that goes for way too many companies here in the ME), you deserve what comes your way... funny thing that Karma....

four engine jock 19th Dec 2006 13:01

I state my case
As I have said . Everyone has the right to get what they deserve. More money better life.
We ALL do.
Whats wrong is to scew your friends in the process..

Thats all iam saying.

GoreTex 19th Dec 2006 13:48

and now you try to screw him

four engine jock 19th Dec 2006 15:46

Thats Right!!!!
Well lets see . He was a friend that begged me to give him the job.
all his other friends warned me he would do it!!
I know he would not last long. But he was broke and I helped him.
But to F--k the company is one thing, but to do it me is another thing.
All he has done is mess it up for the other guys,
the only thing we asked was to stay one year after he recieved his type rating.
dont think that was to much to ask for.

GoreTex 19th Dec 2006 16:37

guess you are not the owner of the company and shouldn't take it personal, sorry but you sound a bit like a looser.
the company did not bond him, tough luck.

Wizofoz 19th Dec 2006 17:07

"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on!"- Henry Ford

6000PIC 19th Dec 2006 18:15

F E J , you`re just what this industry is full of , and that`s not a compliment.

four engine jock 20th Dec 2006 15:03

What Does That Mean!!!
6000PIC F E J , you`re just what this industry is full of , and that`s not a compliment.

So what your saying is it ok to scerw people.

I guess you have done it before.
So its true what they say about some pilots. like you MR 6000 min.
cant be trusted.
Most of the South African pilots I know are great guys.
And keep the word.
Its not like this guy was being paid peanuts.

he was getting paid better then most guys in SA

Baas 21st Dec 2006 09:46

4 Engine dude...!
You sound like and old tart that knows it all....! :}
You are so full of :mad: it...!
Dude, get a life, grow up and smell the roses, a minor setback in your little world and bla bla bla bla...endless nonsense!!!!!
Dude...??? Hello?????
We dont want to hear this ten year old rubbish!

four engine jock 21st Dec 2006 13:02

Iam not that old!!!
Ok .
This guy came to South Africa.
recieved a work permit. The he went got all kinds of loans and then f**ked off without paying a single RAND.
Iam sure that South African tax payers like that!!!!
And you people think its ok.
What ever happened to being Honest!!!
But one day I will find this guy ,MR CV from Belgium that cant even fly a C152 Much less a B727.
But then DHL in UAE will find out for them self when he screws them... and he will. he does it to every one. I wonder if they know that he was a gun runner and crashed a B707 in Bulgaria. and claimed to be a capt with Cargo Lion.

That guy should not be let near an airplane.

well enough said about this nut case.

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