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aneedapo 17th May 2006 02:48

Gulf Air maintenance positions
Have seen advertised in The Australian newspaper vacancies for Gulf Air LAME's.
Are they good to work for?
Family life in Bahrain/muscat?
Tried to apply online but "computer says no", maybe this is an omen?
Any info, thanks.:)

Viru$ 17th May 2006 06:20

Originally Posted by aneedapo
Have seen advertised in The Australian newspaper vacancies for Gulf Air LAME's.
Are they good to work for?
Family life in Bahrain/muscat?
Tried to apply online but "computer says no", maybe this is an omen?
Any info, thanks.:)

Gulf Air is good to work for , I have no idea about the pay. But keep in mind that they are exapanding after the 138 $ Million from Bahrain and Oman goverment so new fleet and refursbishment!, I guess the 330 is the best aircraft in the whole Gulf Air fleet because it's so modern. I live in Bahrain and let me tell you that the life in Bahrain is very peacfuel and quiet. Don't belive anyone who says it has problems and all, It's very civilized and educated society.

Please feel free to ask me about Bahrain

ExSimGuy 17th May 2006 20:34

After all the whingeing and running-down of their own airlines, good to hear SOMETHING positive about a Gulf airline.

As purely a pax these days, I'm a GF Frequent Flyer (i.e. any time I can get my company to fly me anywhere:) )

I like flying GF - had a few "niggling experiences" (lost bags, freight), but overall, good flights (especially on the occasions when they have seen fit to move me to the front dozen rows :D )

Though I live "nearby", across "the bridge", BAH is one of my favorite places on earth. Yes, Summer is hot and very humid (it's the humidity, not the heat, that gets you) but there's good people there - both Western and other expats, and some very good "locals"

I'm kinda hoping that they will get the A380 - might mean dropping one of the 2 flights a day to LHR, but I'd love to fly GF A380 going back home on leave:ok:

Maybe see you in "Camelot" (local, good, run-by-a-Brit, restaurant) some day :E

Mustapha Rex 18th May 2006 04:02

Well, Bahrain...

One of the two countries where locals work in the Gulf.

Quality of life is good, but there is also a sense of normalcy that somehow would have made living in the rest of the Gulf more pleasant.

I will agree that if anything the Bahrainis are friendly, and certainly speak for themselves and more pleasant to be around than UAE, Saudi, qatari or kuwaiti nationals.

Otrherwise GF is good, once here you will feel that you are part of a great family, social life is ok and the airline is changing for the better over the last two years, promising future....

Sabastienl 18th May 2006 21:33

There was a question just a while back on GAMCO, and I replied to it.
Well GAMCO & GF engineering departments are run very similar by
people who have no managerial skills nor technical skills. It is nice to
get positive feedback about the country and the middle east in general,
but this really dosen't answer your question, does it? I spent few years
with GAMCO engineering department as a system engineer (without going
into details) in Abu Dhabi and I got to meet all of GF current engineering
managment team that are running the show. Matter fact I used to attend
GAMCO/GF morning meetings (Circus) on frequent basis. Then GF moved
their technical ops. including MCC to BAH and that's when I also left GAMCO. I do have some freinds that are with GF as senior AMEs that I tend to stay in touch with! As I said in my previous posts about GAMCO, if you are coming
from a western stds. of doing maintenance dealing with pros. then GF is not
for you Think 2wise! If you are coming from a 3 world country, then it may
make a differnce to you with respect to salary and you become a yes soldier
until things fall on your head & then finger pointing starts! Mate, GF is not
what you think when Brits were running the show ....those were the golden
days for GF including engineering/mtce. Mate..don't waste your time the
clowns that are running GF as we speak I use to deal with them on daily
basis in Abu Dahbi and are truly bad bunch ...of everythig! They always
tell you about how great they are & were educated in Scotland & how their
training was so good & brag about it ...., the only thing they don't realize
the school don't make you who you are! These guys know nothing about
technical, managment, nor comunicating to others....I am sure these guys
did graduate from Hitler/Mussilini school of biggitry! the guy that is head
of GF line mtce. now was Gf rep. at GAMCO, this guy rules with an iron
fist similar to QR CEO. He lacks all of the above + brains that's for sure.
Before they moved to BAH they brought in a new MCC manager....now
where shall I start on this idiot! This guy was one of their line supervisors
who knew nothing about maintenance ...tall, bald, and nothing up there
he also claim he was educated in Scotland.....ook ;) ! I would not even let
him be my shoe shiner let alone work on live airplanes. I am not sure if
this guy is still holding his position. Don't ever belive anybody who tells you
things will improve with GF engineering...they are lieing to you. Things may
improve with the co. in other dept. but engineering will always be engineering
at GF as long as it is run by the idiots. The same goes to GAMCO, and
QR...O QR now that is the worst :ugh: . If you really want to go ME go to
EK and you will be with a good bunch. EK continue to get engineers from
GF & GAMCO, guys are just fed up with BS. If GF was so good so why
are engineers coming from Asia are quitting in numbers from what I hear &
going to MAS, SQ, EK, and the list goes on! You never know maybe Hogan is reading this thread and makes a point & cleans the house and does a
real positive change to this department and to the rest of the lads that are
there. A good start will be by getting rid off the VPT who is part of
this whole mess at the first place! As the GF engineers used to call him
snake head! Mate nothing is perfect in life but EK is the best one out of all of the ME airlines. I have been to BAH few times it is pleasnt and people
are nice except you won't be able to enjoy life I would say the way other
lads have expressed due to the fact you will be working most of the time
if not all of the time...unlike flight crew! Anywhere you go in the ME you
will find people pleasant I would say from my experience ...except maybe
in Saudi & Kuwait. What ever you do make a wise decision and take other
people's openion. My freinds that are there only have 1 or 2 years to retire
and are from Asia...EK will not except them. The other thing to keep in
mind if you are going there for the money well I don't know how much you
make but the general pay in the ME for engineers are not up to par with
western stds., and that's the reason why no takers from the west for such
Think mate before you decide, and best of luck!:ok:

LDG NO BLUE 19th May 2006 05:32

Insiders point of vue
Hi sabastienl,

It's a very interesting point of vue from an ex-insider of maintenance.

However, I believe things will improve. Management is very aware of the constraints generated by maintenance. Therefore I see the arrival of SRTechnics as very promising for GF.

GAMCO is out of the game, after the arrival of SRTech in Muscat; or did I missed something?


Mustapha Rex 19th May 2006 06:23

Hey Sebastien L, take a deep breath, you are going blue in the face...

Ever heard of punctuation?

SR technics effectively took over on the 7th of May and although some of the maintenance will still be carried out in AUH with Gamco, it is thought that the relationship between the GF and Gamco is on its last legs.

Sad story really and I must admit rather untasty, considering the damage Gamco tried to do to GF over the last couple of years.

The move to relocate Gamco many years ago to Abu Dhabi by a previous team of management was both malicious and dangerous, it has resulted in GF having to resort to Gamco at every step of an aircraft life and that is exactly what Gamco wanted, this allowed the old management team to maintain control over the GF operation through one of its subsidiaries and with the creation of EY impose tight maneuvering parameters with malicious intent.

Luckily, that time is now over and I expect this will help to ensure that
GF is in full control over its network and performance and give the Sultanate of Oman a good share of the participation both in work and know how of this oiperation.

Finally Sebastian L, what GF has gone through, over the last few years has changed many things for the better and the engineering department is and will be better run thanks to this move. Personality clashes exist everywhere and there is no one better placed than you since you worked at Gamco to know this (maybe you should tell us more on the SAM cureently heading the works and his shady engine deals?), when you say that EK is better or QR or EY for that matter, I believe that you are kidding yourself and others on this forum. The truth of the matter is Bahrainis and Omanis have been instrumental in the positive changes that have occurred in GF and they will continue to be thanks to the directions given by the PCE.

GF problems lie elswhere and perhaps with the likes of you who could never capitalise on their presence there and that is fine, but to shoot down individuals and call them names on the basis of your own failed experience is simply diving too low for someone who pretends to be of any value to an engineering outfit.

Please go to EK and enjoy the leadership of the AAR and the likes and come back to post sometime later, it will be clear then that the problem is not GF, EK or any other but you!

Take care mate!

Sabastienl 19th May 2006 15:49

Qoute "However, I believe things will improve. Management is very aware of the constraints generated by maintenance. Therefore I see the arrival of SRTechnics as very promising for GF." Unqoute
Well let's hope this will take care of your heavy checks problems, how about
running the show on day to day basis? SR Tech. are well known for their
work and abilities this is a fact, I had dealt with them in the past & I know
well how they do things :ok: , but this solves only one issue the other
issue is to have people that are capable of leading the flok, and neither
GAMCO nor GF have those people at the helm at these departments. If
SR Tech. takes over the whole show including runing the business on
day to day basis then GF will be ok inshalla as the saying goes in ME ;) .
Other than that you guys need a long prayer! let's pray......
Take Care Mate!

Sabastienl 19th May 2006 21:16

Mustapha Rex
Are you standing, well sit down before your knees buckle.., you had your
2 minutes show on the runway!
Let me first advise you to learn how to spell English .....Second
let me advise you to learn how to read posts on this forum &
understand what you read before you go attacking people, cause
you will look like a Fool at the end! :eek:
aneedapo asked Q about the department that he would like to join, and
it is fair to say he didn't ask for you to paint a rosy picture about the airline,
...he needed the facts so to enable him to take a decision on his future.
If you don't work in the engineering department GAMCO/GF then you know
nothing! so I would highly suggest stay off the topic, cause you are not
helping the lad, you are only defending your buddies and their position and
it clearly shows. :=
Mustapha, you seem to not welcome an open criticism, you take a defensive
position right away! Man O man you remind me of the mgt. style I use to
deal with from GAMCO/GF in the morning "circus" meeting where they attacked
each other and then start pointing fingers at an easy escape
goat for their problems....what a waste of time it was and at the end of
it Nothing gets accomplished for the better of GFand nothing learnt.
You need a dose of reality my freind and stop dreaming....time
to wake up and have a sip of good strong Turkish coffee maybe 2 in your
case! You sure sound like you are one of those boys I used to see in
Abu Dahbi that came to be managers at GF not on their credentials but
rather on the buddy buddy system that had devestated both GAMCO and
GF to the extent we are talking about serious defecincies that need to
be rectified as GAMCO also had its share no doubt! Mustapha, it is nice
to blame GAMCO for everything and the way you presenting it, it surly
shows your attitude & style in managmt. ...just blame the other and
point the finger at GAMCO and this will solve all of your problems! Ya right!
It is time to look at your self in the mirror & say where & how can I improve
my self as manager ...and if I can't do what I was set out to do in my
position I will step down & let somone else take my position and keep my
integrity intact. I am not here to defend GAMCO, they have their own
problems and they are also run by similar style of managers as GF, so
that sums up my openion on GAMCO and I am glad I left then. You mention
people's names on a public forum is not a wise idea from a so called wise
manager := plus I am not there, so I really don't know who you are referring
too! By the way if you read carefully you would have read the fact that
I never said QR or EY are better :yuk: ....all I said was EK is the best among
GCC member state airlines or for the matter fact in the ME, can you deny it?
come on man ...if you had a chance you would jump ships in a heart beat!
but that won't happen EK know you too well & you have nothing to bring
to the table.
Mustapha finally you blame GF problems on the likes of people like myself. Man
do your colors ever start showing ....now you are pointing the fingers at
people that were helping GF and were only doing their job as they were told
by the likes of people like yourself & GAMCO useless managers! Come on point
the finger you are really good at it!:yuk: Let me give you a reality check
Mr. Right, GF problems lie with the likes of people like yourself who come out
defending buddies/themselves rather than presenting a positive solution to
their cronic problems that are being stated. The people I had
refered to earlier are very much part of the problems that GF had/having
and the same go for GAMCO as they have their bad bunch of managers as well.
Stating the facts really hurts Mustapha ....Ya I forgot you all went
to Scotland to study engineering or something else!:eek: ..bla bla bla
maybe GF should send the people like you for a second round :p . to improve
their technical skills, communication skills, and enlighten their brains ultimately,
so they can do a better job for GF. As we all like to see GF and also GAMCO
become better placese to work at! not Day by Day operation. For your info.,
I worked with one of the world's top 10 airlines prior to
coming to GAMCO, and when I left GAMCO I am with one of the world's top
10 airlines! so the problem not with me as you stated! Your words speak
for themselves.
Take Care

Mustapha Rex 20th May 2006 02:28

Can someone hand him an O-2 bottle or a sick bag?

Either way just give him something before he either pukes or faints...

Sebastien thank you for the english lesson, I will remember not to leave any important memos in your care, once released they might be mistaken for the tora. (God forbid!):eek:

From the "collection" of posts that you have left on this forum, may I suggest you go back to chatting about Nigerian and god knows what other subsaharian carriers you seem to be an expert on.

Why don't you return to your native EU where Sarkosy is awaiting you with a promising future in the immigration forces, chances are you might even become a member of LePen's party, and then perhaps decide on how entities run their companies and manage them.:E At this stage from what I read you wouldn't even be capable of running a seat shop for a railroad let alone an airline.

On the same hand I would like to extend my personal thanks to whomever castrated you at GAMCO, they seem to have done a bloody good job of it by the sounds of it.

Have you kept the memorablia in a Jar?

Sabastienl 20th May 2006 05:35

Mustapha Rex
Let me pray for you first...and for the people that have to deal with you
on a day to day basis cause you are an idiot & you demonstrate it well!:eek:
Check your IRS to see if they are still aligned you are drifting off course,
but again that's typical you get off the topic & you start throwing cheap
shots at people...how low can you go.....that's pretty low from a self proclaimed
good manager, where you are setting a very good example to new
joiners ....you make me laugh!:yuk:
Mustapha this is trashy for you, its your level- not too far back they sent a
monkey to the moon and he got there without a problem not even drifted off
course he was dead on! I am afraid I can't send you, you may get lost
in outer space as you are now :p Ya but the monkey had balls you are
ballless...:eek: and his brain weighed a little bit more than what yours would
ever weight.
Send me your CV and I will see if I can get you a Shawarma boy job or
maybe a shoe shiner job at my airline they are looking for a few! :E
But again with your credentials & wonderful attitude ....I think I can
squeeze you in as a paper boy.
This topic is closed as far as I am concerned.
C Ya paper boy :ok:

Mustapha Rex 20th May 2006 06:41

Can someone get this bozo off the forum?

If all you have to say is insulting I suggest you go try it somwhere else, you have assumed far too many things and you are wrong.

pacificmarlin 24th May 2006 11:16

dyslexic like aneedapo
Had same problem with registration. What's their problem!

Just got the Grimco package and although EK mate says it's crap, after 2 years and some training, you've got some options.
Currently in paradise, but no income or training - 20 years too early for retirement.:cool:
Surely GAMCO can't be that bad.
Isn't massive expansion with EY going to make a difference?
Where are they spending their $$$?
After AN & QF & NF, I've got the bug. Please tell me something good about them.:ugh:

aneedapo 28th May 2006 10:52

pacific marlin
chk your pm:ok:

aneedapo 28th May 2006 10:58

I see that QATAR AIR are looking for licenced spanner types. Anyone have any experience with them?

Qatar cost of living, schooling, lifestyle, etc.

Any info appreciated.
Thanks. :)

xyned 2nd Jun 2006 21:24

A380 wishfull thinking
hi exsimguy.
an a380 from gf is highly unlikely (wishful; thinking). furthermore An a380 to LHR would be stupid cause the destination is not worth the first class touch. eitherways pakistanis sucks

xyned 2nd Jun 2006 21:29

Originally Posted by Sabastienl
Qoute "However, I believe things will improve. Management is very aware of the constraints generated by maintenance. Therefore I see the arrival of SRTechnics as very promising for GF." Unqoute
Well let's hope this will take care of your heavy checks problems, how about
running the show on day to day basis? SR Tech. are well known for their
work and abilities this is a fact, I had dealt with them in the past & I know
well how they do things :ok: , but this solves only one issue the other
issue is to have people that are capable of leading the flok, and neither
GAMCO nor GF have those people at the helm at these departments. If
SR Tech. takes over the whole show including runing the business on
day to day basis then GF will be ok inshalla as the saying goes in ME ;) .
Other than that you guys need a long prayer! let's pray......
Take Care Mate!

hey mallu boy sebastienL, keep your comments to yourself. since when did you "deal with Rs technics".i never thought running coconut business required technical assistance from sr technics. Good faking anyway mate.

ozyozyozy 27th Jun 2006 08:58

Hey all,

Applied for the Gulf Air LAME positions and got a call the other day, anyone over there with Gulf Air got any info that would help me make a decision should it come up - i.e conditions etc etc - likely pay, accomodation.

I am an aussie with wife and two young kids, what would be a better posting Muscat or the island? whats the saftey of westerners like at the moment?

Thanks in Advance

xyned 27th Jun 2006 21:21

hey ozyozyozy
yo ozy

i think island is gonna be a a better of the two for you. considering your so called security concerns, i think you are better off living in an island.That helps you secure the modern robinson crusoe family image.i dont think you deserve muscat (something lacking on your part).

i dont think you will ever be happier elsewhere than in md east. the arabs seems to mollycoddle snobby snots like you. moreover if you chose to stay over at muscat you could always quote "braving the arabs" to your ignorant friends.

love to hear from you


ozyozyozy 27th Jun 2006 22:00

Hi xyned,

Thanks for your insight - very valuable, just thought I would ask someone in the know for some info before making a rather large move. Was in no way a racial undertone there - someone as wise as yourself would probably be aware of the dfat warning for the region and I guess it would be crazy to ask someone local for there opinion!!!

All except xyned are welcome to respond to this post with valid info or save your time for another battle, or alternatively - get a life.


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