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puff m'call 18th Apr 2006 19:31

Emirates Sponor FIFA, But not it's pilots
Emirates announced today that it will be the offical sponsor of FIFA for the next 10 bloody years or so at a cost of $200.000,000. or something like that!!!

Well lets hope that they have the sense to put some money aside to finance, 1, The pilots who are here now and ....

2, The pilots they hope will be coming to the M.E. to fly their jets.

It's now official, well as much as can be, come may/june they WILL be parking A/C because they will not have the pilots to fly them.

All I can say is H.H. S A B S AL-M, it better be a bloody big bonus and a bloody big pay rise if you want your EK dreams to come true or alot more pilots will walk!!!!!

How to p1ss people off in one easy lesson, make an announcement like that before the bonus is announced.

Keep Discovering.

P.S. Sorry if the spelling's crap, just had a BBQ, all that pork and red vino!!!!:ok:

typhoonpilot 19th Apr 2006 06:09

It's called advertising. Advertising creates brand awareness. Brand awareness increases customers. An increase of customers increases revenue. Revenue increases are what lead to profitability. Profitability is what will lead to bonuses and pay rises.

Emirates' excels at advertising and brand awareness which is one of the things that makes it a profitable airline. I, for one, applaud them for the ambitious advertising ventures that they undertake.

I would agree, however, that more of that profit could be shared by the employees.


ekwife 19th Apr 2006 06:10

How to p1ss people off in one easy lesson, make an announcement like that before the bonus is announced.

how about

How to p1ss people off in one easy lesson - post a post like you did before the bonus is announced.

You don't deserve a bonus!

puff m'call 19th Apr 2006 07:47

Why's that then "Wife"

expecting some earth shattering news?

:{ Keep discovering.

Gillegan 19th Apr 2006 07:54

Originally Posted by typhoonpilot
It's called advertising. Advertising creates brand awareness. Brand awareness increases customers. An increase of customers increases revenue. Revenue increases are what lead to profitability. Profitability is what will lead to bonuses and pay rises.
Emirates' excels at advertising and brand awareness which is one of the things that makes it a profitable airline. I, for one, applaud them for the ambitious advertising ventures that they undertake.
I would agree, however, that more of that profit could be shared by the employees.

While I agree that advertising is an important part of doing business, given the company's lack of sensitivity to the working conditions of their line employees these last few years and that at least in our flight operation, I can't remember the last time anything was changed for a reason other than to cut costs, their timing could be better. They are certainly generous with the cash when it is to get their name in the paper but when it comes to maintaining the quality and integrity of their operation, it seems to be a different story. They appear to have a skewed (in my opinion) sense of priorities.

As far as speculation of the bonus and pay review, I agree that it is a little bit premature to start the whinging. We'll see what happens. I'm hearing mixed signals as to the immediacy the company places on the current recruitment/retention/manning situation. Based on my experience here (and I'm sure that is what puff m'call is doing also) I'm ready to be disappointed. I'm actually kind of curious to see what they do and if it is less than adequate, how they spin it this time. Veterans of more than 3 years will remember TCK and his famous 12% payrise letter (it was 3%+2%).

EKwife, you might ask around to see just what kind of "stuff" we've been "fed" in the past before jumping on those who are just a little "fed" up.

StarWinder 19th Apr 2006 08:26

Would have been more in keeping with Dubai's rugby aspirations to sponsor that sport on a global basis than wogball

fractional 19th Apr 2006 08:57

Emirates will control costs not cut staff
As oil prices touched $72.20 yesterday, Emirates planned to increase its productivity by 20 per cent to offset some of the costs, according to a top official.
"We can't do anything about the increasing fuel prices except hedge.We can only manage it the best by practices like hedging, commodity trading and other means," Maurice Flanagan,ViceChairman and Group President of Emirates, told Emirates Today.
When asked if the airline would be cutting down on manpower in order to control costs, Flanagan said that the airline can not reduce staff as "Emirates will be receiving the delivery of at least one new aircraft every month for the next six years".
"And in some cases, even two a month. For example, two big size A380s could come in the same month. So we have this huge increase coming up and there is no way we can cut down on staff numbers," said Flanagan, adding that the airline has also employed an independent expert who advises the airline on the changing scenarios of rising fuel prices.
Emirates recently said it might convert its order for the Airbus A340-600 - pending a possible upgrade into orders for more A380s, even though the awardwinning airline is the launch customer for the A340-600 High Gross Weight (HGW).
Airbus had indicated earlier that if Emirates backs out of the A340-600 order, the airplane manufacturer would have to sell the aircraft at rock bottom prices to other airlines.
When quizzed on how this would impact Airbus, Flanagan said: "It is a part of the normal perpetual problems that manufacturers like Airbus and Boeing face.Whether our ordering more of A380s would cover up costs for the Airbus depends on how many we place an order for. We are currently talking to Airbus about it and thus I cannot disclose all the details." Another decision pending on Emirates's tables is between Airbus's A350 and Boeing's 787.
"We are looking at both for now. However, we are in no hurry to take a call on which one we would go with because both of these aircraft are quite a way long off. We are talking to Boeing for the 787-10X, which is an extended 787 aircraft, which would be able to accommodate up to 300 passengers in a threeclass configuration," explained the Vice-Chairman and Group President of Emirates.
Emirates' current aircraft order with Boeing rests at $20 billion (Dh73.4bn). "So we are big buyers of Boeing aircraft. And we are also big buyers of American aircraft engines," said Flanagan.
There have been speculations whether Emirates's decision to choose Boeing, an American manufacturer, will be influenced by recent issues that cropped up between the United States and Dubai Ports World. But Flanagan said that the DP World deal is of "no relevance" as far as Emirates is concerned.
"It is disappointing as far as Dubai is concerned, especially for the people who live here. What has happened between DP World and United States feels more like slap in the face but it is of no consequence to us as an airline, and it will in no way influence Emirates decision of choosing between the American airplane manufacturer, Boeing's 787 and Airbus's A350," said Flanagan.

plovdiv 19th Apr 2006 11:21

Well, thank goodness the EK pilots have got ek'dec's'wife to tell them what they should be thinking.

Wonder what ek'dec'hubby makes of his good ladys pontificating on this forum?

puff m'call 19th Apr 2006 12:33

She must be out in her hubbies 4x4 having lunch at "The Lime Tree" or shopping for even more handbags!

She'll be back with some more anal comments later no doubt!:yuk:

Mack Tuck 19th Apr 2006 12:46

Probably out shopping for more 'comfortable shoes'

Payscale 19th Apr 2006 12:52

EK is a business to make money for the owners. Just like any other business.

Dont expect a huge bonus. Its not going to happen. There will always be some pilot in a far corner of the world that will drewl at the thought of a job here. Market forces in motion..

chinawladi 19th Apr 2006 14:39

Market forces in motion ..... or not. How many DEC's from USA, OZ, UK?
How many F/O's? Sure enough many drivel to come, but even in India they're thinking it over, having too many incidents with newly and quickly hired guns not up to their task.
The only thing that bothers me is that the locals here only realize that the s..i hit the fan, when it staines their starched pyjama. Even then they deny seeing it. Read todays GN? The UAE economy minister said that the liberisation of commodities prices has lead to a stabilisation of prices! Rather Comical L...a.

Scooter Rassmussin 19th Apr 2006 14:43

EK Wife, You got your bonus , you never had to travel cattle class with your kids , live on an F/O wage for 3 years or more,you really should offer your husbands bonus to be divied up amongst the poor F/Os that lost there future because of your being here.
:mad: :confused: :eek:

critical winge 19th Apr 2006 21:03

I find it hard to accept that the BIG money makers in Dubai still confiscate passports from Indian labourers "slaves", pay them nothing and allow them to live in Labour camps and work like a chain gang in 50C heat. Other countries call that slavery and that is how they view workers in Dubai. Those who hope for a good bonus GOOD LUCK ( I hope it happens)! However, when clearly there are such human ethics in play, there will be no remorse but laughter from above when record profits yet again payout proportionately a lower bonus. All I can say is that the day you leave, the sigh of relief will probably be in your memory for ever.

I look forward to making a post next week, to make an apology, should they have seen sense and a realistic outlook as to what is happening and reward people accordingly.:O

Tail Rota 20th Apr 2006 06:37

Hi Guys

was having a look and spotted this:ugh:

EK Wife says

How to p1ss people off in one easy lesson, make an announcement like that before the bonus is announced.

how about

How to p1ss people off in one easy lesson - post a post like you did before the bonus is announced.

You don't deserve a bonus!

ek wife how about ...
how to hurt my brain trying to work out this Alien post.:eek:

What is your point and who is it pointed at. AND OF COURSE WE DESERVE A BONUS!!!!!!!!:}

My guess is your hubbie wants you to leave the flying to men and is very happy to pay for you to get your toes done.:E

Announcement on the 26th we are all invited...my guess 4 weeks and free soccer tickets


ironbutt57 20th Apr 2006 07:49

As the old saying goes...we all know what EK husband will get blown by EK wife....probably not his preference either:E :E

chinawladi 20th Apr 2006 10:29

I'd like to think this thread was about EK sponsoring FIFA and maybe forgetting about us, and not about any wife ....

I just suggest, that if it turns out to be like that, then all ek pilots (and others) should just not fit the little ugly pin! And just don't pass on any information about football through PA, as we've been left out.
This would at least send a message.

ekwife 20th Apr 2006 13:20

I'm sorry if my post wasn't very clear.

Of course we'd all like a nice big bonus, who wouldn't, but the comments addressed to HH on a public forum weren't exactly polite

"All I can say is H.H. S A B S AL-M, it better be a bloody big bonus and a bloody big pay rise if you want your EK dreams to come true or alot more pilots will walk!!!!!"

The message could've been conveyed in a far more respectful tone and the comments

"just had a BBQ, all that pork and red vino!!!!"

so unnecessary!

If people want to come and live in the Middle East, a little respect would go a long way.

kingpost 20th Apr 2006 13:23

Emirates announced today that it will be the offical sponsor of FIFA for the next 10 bloody years or so at a cost of $200.000,000. or something like that!!!

It's not such a bad sponsorship considerng it's all the way to 2014 - it actually shows how well the commercial department do their job to get the brand global by planing so far ahead. What's scary is that flight ops can't even sort out todays matters - it's amazing how the two different departments do business, well one produces the other just p#sses everyone off.

"those who fail to plan, plan to fail"...................

BigGeordie 20th Apr 2006 14:08

I don't like to agree with ekwife (it might encourage her...) but since the profit share (it's not a bonus, it is a share of the company profits which we have all worked damn hard to earn- except ekwife) and pay rise have not been announced yet all this complaining is a little premature. Let's leave it a week or so then we can all have a good informed moan!

Vorsicht 20th Apr 2006 20:10

Big Geordie
The reality is, it is a share of the profit above an arbitrary number, set by the company. The proof of how this works is when we got 10 weeks, then the following year we had a further massive increase in profits and only ended up with 4 weeks. It is not a profit share. It is an arbitrary dividend that is decided by people who have a bloody good idea of how much profit we are going to make, and set the target accordingly. Sure they made a mistake 2 years ago, but they didn't repeat it last year.

cyclops camel 21st Apr 2006 05:38

Didn't you mis-spell "chit"? ;)

puff m'call 21st Apr 2006 07:18

Oh EKWife, such a typical woman.:yuk:

Go stick you head in the sand, i'll say just what I like when I like, whether you like it or not.

Go shopping or cook dinner and leave the whining to the Pilots, after all that's who the forum is for.

A330guy 21st Apr 2006 09:02

I have to agree with wifie, even though she is a mere woman. She is right. We live and work among Muslims and they too read and post on this forum. Some respect for our colleagues would be good.

puff m'call 21st Apr 2006 11:16

So A330guy, seeing as your'e such a creep would you be kind enough to piont out exactly where i have been disrespectfull to my muslin colleagues

Mr Mugabe 21st Apr 2006 12:01

Growing Pains
Guys and Gals
You know what really blows me away is the fact that the EK staff should all be on the same team but they're not. Yet I saw an EK Captain in Nairobi the other day helping the Engineers fix a 340 that had engine 1 and 4 cowls open. Wonder if lower, middle, upper or any management get to hear about these happenings?


chinawladi 21st Apr 2006 12:17

Even if they would hear things like that, there are still many but decreasing, the sad truth is that they are missing the interface to their brains, or whatever should be there, to correctly analyze such happenings. And I am not sarcastic.

scanscanscan 21st Apr 2006 13:17

Yep...I can understand that.....as the problems were in numbers 3 and 2.

Herbsnspices 21st Apr 2006 14:07

Errrr! Sorry I don' work for EK, but can I give you my account number and you can add me to the boonus scheme? Thanks.

Hey wifey, are you on profit share with MS, that old git with no teeth (or manners for that matter) can you please stay out of issues that are beyond your capacity of understanding.... can we have some dinner please....and then you can dress up for me... it may just be what you need to get your frussies over with.:eek:

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