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Cerberus 4th Apr 2006 07:51

Dubai and the law - Be Careful
Don't forget where you live or it may be too late. Some stories from todays Gulf News. Be careful, I have been tempted to do exactly the same thing as the guy in the first story. Everyday the roads drive most people to distraction and this can be the result:

Don't go fingering:


Don't go shagging:



EGGW 4th Apr 2006 08:43

Yeah, reminds you that we all are living in a very backwards land, great lifestyle an all that. All these little stories everyday makes me laugh, sadly.

Mind, in the first one, the guy must have had a moment of madless to give the bird to a policeman, i mean that would get you arrested in many countries.

In the second, in reality they would have to arrest most of EK cabin crew and a lot of pilots for all the "illicit affairs" we have , or may have http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/gr...smiley-014.gif


Desert Nomad 4th Apr 2006 10:39

Deported for the middle finger!
Following was in today's Gulf news. I assume this guy was an EK employee? Any news on this?

Finger flasher to be jailed and deported

Dubai: A pilot who flashed his middle finger at a policeman in an instance of road rage will spend a month in jail, a court ruled on Monday. He will be deported after serving his term.
The Dubai Public Prosecution had charged the 37-year-old Canadian pilot, identified as K.V., with indecently gesturing in public.
The Dubai Court of First Instance heard that the pilot flashed his middle finger to a 29-year-old UAE national policeman, identified as S.S. in one of the streets of Dubai in an act of road rage.
In his police statement, he denied the charges and claimed he flashed at the victim wanting to say 'easy easy'. During the court hearings, the accused denied the charges, but one of the witnesses told the judge he saw the Canadian flashing his middle finger.
Sources informed Gulf News the accused has already appealed to the appeal's court that will look into the case soon.
Be careful with the road rage out there, especially with the unmarked cars now... I notice it was a UAE National policeman. The driver must have been so unlucky to have been stopped by the only local copper out on the streets ;)

Tail Rota 4th Apr 2006 12:08

this is the sort of stuff i just cannot stand....so what if the local guy got the bird....my guess is.....cop or no cop .....he probably deserved it. and now some poor guy has had his life turned upside down.........the cop is a whimp:E ......go cry to someone who really cares.:{ these crazy drivers....(and lets face it...... the real nutters tend to be of Arbic origin) will probably kill me or one of my colleages before the year is out.

I was crashed into only a few months ago and the luckily for me my 4x4 was bigger than his car. it was messy for him and a good result for me but its not always like that. I got the green slip and had a good laugh at him ranting and raving at the cop.:ok:

I had to laugh at the idiot as his car was a real mess....but the old 4x4 was a little ruffled and just took it.

Sorry K.V. ....I have done it myself more than once ....but maybe now I will be a little more cautious.


ruserious 4th Apr 2006 13:19

A quick look through the contacts list indicates there is no one with the initials K.V. Hardly conclusive, as there may be a variation on spelling or name order. After all I usually get called by my first two names here and rarely have my surname included.

EK Pilot 4th Apr 2006 13:24

Kevin Viffiths? Or is that just wishful thinking?

zhu_tou 4th Apr 2006 14:31

this is the thing that took me some time to accept.although i feel sorry for the guy but we are guests in somebody's country and like it or not we have to accept local rules.i think dubai is to strict but just try to imagine what would happen to UAE guy if he did the same thing in any of our countries.probably the same...or even worse

Toubob 4th Apr 2006 15:18

Wake up and smell the shisha.
If it had happened in any of our countries. What do you mean. If you are from China maybe the death penalty but if you are from the west a warning maybe a fine. Certainly not a month in jail and deportation. I would love my country to start deporting these folks who venture into my freedoms to deport them for anti western sentiment and fomenting disent but we don't.
We have freedoms. I am not a guest here, I am a worker and I came to line my pocket, mercenary no. I am in bussiness for myself, i.e to make money. Just as my employer is. Guest no, bussinessman worker yes

zhu_tou 4th Apr 2006 15:30

don't know the law,but i'm sure i would get in trouble if,as a foreigner,gave the bird to the police officer in USA or any other western country.anyway,on the EK interview they ask you if you are ready to accept cultural differences

Dale Hardale 4th Apr 2006 17:33

I assume this guy was an EK employee? Any news on this?
Should be fairly easy to find out. Take someone who can speak and read Arabic and check the court lists.:E

Panama Jack 4th Apr 2006 17:59

Should not be surprising. In many parts of the world showing disrespect of a law officer is an offense. In many parts of the world, if you have committed an offense and happen to be a foreigner, you are subject to deportation.

Not saying that I feel that the punishment fits the crime, however, that is just the way it is. In Canada, for example, you could face equally draconian measures if a flirtacious comment or compliment to the wrong person ends up resulting in an accusation of sexual harassment. :ugh:

I guess beware if you tick off the wrong person.

european champion 4th Apr 2006 18:08

I dont find anything wrong with the sentences and i dont think we should compare the law with western countries because it is simply a different country.I believe that everyone should respect the law in any country that he visits as a tourist or earns his bread,if you dont like it then simply go back to your country.

Big Bald One 4th Apr 2006 19:46

Its not only in the middle east that "minor" transgressions will get you in trouble with feds, just recently a guy was arrested in the UK for "verbally abusing a police horse"... its a mad mad world all over.:bored:

Tail Rota 5th Apr 2006 06:10

all fair boys

but my guess is that this cop wasnt in uniform and was driving like a lunatic rushing to get cleansed after a beer and a ham and pinapple pizza....completely p#$$ed mr canada off with his antics and got a message, comprising of sign language, that is recognised world wide as "you are a ******** mate". :E

I am certain if he(the cop) was in uniform a bit of restraint would have come into play from both parties and this poor guy( the pilot) would still be flying his 120hrs a month.

the cop should have used what is known as proffessional discretion and realised his mistake let the incident go. I am on the side of our colleage and am still sorry he has had to go through all this. :(

but for me lesson learned ........its easier to just crash into them than give the bird and go to jail....Im off to buy a big giant set of bull bars for the front and the back of my 4x4 .....hook up a gas bottle to a flame thrower and go get me some!!!!

keep an eye on the seven days......:}

"road carnage!!!...what road carnage?....our police officers are doing all they can to protect you all...ok ok.....its a war zone" :yuk:



furbpilot 5th Apr 2006 09:47

Up to six month jail plus fine between 1500/3000 euros for public officer offense. If you are an( illegal) immigrant you will be sent home....
Not Africa...Europe.

Cerberus 5th Apr 2006 10:19

Not if the officer was committing an offence!

gomlic 6th Apr 2006 08:02

What If!
Imagine, what would it happen IF any of you ever attempt to show the middle finger to a policeman or an FBI agent in U.S? :confused: :confused:

"The Cops Are Like A Big Gang"

Witnessing Police Brutality in Los Angeles

The problem of excessive force in the LAPD is fundamentally a problem of supervision, management and leadership.
- Report of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department1 After decades of brutal behavior by officers, poor management by the chief and his deputies, and racist attitudes expressed at all levels of the department in word and deed, the troubled Los Angeles Police Department appears to be, slowly, on the mend. Unfortunately, the department waited until its shortcomings became so overwhelming that building trust in many, particularly minority, communities will require a Herculean effort. Thanks in large part to the blueprint provided by the July 1991 Report of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department (known as the Christopher Commission report) and consistent pressure from community activists, it has been possible through subsequent reports to measure some progress on the commission's recommendations for reform. Because the 9,500-officer department has received such scrutiny - and because its flaws are mirrored in police departments around the country - what it does to create and maintain a culture of accountability will have important ramifications.2 http://www.hrw.org/reports98/police/uspo71.htm

Toad Hall 6th Apr 2006 10:17

The cop was off duty, i would say to give the finger to any cop in uniform in any country is really not a good idea. This case is different the local was probably driving like .. well like they do and got a gesture to explain the fact to him. I have gestured to drivers here like everyone has but to get a month in jail and deportation give me a break. I find flashing headlights 6 inches behind my bumper alot more offensive.
The double standards here STINK a philipino couple jailed last week for having sex out of wedlock, when you find the majority of the customers in the hooker bars are locals and NOTHING is done to them.
Perhaps people from the civilised world should be all told that if you come to dubai and are not married you risk being thrown in jail.
If you are Gay and are caught also expect hormone treatment to normalise you again!!
Maids who are raped by their sponsors can still be flogged for having sex out of wedlock.
The whole place stinks i for one can't wait to get out hopefully not too long away for me.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

sdcycles 6th Apr 2006 14:33

Driving code
Here in DXB in the driving code one is obliged to move over for any car flashing it's lights at you from behind, period. I didn't know that for a few years since like most First World people I was exempt any written exam to get a licence here. I had no idea that the man driving his camel hardest and fastest had priority! If you haven't been here for too long the drill they go through 6 inches from your rear bumper at 120 klicks can be also be very irksome.

In my experience pilots are pretty switched on, no don't laugh, so I'm certain this 'Cop' was not in uniform. I feel very sorry for the guy because what he's got isn't fair because the actual traffic violater is scot free.

For the normal rubbish driving I did and still do gesturing of the 'five knuckle shuffle' variety. No probs so far but maybe they don't understand. Who cares as long as it makes me feel better. For the attempts on my life now, IF they are definitely NOT local, I use my bike to get them off the road so's I can have a cosy chat in their ear. Mostly they have turned out to be Lebonese, Egyptian etc or Subcontinental. There is no point in trying to mess with a local as it's all their train set and you will lose even if you know someone higher up in the food chain. The most that will do is soften the fall.

Traffic perspective
Just got off the phone from a friend coming back from Abu Dhabi on the Sheikh Zayed Highway. A car has ploughed into, or been hit by part of a vertical pillar/road divider. The car has been horizontaly sliced through the steering wheel front to back. This afternoon in medium/heavy traffic all doing 100 klicks, all lanes, on the SZH , a local wove his way through at about 120 useing all five lanes...Very, very scary as it looked at every twist and turn he was going to impact someone and it was goin' to go bomburst. This morning a friend coming to the airport was executing a U turn at a green light when a car tried to saw the front of his 4 X 4 off. Emerg stop, pick up narrowly misses ramming him. Breathes sigh of relief/curses etc and proceeds to find a few hundered yards ahead, the same car upside down on it's roof having careered into three other cars now scattered about the road. Wheels still spinning, no movement. Last week saw one of these Darwin wannabees had actually got sufficiently airborne on the SZH to impact one of the motorway signs some 10 feet from the ground with his Safari SWB. This particular Pilot Officer had used a Mini bus as his launch ramp. I don't know what they are going to do about this mayhem but I do know I rarely experience any adrenalin rush now just rage. Is there something wrong with me doctor. Don't answer that.
Pilots have to have a lift to work here as otherwise they'd often be turning up a little unfocused for da job in hand.

mensaboy 6th Apr 2006 17:05

I was about to enter a parking garage this evening until it became evident that this would be impossible. A blacked-out land cruiser (hence 'local') was parked across the entrance. I realize this is a small offence when compared to killing someone on Shk Zayed but I believe it is symptomatic of the problem in Dubai. A total lack of courtesy and respect for other human beings.

Driving in Dubai is my biggest complaint about this place. If you have not experienced the pleasure of driving in Dubai you might think if that is my worst complaint then life here can't be that bad. Don't be fooled... its not that there are not other issues here, its just that driving is the likeliest form of death. The other things i can deal with, but avoiding being run over by some 4x4 is something that takes some skill and a good deal of luck.

There are general two types of poor drivers here. Those who simply are not very good at driving and those who might just kill you and your family.

There is no excuse for the government not cracking down on this problem immediately, although I do not believe there is any indication whatsoever that this will occur.

BaghDaddy. 6th Apr 2006 18:54

They are cracking down on it, Mensaboy. We just read that an exPat pig was locked up for venting frustration at some imbecile of a local cop who thinks his job gives good reason to drive with absolutely no care for anyone else except possibly someone with more "woosta" (or whatever they call it, you know: pull with the power-mongers)...

And after a 2006 average, so far, of one death per day, in 7Days they reported the cops will issue tickets from unmarked cars for bad behaviour. Maybe even suspend licences.

But we all know who will talk their way out of it because their cousin's the shake.

This will never change because that's the way these people are.

Meanwhile we are about to get 18 weeks profit-share, a 25% pay-rise, 50% increase in Accom allowance, four extra ALTs, and a second car loan so why complain?

Just remember: "You're lucky to be here (you lazy pilot)!!"

sdcycles 6th Apr 2006 19:23

Legal Theft?
Picked up a visiting friend from Abu Dhabi tonight. I had arranged for her visa this end so as she progressed through to customs the guys in frocks removed the following because she didn't have a visa at that point... A personal cosmetic gift for me, four bottles of wine, a carton of cig's and some Kudu biltong.

She asked the 'custom officials' if she returned with her visa from across the arrivals hall, in sight, would she be able to collect her items. They said NO. They refused to give a receipt. She tried to keep an eye on them whilst getting her visa but during the 'maid eye' scan they scuttled off into the the woodwork.

Call me old fashioned but in the First World isn't this theft? Tried to report it to some tosser in an office dressed like a 747 skipper, but he was far to busy to notice me and the clock was ticking. Etihad toll free number can only give me a customer number that is constantly busy. Apparently I have to drive back South tomorrow to report it all again to an Etihad help desk. Welcome to the UAE! Frankly I hope the wine turns to **** and the Kudu turns out to be made from trotters.
In the time I've been here I've never heard of this sort of thing, so perhaps new depths are being plumbed. My friend is very upset as this is her first visit.....Suspect it's the last.

Desert Diner 7th Apr 2006 07:11

Call me old fashioned but in the First World isn't this theft?
No, that would be considered Customs and Excise.:bored:

What you describe there is common enough everywhere in the world.

kingoftheslipstream 7th Apr 2006 07:50

The cops in this country are useless... they are amongst the worst drivers, they talk on mobiles whilst driving, speed without their lights on for no apparent reason, drive with unserviceable signal lights on the cars... it goes on and on... this is still the third world... Let's Be Careful Out There

Salaamahdontlikem 7th Apr 2006 16:26

"I was about to enter a parking garage this evening until it became evident that this would be impossible. A blacked-out land cruiser (hence 'local') was parked across the entrance. I realize this is a small offence when compared to killing someone on Shk Zayed but I believe it is symptomatic of the problem in Dubai. A total lack of courtesy and respect for other human beings."

Exactly. Exactly.

From the way they drive to the way they don't give a damn about how much noise they make in the hotel in the middle of the night, the way they drive in convoys with their hooters blasting at 1am right up to the hotel door. No consideration at all for anyone else. No discipline whatsoever, and it starts as children. They let their bothersome little offspring do whatever they like and this behavior continues into adulthood. Then they climb into a motor vehicle and the true colors come straight to the fore... They are basically pre-Enlightenment Age savages with money.

No amount of whingeing is going to change it though, all we can hope for is for Bush to finally get the nod from God and occupy the whole region and we can turn them back into camel-herders and garden-boys:yuk:

ratpoison 7th Apr 2006 20:29

They are basically pre-Enlightenment Age savages with money.
Hahahahah, :mad:ing classic.;)

chinawladi 8th Apr 2006 05:50

Yesterday in the very busy Ibn Battuta, there was a brand new white BMW 540 Alpina, super-lowered, pumped, 100% tinted, with 2 digit RAK number, parked right up front on the handicapped parking space.
The owner swung out artfully with his dish-dash, accompanied by a gorgious young and equally fit female wrapped up in beautiful black and gold.
First I was annoyed, having had to walk quite a bit from my regular spot. But then I just recalled the article in the Gulf News two days ago, about the rare disease found mostly in Arab inbreading families (read it, i'm not adding anything). Many lack a whole tibia, the article stopped there. As this guy most definitely had a nicely working tibia and was from arab origin, it just jumped to my mind that the same rare disease could make other parts partly or entirely missing or beeing affected.
Suddenly I felt sorry for him and understood why he used the handicapped parking lot.

Jet II 8th Apr 2006 07:52

chinawladi - not being a doctor I don't know what this disease is called, but i can assure you that as well as Dubai it is rampant in London. :uhoh:

ironbutt57 8th Apr 2006 14:21

Regardless of all the above....flipping the "california salute" or any other physical gestures to anybody while driving over here is not a good idea, try it in LA and you might get shot....:uhoh:

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