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-   -   EK delays A340-600! Command upgrades affected? (https://www.pprune.org/middle-east/219864-ek-delays-a340-600-command-upgrades-affected.html)

Keith Discovering 1st Apr 2006 05:21

EK delays A340-600! Command upgrades affected?
Several local papers mention that EK are 'delaying' their 346 options TFN.

Will this affect the number of Command upgrades on the Airbus, or will DEC's take most of the slots that are available?

What's the time to get Command for a new comer now this is happening?


EKPrisoner 1st Apr 2006 06:07

The Airbus is screwed.
There is many 3 year guys without a date and a lot of guys meeting the DEC or Accelerated requirement who may go to the 777 but only as F/Os with a promise of a command 1 year from the start date of the course , so thats 3.5 to four years for those guys.
Imagine these guys are flying with new DECs who may never have flown a widebody or flown in the last 6months to a year at all and although they meet the company requirement for command they will be f/os on 777 or wait for the A330 commands which will be very scarce .
The A380 will only be crewed by our airbus guys for the first year then theyll be off the 777 and from outside, thats gonna continue to slow the Airbus commands even more.
Only take a 777 slot or if you like the bus go as a direct entry F/O on the A380 when it comes.

The A330 fleet im sure will reduce as the 777s move in.

145qrh 1st Apr 2006 06:57

The delay to the 346's has been on the cards for a while.....as far as upgrades goes....first 10 380's will be airbus guys..so at least there will be some upgrades on the 330, not sure how many..depends how many people leave also...

Not so sure about jumping to the 777, bit of a gamble either way...oops no gambling allowed....toss a coin,ask the management, ask Allah (PBUH) ,either way they will find a way of shafting you...

White Knight 1st Apr 2006 07:12

From what I've heard - rumour network after all - only the first FOUR 330's will be retired from september '07.

Scooter Rassmussin 1st Apr 2006 09:02

Well im outta here and my new airline respects seniority and pays well.
Good luck stressing over the commands ,ill be Earning the same as an EK Captain ,in the right seat, stress free, and when my seniority comes up ill get a command .
Goodbye sandpit and all my friends at EK ................

etops777 1st Apr 2006 09:34

Originally Posted by Scooter Rassmussin
Well im outta here and my new airline respects seniority and pays well.
Good luck stressing over the commands ,ill be Earning the same as an EK Captain ,in the right seat, stress free, and when my seniority comes up ill get a command .
Goodbye sandpit and all my friends at EK ................

I will be outta here soon......

I am counting my days, what a GREAT FEELING:ok:

GreenOnGo 1st Apr 2006 10:18

Well guys, congrats on your move. I am looking with big eyes for a good job, and had even thought EK may be it, but reading on here, it seems I may be wrong. Is there gonna be anyone left there?

Count von Altibar 1st Apr 2006 11:50

I had an offer from EK in 2001. It took a lot of deliberation before I finally came to decide to stay in the UK. A small part of me still regrets not taking the opportunity, but from what I've read in the last couple of years in this forum I probably made the correct choice. I'm sorry to hear say that EK management have let the airline slip away so badly from what used to be a very attractive ex-pat pilot destination.

Regards, The Count

kotakota 1st Apr 2006 12:43

Better off out...
I did the proverbial 'stunned mullet' expression when advised of the DEC pay on offer for an EK 777 command in 2004. I do not know if this has changed since then but I have a friend who is RHS on 737 with Thomsonfly and regularly takes home slightly more (after tax) with an excellent lifestyle to boot. OK he does not have an airconditioned villa to be jet-lagged in but he is happy to cope with his cottage in Sussex with the South Downs out the back.
Suffice to say I am pleased I did not go to EK - I may make it past 60 !!

BYMONEK 1st Apr 2006 18:04


You imply from your post that your F/O 'friend' in Thomsonfly is earning the same money as an EK Captain, correct?

If so, tell him to stay where he is until he retires because that puts him on a higher take home than I was on with line training Captains pay in another well known Charter Airline not so many miles away from Britannia's home base.

What many people fail to realise is the overall package. If we choose not to live in our Company villa then our monthly take home increases by another £1240 month. That would put a STARTING F/O on £4000 month. (excluding allowances). Is that what your friend takes home?

I wouldn't wish to appear bias in my calculations so we would have to deduct £150 from this £4000 towards our Provident fund contribution ( however,no need to buy an annuity from the final lump sum. The Company will kindly contribute 10% then 15% after 10 years. That's tax free by the way.) You'll also have to pay out around £35 for family medical cover each month. But, Just a phone call away and in most cases, same day appointments. All dentristry work included.Then there's the £140 you'd have to pay for the private education of 2 children each and every month. Luckily, the Company will pay the other 90%. Oh, and musn't forget the £15 every month for our club which gains our families entry to at least 5 five star hotels/ clubs and use of all facilities. But at least they give us discount on food and beverages to reduce the pain of forking out all that money! I guess my wife is also thankfull that I get a 'lift' into work as she can have our one and only car that we need. Just as well because petrol is frighteningly expensive now. Almost £15 to fill up my new 4x4. Still, it's only once a week so what the heck! I guess as an F/O, your friend has to make do with Business class travel but you can always re-assure him that when he gets his command he'll get first class, just like our Captains.

So then, apart from our stable rosters and the new aircraft we fly, in addition to the varied routes and bid line ( top 2 months only mind you) and the relatively secure outlook for our Company...................erm, oh, and the bonus we're expecting again,not really sure why I left the UK really...............:rolleyes:

............the weather maybe..............

montencee 1st Apr 2006 18:20

4,000 pounds a month take home for a widebody command.

Don't know why, but your cup must be overflowing.

What are you on?

harry the cod 1st Apr 2006 18:22

Fishing perhaps.........?


White Knight 1st Apr 2006 18:23

Nicely said BYMONEK:cool: :cool: - and I do believe the man said starting F/O, not wide body command...

BYMONEK 1st Apr 2006 18:25


The figures I quoted were not for A Captain. They were for a STARTING F/O. As my post stated!

BigGeordie 1st Apr 2006 18:33

And that 4,000 is tax free. I don't know what sort of gross salary you would need in (say) the UK to take that home but I imagine it would be a hell of a lot more than most new F/Os are making.

montencee 1st Apr 2006 18:37

I stand corrected, but I make it 3800 pounds and looking in the Gulf News today your 1240 pounds will rent a two bedroomed apartment, in six months from now it might stretch to a studio flat.

BYMONEK 1st Apr 2006 18:52

Okay, scrub the house for those not lucky enough to have already made a killing in real estate and let's just stick to our £2750 tax free,Company accommodation,with no mortgage to pay or any other bills for that matter. Except phone of course ( local calls free).

I assume your 'friend' has a mortgage to pay along with water rates, electricity, council tax, gas maybe, sewage charge, phone, TV licence ..........

Many of the F/O's who've retained their properties around the World get tenants to pay the mortgage. And all the bills! Great eh?

I will give you one thing though. The view of the South Downs is great and is sorely missed! I'll look forward to retiring there. In my cottage when i'm 60.

Actually, make that 55...................I'll not last to 60!

BYMONEK 1st Apr 2006 19:12

Have just realised that I overcharged myself on the school fees. The monthly total should read £72. Have also found out that basic F/O's salary starts now at £2870.

See, that's £200 a month better off in the last 15 minutes already. ;)

millerscourt 1st Apr 2006 19:44

Bymonek If you and White Knight say it often enough you might just believe joining EK as F/O's was a good idea:{

BYMONEK 2nd Apr 2006 07:26

I only have to look at the faces of my children when I collect them from school to realise what a good idea it was. ;)

White Knight 2nd Apr 2006 07:27

Millers old chap - it works for me:ok: How's it back in "mud island"????, Gordons latest budget working for you?

click 2nd Apr 2006 14:30

I only have to look at the faces of my children when I collect them from school to realise what a good idea it was.
No kidding? I've got two little copies of myself that I just can't see growing up in the ex-commie wasteland. Considering either a move back to Canada or to EK. All this stuff that's posted is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth but if I don't get my butt in gear, I'll be a witness to another airline imploding. We have a new politically appointed 'crisis' manager. Time to gettaouttatown...

usav8er 8th Apr 2006 03:01

It is nice to hear some positives about EK. I am thinking about coming to EK as a First Officer, but some of these threads are steering me the wrong way. Is EK really that bad? Is the fatique really a problem? What is Dubai really like? I would appreciate any answers that you may have...

fatigueflyer 8th Apr 2006 10:30

Hey usav8er ,

Why are you still asking the same question all over this Middle East Forum? Still can't make up your mind? Feeling a bit apprehensive? Got no balls? English not too good? Just read what's been posted and stop trying to justify your decision to come to EK. Probably still need Mama to wipe your ar$e for you.

ironbutt57 8th Apr 2006 10:37

go take a fatigue pill and chill dude...look at his "handle" doubt there is an english problem...bear in mind Pprune may not be as widespread in North America as it is here overseas...sure he will sort it out when he's been steered in the proper direction...now pull your head out of yours so you dont break your neck when you sit down....:confused:

fatigueflyer 8th Apr 2006 16:43

Hey metal ar$e,

Bad day at the orifice, eh? Maybe you should should take a chill pill. Don't you think that posting the same question over and over again when there is so much info around is a little laborious? To steer him in the right direction regarding EK is easily explained by the threads, especially over the last 12-18 months. How much more of a hint does the poor chap need??? Anyway, have a few coolers and keep recovering for your next flight. Didnt see your post giving any great form of advice either! ;)

4HolerPoler 8th Apr 2006 17:22

Guys please kill it. Feel free to hurl insults at each other by email or PM. Thanks.


ironbutt57 8th Apr 2006 18:23

You said it yourself USAv8r...the posts may very well be steering you the wrong way... somebody else here from Australasia didnt bother to notice your join date and number of posts, and consider the possibility you are new here, and didnt have a chance to review these posts before jumping down your throat...but do search the posts there are many many....better come sort it out for yourself...don't work there, so cannot comment either way on conditions at EK...have lived in the UAE though, and found it pleasant...the "war stories" about the driving habits there are ALL TRUE that is for sure....good luck:ok:

usav8er 8th Apr 2006 21:17

Hey fatiqueflyer,
Thanks for being so mature and taking the time to bash my post rather than taking a few minutes to answer the questions. My English by the way is very good, probably even better than your "Down Under" spit. I actually would love it if my mom was around to wipe my "ar$e" as she died when I was a small child and would love to still have her in my life. Why don't you grow up and act your age and at least write useful information, or is that too much to ask an Australian a$$ to do.

CAYNINE 9th Apr 2006 02:34

Wow... now that was mature.

Yank how many Orstraylions have you met????

That sort of stuff will endear you to the down under tribe in EK no end.

Come with your fellow brethren to the middle east and expand your somewhat introspective attitude with a mind broadening experience.


ironbutt57 9th Apr 2006 04:18

well usav8r, at least you can suss out one of the "tribes"(a few members anyway) and and guess where some of the rhetoric comes from...it would appear at first glance from the postings on this forum, most of the discontent at EK stems from unhappiness with the upgrade situation, and changes to terms and conditions packages after the fact...which is always disappointing, especially when the company is growing in leaps and bounds and reporting huge profits...at least in the states, the reasons for this happening is obvious, there the reasons are not too clear, as I said I dont work there so actual facts and details best come from an enlightened insider, but having some acquaintences there from Canada, and Africa, I have heard the good and bad, and employment at EK is not in my plans at the moment...so again, good luck in your search :ok:

usav8er 9th Apr 2006 18:46

I appreciate your remarks. It is nice that some people can write messages in here that actually have a point and are worth merit. I am new to pprune and probably should have looked at all the previous threads about EK. I have since spent many hours reading them as there are quite many. I will take them into consideration but also realize that there are a lot of crybabies in this industry. In any company that has thousands of pilots, there are always going to be a few that whine about anything. They probably wouldn't be happy wherever they are, always finding something to complain about. There is a lot of that going on right now, especially in the US where things have been going backwards for years now with no end in sight. Thanks again for your comments.

CAYNINE 9th Apr 2006 23:03


The decision to come here is yours and yours alone, you must make the choice and then act positively upon it. If you come for the wrong reasons you will not enjoy yourself for very long. There are several that have come here on the basis of "home industry is going nowhere" expecting command status almost immediately, only to be disappointed when the goal posts have moved (again) and become bitter...... the contract you sign doesn't give a guarantee of a command time, you "qualify" after 3 years.

New to pprune..... then I would encourage you to use it well and not let yourself fall into the trap so many have of using it as a whinge board and making stupid comments about nationalities and personal attacks on others.

There's already enough crap flowing from the fingers of pilots claiming DXB and EK is the worst place in the world to be..... it's all up to the individual, so don't necessarily allow the opinions of those here make up your mind, come visit and see for yourself.

ironbutt57 10th Apr 2006 00:13

Very well put caynine....:ok:

usav8er 10th Apr 2006 03:33

Thanks to you as well for the valuable comments, I do appreciate it very much. You stated,

"New to pprune..... then I would encourage you to use it well and not let yourself fall into the trap so many have of using it as a whinge board and making stupid comments about nationalities and personal attacks on others."

That also is good advice. The only reason I attacked fatigueflyer is that he insulted me to no end with no resonable cause at all. I will take what you said with credibility and remember that in future posts.

Thanks again for your comments, I do intend to make a trip out there and get a better feel for everything on my own accord. Then and only then will I get a little taste of Dubai and get a feeling on my own.

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