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kama123in 1st Mar 2006 14:41

Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Strength (Top Ten)
1) INDIAN 343
4) THAI 134
5) KOREAN 131

A300Man-2005 2nd Mar 2006 00:22

What point are you making?

strength 2nd Mar 2006 17:59

That's exactly what I was thinking A300 man

Flying Daggers 2nd Mar 2006 18:13

I think its just to obvious NO WESTERN EUROPEAN CC. :rolleyes:

slugmaster 2nd Mar 2006 19:04

Well, how much do cabin crew in Qatar make? $1300? You can make that or more doing pretty much anything in western world, and you get to stay home too... :ok:
Or is there a deeper conspiracy going on? I don't think so... :hmm:

naughty but nice 3rd Mar 2006 06:26

Well we know for sure what the romanians are there for dont we?
As soon as they arrive they are on their backs for the locals..all S***s
So in actual fact they are making more than $1300

Oh sorry,forgot to mention that most of the other nationalities are pretty much doing that same kind of 'work' as you well know..

SKELLYTOR 3rd Mar 2006 08:19

Hey apadiyinuk,
lets not get started here.
I am well aware of your nationality and that you used to work with QR as a cabin crew.
You resigned from QR for obvious reasons and unfortunately still bitter about it.
I too resigned from QR but that doesnt give me the right to critisize the company and it's employees.
What you mentioned in your post actually reflects back to you, your upbringing and unfortunately your culture.
It goes to show that you are capable of slandering your ex-employers or even the present one!
Im sorry if you have thing against romanians or any other nationality for that matter but DO NOT GENERALIZE PEOPLE!
It's only uninformed people like you that would post something like that.
QR also consists of other nationalities from the 1st world countries.
eg. japan, taiwan, singapore, south korea, hong kong and australia (see the irony, their all in asia!!!!!)
Not all of them work in the middle east for the money, but because there are very limited airline positions in their country.
After gaining enough experience, they resign and go back to work for their national carriers(see the irony again?? their all premium airlines!!)
This post serves no other purpose than to start an ugly debate on racism.
Give it a rest mates! -SKT

BaghDaddy. 3rd Mar 2006 10:13

Maybe the point is not enough shaggin options for the drivers.

After gaining enough experience, they resign and go back to work for their national carriers

Major airlines requiring "experienced" hosties.... :rolleyes:

SKELLYTOR 3rd Mar 2006 11:50

it's not a requirement, it's an advantage.
anyways, what have you got against them baghdaddy?
like i said... this is turning into another racist thread.
good luck guys, im not interested in arguing.
dont want to sink to your level!-SKT

kama123in 3rd Mar 2006 15:09

Check 11 - 20
Cool down :} Please do not get into arguments, lets hve rst 11 - 20 cabin crew nationality strength , check below

11.NEPALI 59
17.KENYAN 26

bushbolox 3rd Mar 2006 15:50

Who wants western euro crew when youve got such a cross section of some of the sexiest nationalities on the planet. Ive been on Qatar a few times recently and there was much stirring of the loins. Rather that then a load of slack @rsed mincing CSD's whinging because they arent treated like a captain, or a bunch of sour faced lazy snooty cows at BA. A generalisation I know , but they are the ones that stand out, and form opinion. :eek:

loc22550 3rd Mar 2006 17:24

I´m wondering how Kama you can be so precise in the figure you give regarding the number v nationalities...due to the fact that every day we have cabin crew resigning and new one coming to fill the gap....???:confused:

Crusty Ol Cap'n 3rd Mar 2006 20:07

Hey SKELLYTOR, I see you are having a go at someone called APADIYINUK over his non-existent post. What's your beef?

McGreaser 3rd Mar 2006 21:52

Come on guys don't give aviators a bad image by adding flesh to such a bony thread.:confused: :confused: The original one was totally directionless and as such should have been left to wonder into the bush where it belongs. Mr Moderator do us all a favour.......am sure there's more interesting stuff happening in QR ! :ok:

naughty but nice 4th Mar 2006 08:37

Am I and the rest of the posters of this thread missing something?

When and where exactly did APADDYINUK actually post??

Skellytor...how uninformed are you in assuming apaddyinuk had posted?

Get ur facts right b4 you accuse posters of being sumone else..

BaghDaddy. 4th Mar 2006 09:11

Wow.... only 34 of er, um...... "eastern mediterranean" background. Could actually be a nice place to work, then!

PS Obviously the paddy in UK deleted his post. Jeezuz, it ain't rocket science is it??

naughty but nice 4th Mar 2006 17:29

FYI...there was NEVER a post from APADDYINUK..
So there u go...

apaddyinuk 7th Mar 2006 00:23

What posting of mine do your comments reflect?
What understanding of whatever I have said somewhere (and clearly not on this thread) have you taken???
I left QR a happy lad and under good terms with the company (I wasnt sacked nor did I jump ship!). I went to another airline which I am still with over two years later and really enjoying! My beef about QR is the way it treats its staff, its not with the staff!!!! I certainly wont slate the people who work bloody hard in that airline and recieve absolutely no thanks but instead continued threats! I actually still have a few friends and indeed people closer than friends working for QR so whatever you THINK I said I suggest you cop yourself on!
Funny the things that get said behind your back when you are not on pprune for a few weeks! Skelly, if you need further clarification you may indeed PM me, however I will not entertain being slated by you online, its petty and childish and something I would expect to see only from certain types of people, people who I have unfortunately only experienced when living in doha...fortunately only in small doses!!!! :}

Baghdaddy...Indeed Naughty But Nice is correct in stating that I never did post a reply to this thread!!! Skelly seems to have a bee in his bonet about something I may or may not have commented on a previous thread!


apaddyinuk 14th Mar 2006 12:20

Well Iv given Skelly a week to respond so oh well!!! Guess he/she got me mixed up with someone else and is too embarassed to make an apology!
Some people hey? :\

Flying Daggers 14th Mar 2006 12:44

"I certainly wont slate the people who work bloody hard in that airline and receive absolutely no thanks but instead continued threats!" and some of them act unbelievable similar as their employer does. The brainwashing machine works perfectly. Its like comp, you punch crap in you get crap out. I whodunit be surprised QR would hire only uneducated virgins you cant even talk to, cause they only have two words in their brain NOT ALLOWED. :yuk:

apaddyinuk 14th Mar 2006 23:15

Hehehe!!! Oh stop or you will have Skelly after you too! :}

loc22550 15th Mar 2006 04:47

That's probably the only solution for the long term Flying Daggers if they still wanted to find slave working for them...unless they change radicaly the way of threating the cabin crew!:ok:

Iron Beagle 21st Mar 2006 13:45

OK, I am a little puzzled. From other, non aviation forums about Qatar, I was given the impression that Doha is a "desert" for a single guy, but in this thread people talk about stirring of loins, sexy nationalities, just short of the playboy mansion. So, what is it like really out there? I don't want to sound shallow (maybe I am), but for a single lad, social life will be a factor on the decision to emigrate or not.

bushbolox 21st Mar 2006 18:55

Did somebody mention virgins???:E

Iron Beagle 22nd Mar 2006 00:34

That bad eh!? :uhoh:

loc22550 22nd Mar 2006 03:08

The ONLY good thing for a single guy is that you will be able to save some money here!(not really the case if you have family and kids expecially for F/O).:uhoh:

Iron Beagle 22nd Mar 2006 09:59

Hey Loc,

I presume you are in same circumstances as me, so please help me out here. What is life out there like? What do you guys do on your spare time (Except jetting away home)? Is the social life really that bad? People say that Doha is becoming a new Dubai. Are they pulling my leg?

I work for an airline now in Europe, but the pay is horrible, less than 2000 Euro monthly, so as far as salary is concerned, I have nothing to lose. However, the lifestyle is OK, with the only expection that when I turn sixty I will have nothing to show for.

I understand that it depends largely on what equipment you fly over there which dictates overnights away, time off etc. I would appreciate if you could take the time and give me some insights. Feel free to PM.

Thanks in advance.

loc22550 22nd Mar 2006 11:43

Doha becoming a new Dubai...??No way.Maybe You mean Doha DREAMING of becoming a new Dubai...??;)
For the rest check your PM.

Kanoknuahaha 1st Apr 2006 20:26

Originally Posted by naughty but nice
Well we know for sure what the romanians are there for dont we?
As soon as they arrive they are on their backs for the locals..all S***s
So in actual fact they are making more than $1300

Oh sorry,forgot to mention that most of the other nationalities are pretty much doing that same kind of 'work' as you well know..

Well,i don't really know how many of those S***s you've met....but i'm sure you'll never F*** any of them!
At least they don't "bend" for anyone while they're working,as other nationalaties tend to do.....

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