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Ham Phisted 19th May 2000 16:59

Hoorah! Class 1 on its way. But...
Spoke to CAA this morning and my Class 1 is on its way after "only" 4 weeks. :) :) Apparently, the delay has been due to the doctor who's writing a letter to go with it. Is this normal? Has anybody else had covering letters with thir Class 1? Should I be worried since there were some doubts over my EEG? http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

Class 1 (hopefully) over. ATPL exams next. CPL/IR to follow. Unsolicited phonecall from BA asking me join them as F/O on 747-400s. Dream on..

Ivor Fourstripes 25th Jul 2001 17:30

I too had a question raised over my EEG.

The doctor took me into the room initially to discuss the urine test but this developed quickly into "we are referring the tracing to a neurologist and you may not be class 1 fit." which left me shell shocked and watery eyed.

The examination was about a fortnight ago and am still pacing the floor waiting for a reply. Phoned them this morning to chase them up and likewise they are waiting for a report on the EEG.
All the best

Speedbird1 26th Jul 2001 02:44

i went last thursday for my class one and was in shock when the doctor expressed concerns over my urine test. He suspects too much sugar but can`t be sure. Does anyone have any tips on how to reduce it if there is any for my confirming blood and urine tests coming up?
i`ve wanted to fly since i was 6. if i have to stop now i will go crazy, literally. please help

Ivor Fourstripes 26th Jul 2001 12:09

I don't know what your personal case is, but with me the doc said that the discrepencies could be caused by an inflamation in the kidneys or some other small matter.

He then said that it wasn't anything to worry about and if the EEG is clear he wont keep a note of it.

He also suggested to redo the urine test a week later with my GP. I did this and it came back totally clear.
Hope this helps as I fully anderstand how you feel.

Tarmach 26th Jul 2001 17:51

Sorry to go off topic guys, but do the doctors tell you if somethings up, there and then, rather than waiting for a dreaded letter to arrive from the CAA saying that you have failed the class 1??

Kestral 26th Jul 2001 20:30

I sat my class 1 in the 2nd last week in june and when they done my urine test they also found protein in my urine. They tested me a 2nd time that day and this time it was very slight amount and the doctor said that the dips which they use can be very sensitive, they had talked about it being reffered to a consultent, but they never, and i got my class 1 throught the post 4 days later!!!!! The worst feeling though is leaving caa house and not being sure if you have passed or not as no one tells you a thing!!!!!!!!

Tarmach 26th Jul 2001 21:20

Guys, what is the problem with the EEG? Surely if you were epileptic you would have seen some symptoms by now, surely?

So I take it from Kestral's post, nobody tells you anything!! Why is there this kind of culture, all hush-hush!

Speedbird1 27th Jul 2001 01:13


Thanks for all of your information, fourstripes that was of great help, thank you.

just goes to show there are some very geniune people on this forum.

thank you guys and if you have any more information reguarding how to control urine tests and their sugar contents, it would be of great help

Tarmach 27th Jul 2001 12:20


As far as controlling urine tests and stopping their sugar content I read somewhere that you should limit your sugar intake about 1 month before the medical.

This I would imagine would be very difficult to do because everything contains sugar to some degree even fruits. However it could be worth cutting out very sugar rich foods though!

Bobby Guzzler 27th Jul 2001 19:19

Hello chaps,

Don't worry about the dreaded class 1. I think people know if they are blind or deaf, and they must expect the worst. If you are reasonably fit then it's a doddle! ;)

One thing I will say on the EEG (this is in response to Tarmach), don't count your chickens before they hatch. Anyone can be epileptic, and you would never normally be able to find out about it. There was a guy there, perfectly healthy and a prospective pilot. Had the EEG and flipped - and that's it, a dream is over. Just as well they found out. I also know another guy who flipped when flying into the sun piloting an air taxi, the light frequency made him go a cropper! :eek:

The rest is easy! The urine test is ok too. You know if you are diabetic, but make sure you haven't had any toxins (not saying that you have) well before hand.

p.s. If you are lucky you might get the lovely strawberry blonde Irish nurse that I had!

Speedbird1 27th Jul 2001 22:11

Thank you for the advice tarmach and u other guys. it has been of much help.

i will be hearing from my CAA medical doctor soon who did the examination but i`m planning on going beforehand to my GP to have urine tests and blood tests. do you suggest i do this now or wait for the letter from the CAA to take to the GP with me??
Can i do anything else apart from cutting my sugar level to help, like exercise or anything?

thanks again guys

Tarmach 27th Jul 2001 23:35

If I were you I would wait for the letter, or phone the CAA up requesting one. Make sure the letter detailing this contains how much sugar was contained in your urine and how much the CAA accept (if any). That way it'll give the GP a benchmark to work with. Perhaps (I'm not sure how this works) the CAA would get in touch with your GP anyway.

Good luck- hope everything works out!

Speedbird1 1st Aug 2001 18:04

Hi guys and girls.

I got the letter through the post this morning saying that there is a slight concern over my urine test and the amount of sugar my urine contained. Now how long do you think i should leave it before i go for this second test so that i can totally cut out sugars and carbohydrates etc in order to have the very best chance of passing.Would drinking plenty of water help? Im ready to go solo too which makes it even more of a pain not having the medical.

thanks guys and girls

willoman 5th Aug 2001 19:46

SB1 - It doesn't matter how long you leave it to the next test. If you have a serious blood/sugar problem it is best to know and then treat it. Purchase a blood/sugar test kit from a chemist ( some as cheap as £7 )- it will tell you quickly if you do have excess sugar and the kits come with excellent instructions. Furthermore, when you do decide to have another CAA check, make sure you do 30 minutes of sweaty exercise about 2 hours beforehand - muscles can use up a lot of blood/sugar so that it doesn't appear in urine. That is why diabetics are encouraged to do more physical exercise. I assure you that it works !!

Speedbird1 6th Aug 2001 02:56

thank you very much willoman, the advice was really appreciated.thank you

I hope the exercise 2 hours beforehand works as i really couldn`t face if i had to give up this 13 year dream now.

thanks all the same, any other advice would be great too.

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