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Loose rivets 10th Mar 2010 04:15

Pain after vasectomy.
Is there much known about this? It seems that sometimes there can be quite a lot of dragging pain, but I'm not clear what causes it and what the prognosis is. Anyone know?

HEATHROW DIRECTOR 10th Mar 2010 10:24

When I had the "snip, snip, Bob's your auntie" treatment my GP said "It'll feel like you've been kicked in the balls". After I had it done I went back to him and said: "You said it would feel like a kick in the balls.. but not from an elephant!" It's a long time ago but I recall it was painful for quite a while.

The SSK 10th Mar 2010 10:28

Maybe I was lucky. Zero pain or even discomfort.

Either from the first operation or the second (unsuccessful) one to reverse it :(

27mm 10th Mar 2010 11:56

Had mine done by our local doc at the day surgery. He was a cricket fanatic and invariably wore his MCC jumper at work; so there was a slightly surreal air to the proceedings, as he propped up some pillows on my chest (I'd declined to view the procedure) and set to work, while we discussed the latest test match fiasco. After the op, some discomfort, similar to being kicked in the family jewels, for about a day, but ibuprofen fixed that. Since then, have never looked back, although the Memsahib will keep referring to me "being seen to", in the same manner as our dogs......

gingernut 11th Mar 2010 10:37

LR you need to discuss this with your doc. Depending on the time frame (when was your snip?) he may decide to "wait and see" or investigate further (Ultrasound/referral.)

Loose rivets 11th Mar 2010 15:40

Crikey...mine was in the mid 70s :uhoh: Often ask myself what the world missed.:}

The patient seemed to have a perfectly normal procedure, but with this residual pain. He's not given to fussing over minor pain, so it must be quite bad.

The surgeon has never encountered this before and is somewhat perplexed.

HD said

"You said it would feel like a kick in the balls.. but not from an elephant!" It's a long time ago but I recall it was painful for quite a while.
I guess that gives some hope that it will settle down, but patient is also suffering long term back pain, so all attempts to fight that are hampered by further temptation to rest.

Two-Tone-Blue 11th Mar 2010 18:35

OMG ... here we go, long story.

Had mine done about 30 years ago.

Pre-Op anaesthetic, which made me a bit giggly, which led me to try to fondle the front bumps of the nurse pushing the trolley. :ooh:

Post-Op, obviously a bit sore, but discharged the same day. Car had a flat bettery, so had to do a push-start on a conveniently located hill [RAF Halton] and that night attended Ladies' Guest Night and danced [slowly and carefully].

FFS, it's only a tiny incision, followed by pulling out the tubes, cutting and knotting them :ok:
Best decision ever, and benefits the OH as well.

If that's the route you want to take, get on with it and stop whimpering.
You are a bloke, aren't you?

Think about a contact of mine, who has had transgender! That hurts. :cool:

Lou Scannon 11th Mar 2010 19:11

Mine was done thirty five years ago. I found that wrapping them up in cotton wool inside a tight pair of Y fronts (thirty years ago remember!) was a great psychological boost to lessen any discomfort.

Thinking about the poor little chaps resulted in the normal reaction and less than 24 hours after the snip, and to my wife's apprehension, I carried out a successful functional check.

Which is more than I will be doing tonight!

teresa green 11th Mar 2010 22:27

Yer, know what you mean Lou.:(

gingernut 11th Mar 2010 22:34

It does sound that in your friends case, the surgical team do seem to have things in hand-so to speak.

On a cautionary note, dragging pains in the scrotum should not be ignored.

john_tullamarine 12th Mar 2010 01:33

Early-80s for me. On the Electra at the time.

Overnight in the local hospital (surgeon preferred a general) then out for a day's work in the office.

Climbing up the ladder into the bird in the wee hours was a bit tenderising for about a week (and I had a moderate flying workload that week) but then no problems thereafter (in several areas, I might add).

Probably would have been more sensible to have taken a week off, with the benefit of hindsight, I guess, but it was not a major sweat at the time .. but, definitely, very tender with walking performed ankles well spread ...

Loose rivets 12th Mar 2010 03:31

On a cautionary note, dragging pains in the scrotum should not be ignored.
Good point g-n. Lateral thinking is what I preach, but didn't do on this occasion. :ok:

El Grifo 12th Mar 2010 12:10

Jings. I was supplied with a kind of goolie support kit after I had the snip.

Strange contraption really, but it certainly held the nuts in place during the recovery period. Stopped them swinging around, especialy when I was wearing the kilt !!

La Grifa became strangely fascinated by the little garment, towards the end of my recovery.

THAT almost led to further problems :eek:

Expect to walk 13th Mar 2010 07:48

Eighteen years ago, local anesthetic, no pain but mild discomfort for a few days. Told not to ride my bike for a week or so, wasn't told that my goolies would become technicolour wonders till the bruising subsided.

muppetbum 15th Mar 2010 14:09

My Husband had to have his done under general , it wasn't a simple standard op due to scarring from a previous op as a child ( we only found this out when he attempted to have it done under local)

He was swollen for about a week ( also had to wear the support strap thingy) and was back to relatively normal in a couple of weeks.

On the plus side , the op seemed to "free" some of the scar tissue that previously had made sitting in some positions very uncomfortable

on the negative side a couple of years late he has developed varoscese (sp?) which i believe are more common in men who've had the snip

ArthurR 15th Mar 2010 16:40

Had mine done a few years ago, no real pain, some discomfort, worse part was the anti-biotic spray afterwards, felt like someone had set my b*lls on fire.

40&80 15th Mar 2010 20:59

That explains the hit song...."Goodness gracious great balls of fire!" I Always wondered who it was about!

Loose rivets 15th Mar 2010 21:22

scar tissue that previously had made sitting in some positions very uncomfortable
This describes it. Several months now and not much change.

on the negative side a couple of years late he has developed varoscese (sp?) which i believe are more common in men who've had the snip

Varicocele? I'd forgotten about this condition. This is also food for thought thanks Muppet...erm, person.;)

muppetbum 16th Mar 2010 12:10

I should add that he doesn't regret having the op done.

Pain wise I suspect he's in better shape after the op than before . I don't think he realised how much the previous scar tissue was affecting him.

The Varicocele is harmless now , caused some pain for a bit and needed an ultrasound to diagnose to make sure it weasn't anything more sinister.

Apparently a very odd feeling to see your balls pulsing in time to your heartbeat :)

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