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Clipped Wings 11th Jan 2009 22:28

Firstly I must say that I've looked at the various threads on the subject and I feel that there is potentially something to be gained by my post.
So here goes:
Diagnosed with bowel cancer and metastases in the small lobe of my liver in 2007. Op for bowel cancer sucessfully completed Nov 2007 and small lobe of liver removed in Feb 2008. Wipe-over chemo completed end Oct 2008 and the result - I'm am clear of cancer. So that fight has been fought and won, not so the fight to regain my CAA class 2 medical!!
Using data from a report written in 1998 the CAA Medics consider me to be 'at risk' of developing further metastases 'which may lead to an incapacitation'. Their solution - I have to wait a total of 3 years from my Feb 2008 op and, 'if free from recurrence' they can consider me for a class 2 medical. As I see it I am being penalised for daring to 'catch' cancer - something I am clinically clear of now - based upon a document that is 10 years out of date and uses data presumably gathered over 5-10 years prior to document publication. Oncology has moved on a pace since then!!
So, Have you had a similar problem in the last year or so and been able to achieve a satisfactory resolution? I am going to appeal but any helpful advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Say again s l o w l y 11th Jan 2009 23:51

For a start get your specialist to write to them and specifically say that he considers you to have no incapacitation risk. The CAA docs usually defer to specialists, especially in the case of cancers.

I'll be having my battle with the CAA soon and I'll be very interested in how you get on.

Good luck.

Clipped Wings 12th Jan 2009 08:53

The CAA medical branch provide a guide to the report required from a specialist, it is headed:

'Details to request from a consultant oncologist when considering a licence holder's fitness to return to flying/controlling following treatment for malignant disease' Phew!!

There is a list of 15 points to be covered from history through to prognosis and, having seen the letter written by my oncologist all the points were covered in a positive manner. It is ironic that I flew with a class 2 medical for at least a year and possibly 2 WITH cancer (but not diagnosed) but now that I'm diagnosed free of cancer I cannot obtain a medical. I'm even going to be scanned for any recurrence over the next few years, so a 'return of the matastases' should be picked up long before any symptoms show.

matspart3 12th Jan 2009 12:26

Clipped wings
Their 'standard' policy was the same for my very low grade non-hodgkins lymphoma, diagnosed in 2007, but I ended up getting an unrestricted Class 2 and restricted Class 1 back, just six months after my radiotherapy finished.

SAS is right...ask your oncologist to write, covering all the points in their standard letter and talk to them directly. I found them to be very helpful and understanding and prepared to consider each case on its own merits. Your oncologist might also have access to better and more recent clinical data in regards to recurrence rates.

PM me if you'd like to chat about it, I'm only a few miles away...

Clipped Wings 22nd Oct 2009 15:20

An Update
I have, today, passed my JAR Class 2 medical having received permission so to do from the CAA Medics last week. (Delay due to my aviation Doc being on holiday!). I have the restriction of dual flight controls and qualified pilot on board - but it is a start and 99% of my flying has been dual as a Chief Pilot.
I am having a review in June of 2010 and, subject to no indication of recurrence, I should have that restriction lifted. However, my plans to obtain a CPL in order to become a civvy flight instructor are twarted - it seems that a Class 1 is not possible (I might see if it could be obtained 'with restrictions'), although the process of obtaining a 'buy' on aspects of the ground exams - I'm an ex-RAF pilot - are no longer available I believe?
So it is good news for me although the postal strike will add delay to the process of obtaining my JAR PPL. Then I have to apply for my Jet Exemptions/Training Exemptions.

BDandD 3rd Dec 2009 13:29

Don't give up hope on getting a Class 1 medical. I had cancer three times in two years (mouth, lymph gland and spinal), am now in remission for three years and have a restricted Class 1 medical. It took 18 months from the last bout of the disease to get my licence back. The CAA was very helpful during my illness and had long discussions with my specialist about my treatments and ongoing prognosis.

Stay positive! I was told on numerous occasions that I would never get my licence back. Due to my sheer cussedness, I'm here now with a Class 1. Good luck in your endeavours

Clipped Wings 24th Jun 2010 09:46

A long time in the waiting
Well, it has been a long wait whilst the JAR requirements (timewise) for my medical review have been fulfilled - But worth it!! Today I was informed that the restrictions on my Class 2 medical have been lifted and I can soar like an eagle solo once again. Now I have to determine if I really need to work on getting a Class 1, but that is a whole different story. At least I can now return to the airshow circuit in vintage jet aircraft.

upandwa 7th Nov 2012 08:46

How did you do that? Well done!
:ugh::ugh:Sorry, this is probably a bit late in this conversation but I now have the same thing for 'cured' lung cancer. How did you get over the 3 year safety pilot restriction?

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