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Simon150 9th Jan 2007 11:53

Asthma and impending initial class 1
I have my initial class 1 due in a couple of weeks. I have a history of mild asthma, which was quite bad when I was a child (less than 12 years old), but has got gradually better ever since. I last had any medication for it about 5 years ago when I was on both the blue and brown inhalers, and can't even remember having an attack. I do get breathless when running, but after sitting down for a bit, clear up OK and seems more breathless than wheezy.

Having read up on all the various threads on here (thanks guys) I decided it would be a good idea to get a bit fitter before the test.

I bought a feak flow meter, and got out the old exercise bike. Unfortunatly I am doing this alone, so the results are rather meaningless, and wondered if anybody else can give me an idea of whether these results are good, bad or disasterous!

I am 6 foot, and 30 years old which means my average peak flow should be 640l/min. Blimey, I normally get between 560 and 600 which is 'below average' as far as I am aware (going by the www.peakflow.com website).

After running on the running machine (in the conservatory with all the doors open to keep the air cool, which makes me worse!), at 7mph for 7 mins my peak flow is between 500 and 520 normally which is quite a change.

Ive got loads of data (I am an engineer!) but have no idea how it relates?

Does anybody out there know what a 'normal' peak flow is, how much it is normal to drop after exercise, and what the CAA are looking for. Basically am I wasting my time?

Getting desperate and paranoid....any help would be ace!

Warrior2 17th Jan 2007 06:59

i did my class one yesterday in dublin, i have had mild asmath also since the age of 2, however i have been taking medication(brown and blue inhalers) upto now, and i did the medical and they told me it isnt really anything to worry about.

Simon150 19th Jan 2007 16:35

Warrior 2, glad you got through OK, thats good to hear, Ill book a ferry to Dublin tonight (wink wink).

I guess I will just give it a go - its too late to worry about now anyway!

Ive spent the last 20 odd years worrying about this, so hopefully I am making a bigger deal about it than nessesary.

I have been quite amazed about the difference a little exercise makes though - seriously....and I thought this 'exercise' thing was all hype. After running for 10 minutes twice a day for the last week and a half, the difference to my peak flow is amazing! Rather than dropping 80 to 100l/min after 6 mins running (as detailed in my last post), I can run over 10 mins and my peak flow actually goes up!

Again, thanks for the response.....its a little lonely doing all this by myself! :)

gingernut 19th Jan 2007 21:17

Simon, it doesn't sound like you've got too much to worry about, and I'd certainly think twice about "fudging" the medical.

I'm not an AME, but I guess the examining doc will be interested in how your condition affects you, medication, hospitalistions, time off work/school, what it stops you doing.

I wouldn'yt worry too much about the figures, but if your interested, your UK doc should be following this.... http://www.enterpriseportal2.co.uk/f...s/qrgjan03.pdf

Go there and tell the truth, and chill.

Sorry, dodgy link try http://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/asth...-download.html and follow the bts/sign (quick) download.

There's a longer version but even I'm not that sad.

Simon150 19th Jan 2007 21:35

I hope I did not infer that I was intending to 'fudge' the medical, in fact I would hope that is not even possible!

I do however intend to give myself the best possible chance by doing a bit of exercise beforehand, just for a mental boost more than anything probably.

Thanks very much for the link, its a bit heavy going but interesting anyhow. Will have a good read tommorow when I am feeling perticularly nervous...just to 'chill-out'.

Crossed fingers and thanks too both responders!


gingernut 19th Jan 2007 21:39

The exercise is a good idea, just don't overdo it in the next couple of weeks, if your bronchioles are a bit sensitive, it could work against you.

tommyfinnegan 21st Jan 2007 16:22

Hi there,
I was hoping you might add a little more to what you have written regarding asthma.
I am due my Class1 Medical in Dublin for the 1st time and I have asthma well controlled using the same inhalers as you describe. Can they fail me for this or should it be ok.


Tommy finnegan Dublin

Originally Posted by Warrior2 (Post 3072986)
i did my class one yesterday in dublin, i have had mild asmath also since the age of 2, however i have been taking medication(brown and blue inhalers) upto now, and i did the medical and they told me it isnt really anything to worry about.

HomerJay 25th Jan 2007 13:40

A month before my medical my peak flow was 600, did plenty of excersize and looked after my diet and at the medical my peak flow was 650 which they said was very good.
40 minute workout in gym 4 times a week (get your gym to give you a programme). And consumed nearly zero dairy in my diet to keep asthma at bay.

Edit for Tommy, I take those inhalers and attended the Mater and they never even asked what inhalers i use. Get your GP to write a letter confirming what you are saying and you should have no problems

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