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Tomahawkgirl 7th Dec 2013 14:40

Yes I have. I've also been checking the email section of my application regularly.

Thanks. Not quite sure who to call though!

squird02 7th Dec 2013 15:03


I would definitely give CTC a call. When I spoke to OAA before the application window opened they confirmed that any online applications were sent directly to the FTOs for assessment, not BA.

am59fly 7th Dec 2013 15:23


I applied for CTC and have not heard anything yet either, I'll let it go until Monday I think, but if I've not heard by then I'll probably give them a call.

RMC 7th Dec 2013 17:13

Just done the OAA assessment with some strong competition (based on group ex and background). Told that we were unlikely to hear before Christmas.AFAIK none of the OAA attendees over the last few weeks have had a rejection. That they are only just inviting candidates, whom they originally considered submitted weaker applications, suggests that there have not been enough overall performances that ticked all the boxes. OAA are competing with FTE and CTC and if at Waterside their candidates perform better then OAA will lose out.

All at sea 7th Dec 2013 17:22

Living in hope!
I'm in the same boat.

I haven't heard a peep from CTC...getting just a little but worried. Looking at the forum though, it doesn't seem like many people have heard anything from CTC. Either they're taking their time or they're just inviting unbelievably amazing candidates.

I hope they're just taking a little longer than OAA or I'm just waiting patiently for a rejection email which will put a severe dampener on my mood.

Jask99 7th Dec 2013 17:33

I have my OAA interview in just over a week and was wondering if anyone knew of any good sites for samples of the compass tests and practise to help me along in my prep? Thanks

Lord V 7th Dec 2013 20:11

I spent ages deciding what to say on my application, but then I haven't filled this sort of application before.

A work colleague, who is extremely well qualified, worked hard on his application, and wrote excellent answers, was rejected by CTC having applied at the last minute. He has it on 'good authority' that CTC simply mass guillotined late applications without considering them, as there were so many.

Whether or not this is the case, I strongly suspect that if I had applied to CTC then mine would have been rejected too, and this factored in to my decision to apply to FTE (where I am going for assessment next month).

While I realise that there are many variables in play, and one can really only speculate, I feel that there is a very strong case for the invitations to assessment to be carried out by BA rather than the FTOs, as there cannot possibly be equivalence in selection outcomes.

I feel better going forward as I believe that, in the forthcoming stages, my fate is much more in my own hands.

alvinsimcy 7th Dec 2013 21:43

still waiting for a reply from CTC here too. My friend went for their assessment day last wednesday and he said the staff there are still going through applications so i guess we're gonna have to give it some time before we hear anything :ok:

Bungusbeefcake 7th Dec 2013 22:43

Just got an email from OAA 2 hours ago for an invite, strange time to receive it but very welcome!! Can't wait to go!!

W1ll93 8th Dec 2013 15:41

I really don't think it's anything to worry about. I also still haven't received an invite or rejection from CTC. There seems to be quite a number of people in the same situation. I suspect we will be hearing back in the first few days of this week coming.
If you never received a confirmation email, I would probably give them a call tomorrow morning, won't do any harm. What does it say on your BA application page? Is the status of your application *Submitted*?

Good luck to all.

Callan 8th Dec 2013 19:53

Having read through previous posts, it seems no one has heard from CTC? I submitted my application on the final day, heard back a week later and have completed my assessment. Keep waiting everyone! They are sending positive ones out too :)

Bungusbeefcake 8th Dec 2013 21:34

OAA Accommodation
Hey guys, for any of you going or having gone to OAA, where did you stay the night before?? Also if you have any idea how much it was and what the cost of travel from there to the academy was would be a great help!


Yobier 9th Dec 2013 09:07

I submitted my application on the 22nd of November and haven't heard anything yet. However, last week I e-mailed BA if they can confirm receiving my application. They responded the same day that my application is received and CTC is reviewing the applications.

Said that, it was a week ago and I still haven't heard anything.

Jask99 9th Dec 2013 09:12


I have my accommodation booked at the OAA halls for the night before. You ring the number given on the PDF attached to your email saying you have been chosen to go to selection stage one about accommodation. I think it was £33, but don't quote me on that, and there's no food included

Martijn123 9th Dec 2013 13:45

Got an email from OAA saying that all applications for the BAFPP at OAA have been screened and answered. OAA seems to be the quickest of the 3 FTOs screening applications.

Otherwise if you haven't received anything at all, check "your emails" when you login at ba.com/careers. When there is nothing as well send an email to OAA.

Airsick1 9th Dec 2013 21:14

CTC seems to be notoriously bad at getting back to FPP applicants -after all, this is the third year running for BAFPP and it seems they still haven't got their act together. I have been reading posts such as yours for 3 years now. I think their attitude towards applicants is pretty appalling to be honest - the customer experience with this company is certainly unique - they simply don't seem to care. At least FTE and OAA both have the right customer service approach.

In short, the fact that you haven't yet heard means nothing ...and to CTC you are nothing. All they are interested in is your money if you are successful. Glad I dont' have to go through this process ...but if I did, I would not be spending my money with them. Awful.

timbuck2 9th Dec 2013 22:00

Check your junk!
CTC guys, check your junk mail!! My email was buried in there (successful, happily!), but I'd have been properly gutted if I'd missed it. It doesn't look very official mind you, just a plain text email with a couple of links - not quite the 'ta-da!' I was expecting!

planedrive 10th Dec 2013 00:56


Why would you say that CTC responding slowest means they don't care? Perhaps they would rather take the time to select the right candidates rather than sending everyone for assessment (and making more money out of people who have no chance?)

Personally, I would be much less happy if, after spending hours and hours on my application, I got an email inviting me for assessment within hours. That would imply to me that they had not even been given a cursory glance and were just inviting everyone who applied to line their pockets with the selection fees!

Yobier 10th Dec 2013 08:16

@ timbuck2

You got yours in the junk at the 9th or received it earlier?

EZY_FR 10th Dec 2013 12:44

Just received the rejected email from FTE... :( Can't say I'm not disappointed, but I do wish the best of luck to everyone.

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