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MaydayMaydayMayday 28th Feb 2015 11:33

Originally Posted by UCDflyer (Post 8877081)
OAA mention on their website that applicants must be available to start between Autumn 2015 and Autumn 2016. I am currently in year 3 of a 4 year Engineering degree which finishes May 2016. What is the likely-hood that I can start after that date if I am successful. I don't want to apply and then have to either turn down the offer or leave my degree programme early.

I rang OAA to enquire about this point on their website and the person I spoke to had no information regarding that sentence on their website.

Any advice?


While you can state a preference as to when you'd ideally be available, you won't necessarily get it.

Some people have been accepted while in their final year at uni and were able to finish off their degree, although there are certainly others who cut a degree short to take up an FPP place.

Jaair 28th Feb 2015 13:35

Should references be listed in the CV?

Warp 28th Feb 2015 13:53


If you have the space you can include them.

However, from my experience, it is not a must. I realised that whenever someone wants to check your references, they will specifically ask for them at that point in time.

ivansf 28th Feb 2015 23:45

Hi guys,

I am interesting to apply for BA FPP but i have several questions about LOAN.
I am from Serbia..is there anyone who got loan that is not from UK? I got several informations from BBVA..first that i need property for loan, second that if i am going with BAW, company will be my loan guarrantor..also in order to start credit application i heard that you have to be at least 6 month in UK prior to applying for loan.

What happens with people who pass all tests from BAW , and do not get loan?

I really don't know what to do now

Thanks for help.

Jaair 1st Mar 2015 09:14


Thanks for the reply.

Are personal details such as address, DOB, etc. in the CV necessary as we already provided them on the main application?

funkyt111 1st Mar 2015 12:24

There are a lot of people asking questions about what to detail on the CV. In my opinion, you should detail everything on the CV as you usually would when applying for a job (but keep it within 2 pages as requested by BA). A CV without personal details or employment information would look unprofessional. Yes, all the information will duplicate what you have already input on BA's application system but BA have asked for your CV for a reason.

EZY_FR 1st Mar 2015 16:00

Has anyone who applied through FTEJerez received a response? I remember they left it all until the application window closed last time around.

dontforgetthecowls 1st Mar 2015 18:37

Good luck to those applying this year. Don't be afraid to try again this year if you got rejected last year. A surprising number of those at waterside last year were on successful on their third go.

The selection process is the easy bit! I am finding ground school very hard, with almost unendless facts to learn.

Also Ground school hits home how other airlines treat their cadets. Emirates cadets don't have to pay a penny, get paid a salary of over a thousand pounds per month in training, get 6 months ground school before they even start their atpl ground school, get a pay rise after they pass their atpl subjects, free business class travel and have a shiny 777 or a380 waiting for them at the end. If you are from the UAE, don't even think of applying to the FPP.

My words of advice are to learn every single fact about BA, say it's your dream to work for BA, engage in the group exercises, pass the computer games and you should do very well..

kirungi1 1st Mar 2015 19:08


I hope you will find motivation from the challenge of your ground school.

Would the EK Cadets have the benefit of honing their skills in such a busy airspace, with so many take-offs and landings, every fresh cadet pilot appreciates to master the trade!?
I wouldn't draw parallels between the two schemes as the motivating purposes by these two carriers are different.

I appreciate your insight and advice on the application/assessment process and good luck with your training and possible long and exciting career with BA.

Officer Kite 1st Mar 2015 20:29

Guess it's time to marry an Emirati :E

On a more serious note, can anyone confirm or deny that BA took less than they were hoping to last year and this year to hope to take even more, I know the 100 figure for this year is confirmed to be true, but is last year's alleged shortcoming also true ?
I'm just trying to get an idea of the situation, as if you're unsuccessful during the BA selection, you may very well stand an even greater chance of being chosen by BA from the standard 'wings' route this time round, as historically they have always made up for a lack of cadets from the 'wings' pool.

funkyt111 1st Mar 2015 20:37

Officer Kite,

As I said before, there are lots of experienced users on pprune who have previously confirmed these figures. BA wanted 60 people last year. They only chose 48.

Also, if you decided to go down the CTC wings route and BA needed further cadets you would still have to pass BA's rigorous selection process to be selected.

Hope this helps. :ok:

FullTanks 1st Mar 2015 21:29

BA and Emirates
The cadets selected from the CTC Wings scheme all had to pass the standard BA PFF cadet selection. If you applied from this route you would need to be deemed BA standard anyway, when you had previously failed the selection. Your training record will also be subject to scrutiny - first time passes at all progress tests and high marks in the ATPL exams will almost certainly be the baseline from which any possibly successful applicants will be selected. You are assuming that BA's recent past practice of recruiting from that particular scheme will continue adding to any PFF shortfall in the future.
Regarding the comments suggesting that Emirates cadets are on some enhanced 'deal'. You are all, I'm sure, aware that they recruit direct entry captains and copilots? What do you think that does for your command prospects, assuming that you join as a cadet? The skills you may or may not obtain from being the most junior crew on a 330 or 380 bear no comparison with those gained as P2 on multiple short sectors in NW Europe. At the accrual rate of flying hours in BA you will be anticipating 'unlocking' your frozen ATPL in 3 - 4 years, thus making you eligible for a command when you achieve the seniority to apply. Given that commands at LGW are capped at pay point 14, many copilots elect to stay in the RH seat of a long haul aircraft as a lifestyle choice.
Finally, I suggest that, if you have not previously visited the Gulf, you have a short holiday there in July or August - it's not yet air conditioned outside - though I expect they may be working on that.

wiggy 2nd Mar 2015 04:31

many copilots elect to stay in the LH seat of a long haul aircraft as a lifestyle choice.
Fulltanks -Not trying to be picky but just trying to avoid confusion - is that a typo..or are you hinting at the amount of time a co-pilot might spend in the LHS as "heavy"?

I suggest that, if you have not previously visited the Gulf, you have a short holiday there in July or August - it's not yet air conditioned outside

ry.de 2nd Mar 2015 11:36

Hi everyone,

To those who already got a reply, when exactly did you send your application (the first day? the first hours?) ? do you think their reply are by chronological order or is it more random ?
Best of luck to everyone ! :)

dontforgetthecowls 2nd Mar 2015 15:49

I'm not suggesting that I would want to work for Emirates, or that I am eligble for their cadet scheme. My point is that if Emirates think its makes good business sense to give their cadets a better deal, then I would hope BA would too. If they did then they might be able to fill all their slots with candidates that pass the selection.

When you discuss with the Emirates cadets the "UK Airline Sponsorship", they can't understand why you would do it. This is not a BA specific problem, when you analyse it there isnt much difference between the Virgin MPL, Easyjet MPL and FPP in terms of finance. Even in europe Aer Lingus and Lufthansa have offered part sponsorship.

With the Emirates and Virgin cadets, I'm guessing it does take longer for your line training. It wouldn't concern me that I had not learned my trade on shorthaul. The Emirates cadets are expecting to fly the out and back Gulf trips and india, so should be clocking up 2 sectors a day during line training. You will be unfrozen sooner, because you fly more block hours on Long Haul?

ManUtd1999 2nd Mar 2015 17:01

Anyone heard anything from FTE yet? Apparently there are online questions to do before the assessment centre this year?

funkyt111 2nd Mar 2015 19:25


With regards to the online questions before the assessment; are you getting this information from FTE's website? If so, I wouldn't pay any attention to this. This has been on FTE's website for the past 2 years and not once has there been any question prior to the assessment.

FullTanks 2nd Mar 2015 21:19

Thanks Wiggy.
It should of course read RH seat......and here I am encouraging everyone to proof read their applications! Obviously it's 'pensioner's brain fade'.

ManUtd1999 2nd Mar 2015 22:32

I was just taking info from the FTE website re online tests. I can't remember it being there in previous years but I could be wrong.

Chemlot 4th Mar 2015 11:33

sounds to me like its only Oxford that's sent out invites so far.

any more invites out yet? the suspense is killing me!

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