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camerashy 27th Oct 2012 00:28

Virgin Atlantic Airways, Future Flyers and Fixers open day
If you are aged between 10 and 25 years old and are interested in a career as a pilot or aircraft engineer but don't know how to go about, come to our Future Flyers and Fixers open day.

On Saturday November 24th 2012 Virgin Atlantic Airways will be holding an open day at our multi million pound training facility at Crawley (6 mins from Gatwick airport). There will be presentations from industry leaders in training, pilots, flying clubs, gliding clubs, air cadets, Rolls Royce, and The Royal Navy amongst others. Wander around the exhibits and get all the information you need for a pathway in to the industry.

There will also be some practical demonstrations using our training rigs, where you can experience what it's like to slide down a B747 escape slide (limited to over 18's), visit our cabin rig and experience an evacuation and see what it's like to crawl in to a slide raft. Not as easy as it sounds!

There will be spot prizes too, everything from a flying lesson to a balloon flight. The day will be divided in to two session so that we can double the number of attendees, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Spaces are limited and filling up quickly.

If you are interested in attending send an email to [email protected]

This is not a jobs fair nor is it intended for recently qualified licence holders.

It will be a free, fun and informative day out. Spread the word.

mad_jock 27th Oct 2012 03:39

There will be presentations from industry leaders in training,

This is not a jobs fair nor is it intended for recently qualified licence holders
They really don't like those two to meet these days god forbid post training.

Only selected golden children who will prostitue thier souls to satan.

taxistaxing 27th Oct 2012 15:10

Are those over 25 denied access? If so you're probably breaching the letter (and certainly the spirit) of the Equality Act 2010 by directly discriminating on the basis of age!

gijoe 27th Oct 2012 16:12

They can do whatever they want - they just don't have to tell anyone what they are doing.

Run a small business? Don't want to employ women? Then don't!!

It is only when you tell someone that the problems comes.


camerashy 27th Oct 2012 16:25

Yes there is flexibility on the age range. The event has been arranged directly as a result of the many letters VAA receives yearly from young people looking for advice about getting into the industry. Further it is also a fact that there is going to be a huge skills shortage in the industry in the next 20 years. The hope is that this event will inspire and motivate the next generation of pilots and engineers.

Who among us has not be awed and inspired by a visit to a flight deck during a flight? Sadly since the advent of security measures post 9/11, young kids can no longer get that opportunity, that first spark of inspiration. So how do we engage, inspire and encourage young girls and boys to consider a career in the industry? How can a young person with no access to anyone in the industry get the information necessary to help make informed decisions when it comes to subject selection at school etc? These are the young people we are trying to target.

If you feel you'll benefit from attending because you have no idea about how to become a pilot or engineer, then by all means email for an invitation. If however you already have a licence, I don't think there will be any benefit to you in attending.

As I mentioned above, this is not a jobs fair. We will not be accepting C.V's. We are simply trying to inspire the next generation of flight crew and engineers.

V_2 27th Oct 2012 17:53

I understand VAA have been investigating starting their own cadet scheme, and placing the cadets with another partner airline to gain experience before moving over to the VAA LH fleet. I wonder if this scheme will be announced at the event?

mad_jock 27th Oct 2012 19:43

Further it is also a fact that there is going to be a huge skills shortage in the industry in the next 20 years
Utter utter garbage, you know fine that comes from the boeing sales report for the pilots side of things.

Oh and someone has already been found in breach of Advertising standards using said report as the foundation for claims in adverts.

How can a young person with no access to anyone in the industry get the information necessary to help make informed decisions when it comes to subject selection at school etc? These are the young people we are trying to target.
Why the hell are you letting them anywhere near the marketing deptments of the flights schools then?

MCDU2 28th Oct 2012 12:56

I wouldn't get your hopes up. Have a read of the latest state of play in the Terms and Endearment section and you will soon read that being low down on the seniority list in VAA is not a pretty place to be.

This smacks of an HR or marketing department wanting to make themselves busy and getting some cheap PR and piccies for advertising.

SloppyJoe 28th Oct 2012 18:41

Jesus what a bunch of moaners. Virgin are putting on a fun, informative day for 10-25 year old. What is wrong with that, who cares if it is for PR? I think it is admirable that they would do this, mainly for kids.

I knew I wanted to be a pilot from an early age and was lucky enough to have the opportunity to visit the flight deck multiple times during my childhood. Not possible today, so if some kids (10 years old and above) want to learn more about a career in aviation and VS are putting on a day for that whats the issue? If your kid wants to embark on any career that has a lot of competition are you going to stifle their aspirations as odds are against them?

Sounds like a good thing to inspire kids, regardless of the motive.

Effoh 28th Oct 2012 19:37

Haha Madjock, every time I read a post of yours I think, "What a frustrated, malign chap he is."

Quit trolling every wannabe thread with your diatribe, highlighting your own uninformed career decisions that lead to your dead-end TP job.

You should get a hobby- anyone with 7000 posts on an Internet forum needs to look at themself and re-evaluate.

See you at FL410. Oh wait....

hobnobanyone 28th Oct 2012 19:54


Nothing wrong with a dead-end Turboprop job. Tell you what, we learn a frig of a lot more than some CTC Skygod Wannabe Top-Gun types who think that they are the gift of the gods to aviation... Still, I bet your parents are dead proud of you and all you've achieved right?? Even though you've paid all your money, and still had to pay more in order to get a type rating, uniform, car parking pass, and SEP tests... What I can't understand is how this would be a sensible investment? Especially with the Ryanair hours dropping off and the good mates I have in that company stuck in places they want to be, but with no chance of moving away anywhere.

You make your choices, we make ours - we didn't sell our souls to the devil and have got so much less debt to show for it - the pay isn't too great, but certainly can be coped with - thanks to excellent Union representation - something else that you'll miss in Ryanair!

That aside, we are stuck... But still, there's worse places to be... and I'd still take my contact, with a paid salary, private medical care, lol (loss of licence!), in the city I want to be in, paid a decent amount, no need to worry about not flying with no pay, Union reprsentation and an excellent pension plan. And I didn't have to pay for my type rating either!

mad_jock 28th Oct 2012 20:29

Don' worry it will be a long long time before effoh will earn any money flying. When I say earn I mean actually is in credit and earned more than they have payed so far.

And by the time they do the last plane will be delivered and the EU will be in full swing dealing with the contracts situation.

And the only reason why they want to get them young is so they can brain wash them early.


From a flying instructor they are in for a spectular own goal because kids won't wait until they are finished school to go flying they will be flying way before 18 and have to many hours to do the course they are wanting to sell.

Its freshers week and 6th form you need to be aiming at. In the hope that they will miss uni or bang out in first year.

Effoh 28th Oct 2012 22:37


1) I never said there was anything wrong with turboprops. Madjock appears to have an issue with wannabes wanting to (and succeeding to) fly jets early in their career though.
2) What have you learnt that a jet pilot hasn't?
3) Just to get it straight- I'm not an integrated "sausage" fresh from the factory.
4) My parents are proud- one of whom is a longhaul captain (but they wouldn't know how to succeed in this career would they?)
5) Because I made INFORMED choices, I factored type rating cost into my modular training.
6) Being "stuck" somewhere? What happened to peoples' sense of adventure? Isn't that part of the job?
7) Turboprop pay "isn't too great"? So, that "excellent" union of yours isn't so "excellent" then is it?

I don't have an issue with anyone else's choices. I DO have an issue with people who judge others for their choices.


Yep it'll be a couple of years until I break even. But let's look at the rose-tinted method that yourself and others advocate. I'd rather earn €40k after tax and pay back 80k than earn 12k after tax as a flight instructor to pay back 60k.
So, I'll be 26, paid off and either on my way to command or the sand pit. Which part of that is supposed to be a brainwashed/uniformed choice? Answers on a postcard.

Back on topic; this event sounds great and I'm sure it will be rather exciting for young boys and girls who know very little about the industry.

Matt7504 28th Oct 2012 22:48

Yeah you tell em Tennisten! :D

mad_jock 28th Oct 2012 23:28

:D I have no problem with folk going modular straight to jet.

Its when you have to pay back 100k plus that it gets stupid.

And if you look at my posts on instructing I really don't think people should be doing it unless they want to which personally I did. Doing it just for hour building is doing the pilot and the students no favours at all.

We shall see what happends with the loco's in the next three years.

What you have done is what I have been advocating for years. Make a plan and go for it without paying a premium.

smith 30th Oct 2012 17:47

Are those over 25 denied access? If so you're probably breaching the letter (and certainly the spirit) of the Equality Act 2010 by directly discriminating on the basis of age!

They can do whatever they want - they just don't have to tell anyone what they are doing.

Run a small business? Don't want to employ women? Then don't!!

It is only when you tell someone that the problems comes.

Are you people thick or what? This is not some kind of recruitment drive its more of an open day for youngsters. I don't think they need worry about being prosecuted under the equality act 2010!

taxistaxing 31st Oct 2012 06:50

Are you people thick or what? This is not some kind of recruitment drive its more of an open day for youngsters. I don't think they need worry about being prosecuted under the equality act 2010!
Nope, I'm not thick. Are you?

The purpose of the event wasn't at all obvious (to me at least) from the phrasing of the original post. My assumption was that if 25yo adults have something to gain from it, surely so might I as a 29 year old. In which case why the arbitrary maximum? That was what underpinned my original statement.

I should have thought someone promoting this kind of thing in this day and age would make it their business to do so in a clear manner, consistent with applicable legislation and practises. Mock all you like but you may be glad of these the day you get turned down for a job because of your age.

Agreed from the subsequent posts it sounds like a marketing/PR stunt, more aimed at young kids (i.e. young children).

BBK 31st Oct 2012 09:06


I think the clue, in the OP, was that the day was aimed at 10 to 25 year old ie kids to young(ish) adults. For anyone interested in a career as either a pilot or engineer then they will have to take exams where it's essential to read the questions carefully. It's sometimes called RTFQ;)

taxistaxing 31st Oct 2012 09:51


This is getting boring now. But at the risk of labouring the point:

If you are aged between 10 and 25 years old and are interested in a career as a pilot
That statement (in the OP) can be read to imply a requirement rather than an "aimed at" age range. I suspected this could not be the case and the OP has confirmed this which is what I was after. No more, no less. Not sure why I was then insulted for it, or why it has created a :mad: contest!

I stand by my original statement. The devil is in the detail and in today's litigious society people who are posting adverts for jobs, training, open days and similar should be mindful of relevant legislation and reputational issues and those adverts, even on forums like this, should be worded accordingly. :ok:

Artie Fufkin 31st Oct 2012 09:59

Sweet baby Jesus!

Get a grip guys. I'm sure ambulancechasers4u have bigger fish to fry.

BBK 31st Oct 2012 10:14

Fair enough, my comments were tongue in cheek. No offence intended.

fade to grey 2nd Nov 2012 22:10

And good luck to them.....I'll never forget the smell of jet fuel that heralded a holiday...or the excitement of getting my " junior jet club" logbook filled in...and then 25 years later filling them in myself !!

Big up the TP dudes, I've been flying 75 for ten years now but I remember taxiing a king air once - loads of :mad: levers- I even managed to start going backwards...errrrr.... Respect.

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