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EYXW 25th Feb 2009 08:43

The rest of the process is funded by EY so enjoy - good luck to all those due to receive emails!

Rj111 25th Feb 2009 08:53

Well that's jolly nice of them. I can't help shake the feeling that i've just gone and jinxed it now though. :}

APWB 25th Feb 2009 09:08

Hello guys,

I got my e-mail today but unfortunately I didn't make it! :ugh:
Very heartbreaking!

Oh well maybe it wasn't meant to be.

But it says we can apply again in 12 months(?).

Good luck to the rest!

Let us know what happened.

ichenel 25th Feb 2009 10:14

Hi guys..

Got my response a couple of hours ago. and i didnt make it too.:( Im really really disappointed...I was counting on that program to realise my dream. I have a feeling this kind of assessment is unfair though. I think they should review CVs or sumthin first. Cause anyone can attend the assessment and some probably don have that much interest in aviation or knowledge and I don know if going straight to assessments is an objective way of selecting pilots. cause you might be a rocket scientist and shoot through those assessments but that doesnt mean you can become a good pilot. Ive been flying a lil in Australia and clocked 27 hours on a 172. I went solo after 7 hours of flight only and scored on average 95% in exams. I had to stop cause of financial difficulties. Since my local airline is in real trouble and wont be hiring cadets anytime soon, my only hope is Etihad. Gotta wait another year.....oh well i guess thats life. Good luck to you other guys who are waiting for a response.


easy1 25th Feb 2009 10:22

It's one hurdel that you have to overcome I'm afraid. Haven't got my reply yet am also expecting a no, but you have to be in it to win it. Even if you got a maybe or a yes it does not mean you are safe!! Just keep at it. I think Etihad have the right idea. Lt anyone come in, there are lots of FTO's out there who are far to quick to turn you down because you don't have a certain grade or you have not got the right experiance. Hats off to Etihad they give you a fair chance, but with that comes a lot of competition! (amsure I will not be so postive when I get my reply!) But just keep that in mind

GBB 25th Feb 2009 10:33

I know this might sound kind of harsh, but...
Its fair for everybody to "give it a try". You could as well say that they are people out there that didnt clock even one hour but would be much better pilots than many of us, coz they have a hidden talent somwhere down there which they do not even know about. (EY might be looking for this sort of people)
So what makes you think that yow would be a better cadet pilot? Your 2X hours in C172 and intrest in aviation? Think about it again.
Dont take it personal or anything, but you cant think this way.

I think its not the end of the world for anybody that is not going to pass.
I always say that you should thank the God for what you have and take such a gig as cadet program as some sort of bonus in your life, if u make it!
If this is your dream job, you will not give up and you gonna get there, one or the other way!
We all have the same right and we all should be treated in the same way, isnt that correct?
I say.. Dont put all your hopes on such a "gig", coz theres very few that will make it at the end.

One more thing to remember. There is probably 1XXXX guys and girls that were not even lucky enough to able to have a shot at it! Coz they recived "Sorry we are full e-mails"...

Good Luck to all of you.

ichenel 25th Feb 2009 10:44

I guess you're right. Im just so disappointed i don really know what to think. But hey, thats life. Its just that its not the first time I dont manage. First time I tried with my local airline they said I was too young( i was 19). then i decided to fund my own studies but 1/3 of the way through the bank says thats all the money you gonna get, so I sit idle for 6 months and eventually stop. Then i get this opportunity which I applied for 8 months ago and I don get it again. But I totally agree with you, everyone deserves a chance. Im not saying that Im better than anyone else, just that I know I can do it and that after 3 years of trying i still cant get to do what Ive always dreamed of. I guess ill have to give it another go next year....its not the end of the wolrd...! Good luck to all of u other guys wiating for a response.!

malirm 25th Feb 2009 10:58

About the Assessments
I haven't got through...although I know that, but don't know why I got shocked when I saw it!!!, good luck for you all in the coming assessments & hope you all do fine...:ok:

See the guys who made it through to stage 2 back in AD...I'll be more than happy to help you!!!

Thanks to the Captains from Etihad & thanks to everybody I met in the hotel that day...It was really a nice experience.

student88 25th Feb 2009 11:04

Hi guys, I didn't get through either! But good news is now I can spend the whole of April in Spain :ok: waheyy!

dirk85 25th Feb 2009 11:06

Still have to do my assessment in FRA.
But I'm sorry for you guys who didn't make it, expecially for malirm and student88, that have showed a great attitude during the assessment so far. I mean, in giving informations, in helping other people, in sharing informations.
Maybe you won't be an Etihad pilot this year, but don't give up, I'm sure you will be a good pilot in a great company one day.

Vpower 25th Feb 2009 11:08

Got a no email also, not really surprised but a bit annoyed how bloody pointless some of the tests were and they did not even bother asking for a cv or any proof of education. How is knowing what river runs through certain countries... going to filter out the bad from the good pilots. Any how I'll just carry on with my career and look elsewhere.

student88 25th Feb 2009 11:15

How is knowing what river runs through turkey going to filter out the bad from the good pilots.
Totally agree, however some are going to see this as being bitter no doubt! Then again, the only preparation I did for the assessment was to eat a McMuffin 40 minutes before. I only have myself to blame!

Chrisbowe82 25th Feb 2009 11:22

Guys and girls -we were asked not to give anything away about content -even if we didn't make it through...Sorry to sound harsh and a killjoy, but we don't want to make things any harder for the London candidates that have got the 'maybe' email.

SD10 25th Feb 2009 11:26

Well I received a "No" and am of course disappointed.
I felt like acing almost all the tests but still it did not work out. I have taken several assessments in the past and passed them being in the top 5 %, including PILAPT, group exercises, interviews and so on.
I think many of you who will receive a "No", donīt take too much of it, some of you will for sure be excellent pilots in the future. The Day 1 test is just a way for them to cut out a lot of people, and in my opinion the tests to do that was not professional enough, unlike the Etihad captains who were true pros. I think a lot of people that could have been scoring very high at the tests in the second round can have been cut out because of the shape of the Stage 1 test.

Iīm not going to reveal anything but Iīm wondering if Etihad even reviewed the tests before handing us them, it was hard not to laugh at some points.
I also believe that there should have been more tests to clearly show who is good and who is not, I donīt think there will be a lot of points that sepereates the best guy from the worst guy in these tests because they were too easy. That means that it all comes down to who can answer some easy questions fastest, which I donīt think should be the only decisive factor for a worldwide assessment. In my opinion there was a lot of key aptitudes that werenīt tested. Some harder questions would also help, Iīm not just saying this, itīs based on experience from different assessments I have taken and also passed with high points.

For example: "Person 1" and "Person 2", the question is 5+6, both would problaby answer the question within 1 second, but to answer 17*13 while you have to remember a number combination from the previous page for later on would more accurately show who can handle pressure, have a good memory, be good at mental calculation and at the same time answer the questions fast. These are some of the aptitudes that will be tested at later stages in Abu Dhabi for sure, but there is no guarantee that those selected for the second stage have these apptitudes because of how the Stage 1 tests are shaped.
And thatīs the problem, the Stage 1 test should be exactly about this so that 50 % donīt fail on tests like Pilapt on Stage 2 because they canīt do 3 things at the same time. That would be a lot of waste of money for tickets and hotels for Etihad. The objective for Etihad should be to guarantee as much as possible candidates pass the Stage 2 tests (not including interviews and teamwork exercises). That in itīs way will make the potential candidate pool larger for them and make the interviews and teamwork exercises more determinent of whoīs the best candidate. There are so many other things than just being an Ace on tests. Maturity, leadership and so on are all decisive factors for a good pilot. So the more people you have to choose from at the interviews the more likely it is that you will find the candidate who has all these things together. But if 50 % of the candidates invited for Stage 2 donīt even make past the Pilapt tests you have a problem. As it looks now much of this is left for random chance because of the shape of the Stage 1 tests which in my eyes only test one aptitude, answering easy questions at a high speed . And to have that aptitude only is not sufficient to pass the Stage 2. So why not shape the Stage 1 tests so that they more resemble the aptitudes you will be tested for in Stage 2? There will of course be excellent candidates out of you guys who received a "Maybe", Iīm not taking anything from you, but there could easily also be a lot of guys who are not even close to pass in Stage 2 because of the difference of the tests and aptitudes.

Iīm not writing this because I didnīt make it, itīs just my honest objective opinion.
Itīs also for all you young guys who may recieve a "No" and think that you donīt have what it takes and give up on your dreams because of these 6 tests, donīt.

Good luck to you all and congrats to those who have passed the Stage 1 :D

Rj111 25th Feb 2009 11:32

I was counting on that program to realise my dream. I have a feeling this kind of assessment is unfair though. I think they should review CVs or sumthin first. Cause anyone can attend the assessment and some probably don have that much interest in aviation or knowledge and I don know if going straight to assessments is an objective way of selecting pilots. cause you might be a rocket scientist and shoot through those assessments but that doesnt mean you can become a good pilot. Ive been flying a lil in Australia and clocked 27 hours on a 172. I went solo after 7 hours of flight only and scored on average 95% in exams.
Take it on the chin. EY are only looking for a small number of pilots and are searching the entire world so they are clearly looking for the very best of the best across a broad spectrum of skills. The people who have passed have done so on merit.

I'm sure are a great pilot and have the potential to be a great commercial pilot in the future. But the odds are against every candidate in this scheme. So don't be downhearted by not passing.

student88 25th Feb 2009 11:36

Oh well, Etihad's loss!

Let's all build a bridge and get over it.

How about a big hug?

GBB 25th Feb 2009 11:39

I think you are missing out on a bigger pictute...
This was probably on of the general questions. Anybody can sit for few weeks and prepare their math and get 100% form math related questions.
Math is a massive topic, but what they gonna ask you there is just up to some sort of "level"
So you could get 100% from topics that have some sort "limit" of information, means you know what to study.
General knowledge is something much bigger (without limits) and much more important, something that you learn as you go in life.
Reading world news on daily basis, watching documetary shows and so on...
Anybody can watch prison break or lost 7 days a week, play playstation 2-3 hours a day. Re-study math and physics is easy, you cannot re-study general knowledge tho!
So if you scored 100% on math and physics questions and 50-60% on general, but other scored 80% on general and 70-80% math and physics.
Guess who they gonnna take?

Vpower 25th Feb 2009 11:49

Thats the not the point, its the irrelevance of the questions in relation to being a pilot. There were more pointless questions than those about aviation. General knowledge does not make a great pilot in any circumstances.

GBB 25th Feb 2009 11:52


So you want o say that you know better what sort of test there should be? You mean the one that are more suitable for you?
Come on guys! Take it like a man!!!
You think that company that is going to spend $200K to train you and give you a job at the end, doesnt have smart enough people to know what sort of test to choose?
They didnt wake up yesterday, prepared tests today and are going to do their assessment tomorrow.

Tommy_uk 25th Feb 2009 11:57

I got a No email twice, what a way to rub it in lol :p. Did anyone else get this? The emails said I was not sucessful on two different assesment days.

Dont want to be bitter but have to agree with some of the other guys about some of the tests we undertook, did they even bother to check it because there were so many duplicate questions unless this was some psychological ploy :}

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