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a797 10th Oct 2008 10:41

nothing to see here!

Wee Weasley Welshman 10th Oct 2008 11:19

Checked it out. Wasn't funny, made no sense. Quite liked the quotation of The Proclaimers but other than that a waste of life.

Do you have anything else to share? I do hope not.


BlueRobin 10th Oct 2008 13:30

Weasley can look after himself I think. Mod-bashing gets you nowhere :ok:

jawad 10th Oct 2008 13:38

Guys........can any of u have any info on fresh fi jobs.......


Troy McClure 10th Oct 2008 15:41

WWW - Christ, I think I'm you, just a year behind. I Dooon't belieeve it....


mikehammer 10th Oct 2008 15:50

This is all getting a bit personal, let's just stick to the facts, many of which I suspect WWW interprets well to form an opinion which will be borne out in short time. G Spot puts his own experienced slant on this.

However, I think Portsharbourflyer has a point about SFT. Also WWW, the fact is that PPSC went under before Sept 11th, and a few of their students ended up at SFT. Lucky they were not.

Additionally, you claimed there were no jobs, which is not the case. However it is clear in this thread that there are far fewer than in the recent past.

Lastly I don't like the video either, I don't get it, so it's not funny to me. There again I am older than WWW by some margin, so perhaps that's the problem there.

a797 10th Oct 2008 15:54

Video taken down, just a little bit of fun amidst all the gloom :)

Nothing personal at all towards www, just some of us are surprised hes so young, he's wise beyond his years!

No offence intended.


Wee Weasley Welshman 10th Oct 2008 16:22

I'm clad in rhino skin me so no offence taken friend.

FI employment at the moment ISN'T bad I happily concede. There was even almost a shortage at the start of the summer which was nice to see.

PPL work accounts for 90% of all FI wages though and historically PPL work dries up in a recession. There is anecdotal evidence that voluntary and non-voluntary redundancy payouts leads to a few more PPL aspirants and people who use a job loss as the spur they needed to persue the dream of a flying career. Its pretty thin gruel though.

I know that PPSC wasn't a Sept11th thing per se but I was just making the point that even that hiccup was enough to send FTO's under and that is does happen both recently and on a significant scale.

Right, its Friday night so I'd better go and get my disco clothes on ;)


StudentInDebt 10th Oct 2008 18:11

I've met WWW and had far too many beers with him. From my hazy recollections I can confirm that he is definitely in his early 30's.

I was a full-time PPL instructor for slightly longer than him and I can tell you from bitter experience that it only takes the slightest interruption of perceived cash-flow to stop people coming to the flying school. People I know on the outside of aviation with the sort of cash to burn in the circuit every weekend are currently very nervous, when I last saw this type of behaviour it was just after the tech-stock boom (most of my students were city traders) - at least one school on the airfield went bust within a year. Then there was September 11th, aviation recruitment stopped overnight and didn't really pick up for about 18 months, we didn't take any instructors on for that period as no-one could move on.

My airline is telling me that the situation we now face is far worse than post Sep 11th and 1991, for once I believe them :(

jawad 13th Oct 2008 11:59

so guys....any updates.....job opennings any where in the world......for fresh FI's


Anonymus6 14th Oct 2008 13:04


there are no jobs!! stop asking people here.

G SXTY 14th Oct 2008 14:03

Jawad, if you are 'LHR' based, do you have a JAA CPL and FI rating? If so, how many UK flying clubs and schools have you visited? In this game you make progress by going out, hanging around airfields, meeting people and making contacts. In the UK at least, airlines have virtually stopped recruiting FOs, which means fewer FIs are moving on to airline jobs, which means fewer openings for FIs. I wish you luck but have no doubt that your search will get a lot tougher in the coming months.

Reading these pages, I am quite depressed by the personal nature and general unpleasantness of some postings directed at WWW. Unlike many 'contributors' to this thread I was training at the time of 9/11 and had a grandstand view as the industry tanked. WWW attracted similar abuse for saying similar things then. He was correct in 2001 and I believe (sadly) that he is right again - the only question mark is over the size of the downturn.

This thread neatly sums up why so few current airline pilots can be bothered to post on the wannabe forums. Any attempt to inject a dose of realism - based on our own experience - is generally met with accusations of 'negativity', 'pessimism' and best of all; 'you forget what it's like to be a wannabe'. Some of you might want to stop and consider that maybe - just maybe - some of us (and particularly WWW) have see all this before, have watched fellow wannabes bleed themselves dry through lack of jobs, cash and currency, and are offering their advice in the vain hope of preventing others from making the same mistakes.

Chucking juvenile slings and arrows at the messenger will only convince more of us that posting on here is a waste of time.

Wee Weasley Welshman 14th Oct 2008 14:18

I get plenty of privately sent thank you's. More recently they've been for people thanking me for warning them from making a horrid mistake but generally they have been from people thanking me for encouraging them and pointing the way to their new career.

When times are good I bang the drum loud and hard for becoming a pilot and joining this fantastic profession. I spent 2003 - 2007 pointing people towards the CTC website with a big thumbs up. I wrote about 2005 being a golden age for Wannabes as jobs fell like apples to the orchard floor...

Then I'm a miserable doom monger when the message changes.

It goes with the sheriffs badge.

WWW :)

expedite08 14th Oct 2008 15:53

WWW does seem to have a knack of getting it right. The doom and gloom is happening whether we like it or not! People banging out 80k plus debt and flight schools are of course going to play it down! Now is not the time to be throwing money away! Keep current!! what ever you all do, but do not throw cash away for nothing! Be patient and wait six months or a year and see where we are then. Plus look out for WWW's posts as they contain an awful lot of sense and good advice! :ok:

jawad 14th Oct 2008 20:30

mr Anonymus6 this is not ur threat or your forum...u have no right being rude.....if u have any problems go get ur self chked....and this pprune forum is for asking questions and looking for something intresting

ur D,

Jazzy78910 14th Oct 2008 23:10

I'm not sure why, but everyone seems to keep overlooking Australia as a potential place to get a first Instructor job. Do a bit of research and you'll find there is plenty of Instructor work across the country.

But I guess you poms have to convert your CPL.?

Mach086 15th Oct 2008 09:34

sure is difficult

hitmanishere 15th Oct 2008 10:04

Jawad, if you are 'LHR' based, do you have a JAA CPL and FI rating? If so, how many UK flying clubs and schools have you visited?
G-SXTY::: LHR is Lahore(pakistan) :}in JAWAD's Case...... Not London Heathrow.....

In this game you make progress by going out, hanging around airfields, meeting people and making contacts
The way he writes his posts makes me assume that he is not that type of a guy...:hmm:

G SXTY 15th Oct 2008 13:40

Ahh, you mean LHE then? ;)

alles clar. . .

jawad 15th Oct 2008 15:16

so hitman u can judge ppl..if they write Lhr for lahore.....:)
well if u go for local lang in pak we call lhr -lahore in aviation we call Lhe....so can we come back to the topic.....instead of chkin.....country codes :) and judgin ppl..:)

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