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Anonymus6 29th Aug 2008 19:08

Worst than 9/11!!!!
hi there,

Just heard that zoom airlines is out and Ryan air is not recruiting until next year. Also several companies in northen Europe is forlughing pilots (sterling, skyways, norweigan). There got to be a lot of experienced type rated pilots with time on type on the streets right now looking for job.

Have even heard this will even get worst in few months,,, Anyway I just thought to bring this up to get a nice discussion in the forum!!!

worst than 9/11!!!

Anyway,,, I still wish the best for job seekers out there!!!

preduk 29th Aug 2008 19:51

It's not worse than 11/9 at at all, Ryanair are still recruiting no-one knows for sure if they are going to stop recruiting and they are still purchasing new aircraft.

Zoom have been struggling for a while now so it was expected, one airline out of how many british airlines?

Tootles the Taxi 29th Aug 2008 21:55

Worst than 9/11!!!!
That's interesting; Willie Walsh said something along those lines a few weeks ago.

Happy Wanderer 29th Aug 2008 23:07

C'mon guys, this is hardly news.....

Preduk think you may be off track on the FR story. It's here from those in the know (post #20 refers) http://www.pprune.org/interviews-job...aking-fos.html

Sit tight, it's gonna be a rough ride...


skyslimit 30th Aug 2008 01:21

After watching our Chancellor on TV this evening, things are definately starting to look interesting, to say the least.:suspect:

preduk 30th Aug 2008 09:37

I seen that post but there have been a number of rumours regarding the issue, although I just seen the post in the Terms forum.

Adios 31st Aug 2008 21:53

Worse than 9/11? That certainly isn't an accurate description of the current economic climate and I don't know of 3,000 people dying at once lately. Don't insult the families of the 9/11 victims by making trite (and inaccurate) comparisons.

You should probably be thankful that your wallet is all that is threatened right now.

Nearly There 31st Aug 2008 22:42

Adios, lighten up old chap, the thread is discusing current recruitment requirements for wannabes.
Nobody is insulting the families of the unfortunate victims of 9/11, just the fact that jobs are rather thin on the ground.

konkrete 1st Sep 2008 11:14

I think that there is an unfortunate pattern within the airline industry with peaks and slumps. There is also the fact that the airline industry is a very competitive marketplace and although it is sad, airlines like Zoom going bust is common place. I can name at least 5 airlines that have gone bust in the last few months.

Now all this sounds like bad news and the more I read these forums I get worried, I am about to undertake self-funded training and obviously I will be eager to get a job when I finish just to stop the bank from taking my organs as payment, but I think there is a silver lining to this cloud.

There have been a few conferences recently within Europe (and probably the rest of the world) about the shortage or pilots coming through the system, and how to solve this problem.

I don't think that this situation is as bad as 9/11 by any stretch, and I don't think there will ever be a day that Ryanair won't be recruiting purely because their pilot turnover is so great.

Callsign Kilo 1st Sep 2008 11:48

FR Turnover
I wouldn't convince yourself that turnover at Ryanair is high. The company has reported an all time low in turnover rates in the last 12 months and I can certainly testify to this if my base is anything to go by. It could be a result of an all round industry slow down, however pay, roster stability and opportunity is a major attraction with FR. There are a few guys I konw who have been upgraded recently to Captain, while others are about to leave regular line flying to become SFIs at East Midlands and Stansted. Having flown from 2 bases in the last 3 months, I have only ever met one pilot who was moving on to pastures new. If anything I think management may have overcooked the projections for recruitment this year, hence the hold being put on things until Feb/March 2009.

jordanpolonijo 1st Sep 2008 14:22

The fact that this guy and his Merry Men led by Gordon "Zoom4 Teeth Whitening" Brown are in charge of the country and in particular the economy does not sit well with me. That is the real worry. :ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

konkrete 1st Sep 2008 14:39

RE: FR Turnover
Callsign Kilo: I must admit my information is probably a bit of chinese whispers. I stand corrected.

Anonymus6 1st Sep 2008 14:46

Adios, I was aiming at the job market and not the famillies that lost loved ones, NEVER WOULD DO THAT. Infact you took this up, I also want to say that if 3000 americans died, how many iraqis and afghans did not lost their lifes when american troops bombed these countries and claimed that it was military targets,,I would bet !!!! total rise is more than 3000 people.

Anyway I said the last regarding this topic and hope all the job seekers the best in current climate.

Adios 2nd Sep 2008 22:02

I don't quite see what Iraq has to do with 9/11 unless one buys into into Bush's link theory (NOT). The carnage there is tragic and will hopefully end soon.

Will every downturn in the industry from here 'til kingdom come be compared to 9/11? If so, at least get the perspective right. Even leaving out body counts, this downturn is nowhere near as bad as the post 9/11 one.

The US hasn't even officially entered recession yet, but there and here the outrageous home prices are finally getting a reality check. That's bad for those who just bought in the last few years, but the correction is long overdue.

flaps to 60 3rd Sep 2008 20:30


Looks like the daily mail et al have won the day.:ugh::*

Parson 4th Sep 2008 07:59

It may be 'worse' but it certainly isn't 'worst'.

Re-Heat 4th Sep 2008 09:10

Zoom have been struggling for a while now so it was expected
It certainly was not expected publically. However, they were around the 25th global airline to fail this year.

Flightless Falcon 9th Sep 2008 12:55

zoom has been known to be struggling but they are not the only ones out there...

Fnk about FlyGlobespan!!! they've also been reportadly to be struggling to for quite a while now....

Check Mags On 9th Sep 2008 13:11

Fnk about FlyGlobespan!!! they've also been reportadly to be struggling to for quite a while now
FF on what do you base your statement, is this website intent on talking every airline out of business.
GSM IS NOT STRUGGLING, but like every other airline is facing the same problems of the credit crunch and higher fuel prices.

They are actively seeking out work to keep the airplanes flying and the money coming in.
Yes this is a rumour network but but idle baseless speculation is dangerous to my airline and any other airline, just look at what has happened in the USA to United.


Flightless Falcon 9th Sep 2008 14:20

well thats not what i heard from other people within the industry!!!!!!!!

zoom pilots may have said the same thing...... :bored:

Check Mags On 9th Sep 2008 15:40

Complete lack of facts
I heard the other day about the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
I heard the other day about the tooth fairy.
I heard the other day about Father Christmas.
All from good sources within the industry.

You do not have any facts or seem to know anything about Globespan.
Your right Zoom pilots may have said a similar thing, but Zoom and GSM are totally different companies. We always have to be aware as it could be ours or any other company next, and it is not a nice thing to see anybody lose their livelihood.

My point is that you see fit to comment that GSM is struggling purely on the fact that you heard from

other people within the industry!!!!!!!!
Get the facts and then post.
Rant over

Flightless Falcon 10th Sep 2008 10:36

Cool the 'JETS'....

applause for RANT :D

Well its funny that u say this... i just happen to know a pilot for GSM.... a very important one at that....

he didnt tell me bout GSM,but you seem to thnk i know nuffin about GSM... His intials are S Q from ireland

ur rite though it i very sad to see people loose there job due to a reason that the government cnt handle the country but thats a different book for a difefrent day!!!!

This is a rumour network and this is where i heard about globespan if you must know!!!! It not fact but you dnt get facts in a rumour network now do we....

aviation is a small world my dear friend!!!!

Check Mags On 10th Sep 2008 13:52

If you know SQ you'll know that he doesn't work for us any more, which is a pity.

As for name dropping I would like to think that I consider him as a good friend.
I agree about it being a small world. Thats one of the things I like about the industry.
Its very difficult to meet someone who doesn't know someone you know.

Flightless Falcon 10th Sep 2008 14:06

Cut down on the profanity, txt speak and slang and I'll stop editing your posts.

Thank you


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