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MIKECR 5th Aug 2008 15:14

Only if you help me pick a fight with WWW. I try my best to wind him up too, on at least a weekly,if not fortnightly basis! :E

boogie-nicey 5th Aug 2008 16:10

Just tell WWW how you are actually prepared for the slowing economic conditions and have an abundance of cash from the sale of your property at the height of the cycle. Now you are going to buy up property at the low point of the cycle. That should wind him up..... :p

MIKECR 5th Aug 2008 17:13

Even more so if its his neighbouring farm, with more acres!:}

jamestkirk 5th Aug 2008 17:17

Just to say you are a gent for posting your findings on pprune. Some people would have kept the information to themselves.

It took me a while to find my first job and i had to spend hours in an internet cafe looking or worse buying lists.

Best of luck with it.


potkettleblack 5th Aug 2008 18:47

Simon FR are EI registered hence do not hold a CAA AOC but an Irish one.

I echo Mike's points. The vast majority of jobs go unadvertised and go to people through inside contacts. Those are the people that have invested the time to build up networks and prove that they are sound.

How many job adverts have you seen for a 250hr ME/CPL/IR/MCC holder to go onto a biz jet? Likewise for someone to fly a pilatus and drop parachutists. What about aerial surveying or traffic reporting for radio stations. Guess who sits in the RHS of the falcons based down in BOH flying for FRA? Lots of young faces there I can tell you. FACT is jobs like those are not advertised yet guys and gals get these types of jobs all the time.

The fact is the bulk of jobs go through "CTC like" schemes or integrated course referrals. Then you drop down to the likes of FR who will take anyone that is up to standard no matter which way you did your training. All you need is the requisite cash to front up. FR like it or not has been the biggest recruiter of wannabes over the past few years. Flybe also has a history of being a good recruitment source for wannabes and there are a myriad of ways in through various schools now from both integrated to modular. All these have been discussed to death on pprune. Most of the schools have the Flybe banner pasted across their web pages if you go and do the research.

Another source of jobs over the past few years has been the TRTO's that many people have paid for type ratings. Many of these had good industry contacts and in many cases it was in their best interests to try and get as many people into work to make the numbers stack up.

After you have exhausted all of those options you are really back to my first point which is networking. Get down to your local airfield and start making friends. Offer to be safety pilot. Get to know people that seem to have lots of friends in all of the right places. Ask the guy that has a Kingair if you can go up with him for a fly and do the radios.

As a last resort you could always try the scattergun approach of sending off 300 CV's but in all honesty I would pack my bag and head to Africa before I did that and get some hours in flying in the bush.

Good luck.

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