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hollingworthp 17th Dec 2010 06:20

The training commences in may 2011...
Im really thinking of applying to this course...but the £250 selection fee is putting me off....
Ive got my PPL and going modular with Bristol Ground School...
But the "conditional offer" from flybe if you pass the intergated course may be too good to turn down?
I would like some info on previous year students before i fully commit to paying £250 and putting all my effort getting on to this course.
If you are concerned about £250 'selection fee' (and quite rightly so), how about sitting down with for 5 minutes and working out what the loan repayments will be coupled with the likely net salary for a FlyBe FO and see how much you will have left to pay rent, food, car etc etc. Then decide if it really is too good to turn down.

MrBrightside 21st Dec 2010 13:20

What exactly is the format for applying to this scheme? It seems all you do is provide your personal details and when you would like to sit a skills assesment? No formal application?

I have heard a few nasty comments about ptc in the past which is worrying. Despite the link with Flybe I think this may be one to steer clear of, in my opinion.

Pilot's Wings 22nd Dec 2010 17:11

Who will attend this selection ?

chris2309 11th Jan 2011 11:29

Any more info
Has anyone else recently applied for the 2011 scheme? Similar to other posters, I entered my details on PTC's website and just got a generic email reply stating the total cost of the course being roughly £72k, and that I should quickly book an assesment day.

Does this scheme include the type rating and does it mean you would be on the starting salary of £25k? Do you also have to factor in living costs for the course too?

MrBrightside 11th Jan 2011 17:47

The fact that this information is not provided from the outset is quite worrying. It almost feels as if they have something to hide.

At £250 for slection is it any wonder they are looking you to book quickly. Perhaps just me but everything just seems sinister.

rankace 11th Jan 2011 22:55

of coarse they have a lot to hide cause they will take every cent they can once you sign your contract. i should know.What does PTC stand for
fill in the P as best you can

chris2309 12th Jan 2011 10:05

They haven't filled me with much confidence to be honest, even their website in general seems very bland, I would have thought in this day and age they would be promting and advertising everything possible to let potential students know as much about them as they could.

The email also suggests that its a normal Integerated ATPL course they are running for Flybe, seems strange considering Flybe are going down the MPL route at other FTOs

Otto Throttle 12th Jan 2011 22:13

Nothing strange about it at all. Flybe only offer part-sponsored courses at 4 schools - OAA & FTE (MPL only) and Cabair & PTC (ATPL) only.

gabino86 19th Jan 2011 04:05

Don't believe everything you hear
I'm currently on the Flybe cadet scheme at the moment. I have just passed my PPL check ride and I am currently in my middle of the ATPL classes. I've heard good and bad about all the FTO's and to be honest I had initially planned on going to FTE because it suited me but the fact that I was accepted on the Flybe scheme I had to pounce at the opportunity and haven't looked back.

PTC are partnered up with FIT Aviation here in Florida who are one the most well recognised training organisations in the States and I have to say the instruction I have received has been brilliant. Before I even started flying I covered JAA PPL material & FAA PPL material (to allow me to fly out here) but it has given me a great foundation for the ATPL's. I also have to commend PTC on their choice of Ground school instructors who I find fantastic!

You might also be interested that representatives from Aer Lingus have been out here quite a few times in recent weeks and have shown a lot of interest as they are planning to hire quite a few pilots in the coming years. Things are looking up!

Anyways my point is take everything with a pinch of salt and don't snub an opportunity like this!

CharlieFly 15th Feb 2011 00:01


How nice it is to read a truly upbeat and positive post about flight training and becoming a pilot. I am interviewing for a FlyBe cadetship next week and the whole of pprune seems to be so negative towards integrated training.

I completely agree with your view that if I am lucky enough to be offered the position it would be foolish to turn it down.

Do you have any advice / tips for the interview / PTC assessment process.


BUGS/BEARINGS/BOXES 15th Feb 2011 16:24

When deciding on your training route, there are many things to consider. But if price is the one that bugs you remember this. At the end of the day, no one owes you a job just because you have your shiny blue book. When the airlines go shopping for pilots you need to be the shiniest product on the shelf. Saving bucks hear and there may save you money in the short term, but a dodgy training record will bite back much harder, of course you could be very gifted at this flying lark and sail through. This, however, is the execption and not the norm. Being on a scheme that is tagged to an airline says this. The airline like the product they get from this FTO! Not every student is happy with their choice of FTO, I know of those who hated being in Florida/Pheonix/Spain, and those who loved it! At the end of the day if YOU think that YOU are happy with your choice, then don't let others put you off due to bad experience. Over the years of trolling through this site I have tended to notice that the majority, not all, but the majority of those you slag of X school or Y FTO, stuggled during their training. Due to personal limitations or external factors is neither hear nor there. The vast majority who do resonably well and get jobs etc etc go on and dont spend the time on Pprune bitching about how they hated the food or this instuctor or that JOC course etc etc.

I would recommend visiting FTOs at their open days or going to the FLYER exhibition to talk to airlines and FTOs directly. From there make a short list of those you are interested in and visit them. Yes it takes time and money to travel but this is a HUGE investment in your future.

pilotarosa 15th Feb 2011 22:12

finally someone who said the plain truth!!i totally agree with you!:D

MightyDucks 15th Feb 2011 22:13

Well said BBB,

I don't think too many working pilots spend much time on here. I wouldn't.:ok:

HidekiTojo 16th Feb 2011 00:07

Go in with your eyes open lads. £80,000 outlay to earn £27k Gross in year 1. You will get based in somewhere like fraggle rock (IOM for the uninitiated)*

Career progression at the moment is limited although it goes look set to improve. Flybe T&C's currently under great threat. Keep watching.*

PTC, OAA, FTE, Cabair all the same they WILL treat you like dirt and take vast sums of money for the privilege. Be under no illusion training is no summer holiday. It's fun but challenging and stressful even for somelike me (all first time passes in minimum time) I found training easy compared to most. Can't imagine it gets any more stressful than repeating an IR or CPL (£2000?!)

PS Anonymity allows for my big head.

pilotarosa 16th Feb 2011 06:29

27000 for the first 2-3years, then maybe 60.000
i still think we get well paid...i haven't found many boys\girls of my age paid as much as I am, for so little work and so much fun (and I have been doing it for a while now)
I still think a career as a pilot is worthy

HidekiTojo 16th Feb 2011 10:53

You obviously don't work for Flybe. Next month I'm working 160 duty hours, mixture of lates and earlies, I have 2days off in-between but I finish on say Thursday at 2130 start back to work Sunday at 6am...

I live hundreds of miles away from home. I have 70k debt, I usually run out of money 2weeks after pay day.

All my friends own their own homes have stable relationships, live where they want get to go to all birthdays weddings etc

Do I enjoy my job? Yes but I'm sensible enough to see it for what it is...some days are easy some days are very difficult.

And currently captain year one is £53500. Not 60000.

This Flybe work schedule leaves all us flight crew feeling constantly tired.

There's other jobs out there I'd happily swap this one for, in a previous life I was destined to be a highly paid engineer in a power station. If that opportunity came along again I might just take it.

Mon-fri £80,000 + benefits sit and drink tea most of the day...

(dreamt of flying aeroplanes since age 3)

pilotarosa 16th Feb 2011 13:24

i worked for flybe for 3 years!..I can understand what you mean but whitout flybe I would have never got the job I got now.
And once you fly the Dash lots of other aircraft are just easy.
PS 60000 plus duty pay not as captain but as FO

kkelly77 16th Feb 2011 17:34

Hi guys,

am I missing something or is there no information on either PTC or Flybe's websites as regards how much a potential student needs in his/her account? Or any information about the financial structure of the training?

If anyone has this information, can you please post it to the thread? Much appreciated. :ok:


MightyDucks 16th Feb 2011 20:07

I can't understand why people get so tied up on the first years pay rate for pilots. Of course its going to be crap, have a look at other jobs, your not going to be making top dollar in most company until you work your way up. You might say you've taken out a big loan for your job, well most american's have huge loans to repay after they leave college, its apart of life for them, if you want this job bad enough then you'll get it.

I do agree that people seriously need to have their eyes wide open when taking on training and the job. Its scary how little people know before starting their training.

HidekiTojo 16th Feb 2011 22:20

Goodluck to those applying for the Flybe scheme it is probably the best way into the industry at present, be prepared for a good, exciting, challenging but expensive and stressful time!

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