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Blue Sky 20th Feb 2008 12:15

Common Assualt PPL/CPL
Hi. I'd like to know if my flying days are over? I currently hold a PPL. I've had m PPL for the last couple of years. I am training for my CPL. Unfortunately I've very recently received a conviction for common assault, and a hefty fine. Though irrelevant, I've worked and studied very hard for my PPL achievement (as we all have). I just can't believe it, and am very disappointed. I feel as if I am in dire straits right now as I don't even know if it is worth it, or if I can complete my CPL training because of this conviction. I tried to get a spent conviction, however the judged scoffed at me, and my dream of being a commercial pilot. It was very humiliating, and demeaning. My question is, how does this affect my PPL? How does it affect m CPL? Will I still be able to fly privately? If I still can get my CPL, what are my chances of getting hired with a conviction? Slim, if any, I would suspect. Thanks.

Mercenary Pilot 20th Feb 2008 14:04

how does this affect my PPL?

How does it affect m CPL?
I don't think a assault conviction would have any bearing on you actually holding the licences.

Will I still be able to fly privately?
Again I cant see how it can stop you unless you fly from an airfield where you have to hold an airside security pass to get to your aircraft.

If I still can get my CPL, what are my chances of getting hired with a conviction?
This is where you may have problems because a criminal conviction may make it difficult to obtain an airside pass. I don't know the ins and outs but it was discussed here....

Criminal Conviction A Problem?

V-Step 20th Feb 2008 19:18

Deal with the initial problem.

Go to your victim, give yourself a good chance for them to accept a proper decent apology, and maybe they will see a different side of you. Don't know the details of the assault and don't need to. Give that person every reason to write a letter to the judge.

AFTER that, get yourself a good lawyer and plead the case in court again. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I believe, I'm sure someone will have a better answer, the offence lasts for 5 years on your record when trying to get a security clearance. Even then, tough questions will be the norm and straight answers will be reccommended.

Try and get the conviction quashed, it will stand to you in the future.

Best of luck

wangus 21st Feb 2008 12:14

I work at Gatwick, and the BAA recently brought in a criminal background check for everyone,, called "disclosure" or something, including those who had held full airside passes for years. A friend of mine had his pass revoked due to a minor conviction arguing, years earlier, over a parking spot which escalated into criminal damages. I would advise you to phone BAA, but I'm afraid I doubt you'll ever be able to get a pass at the BAA airports. Presumably the same at others.

Andy Rylance 21st Feb 2008 12:31

Try this list.. it is not all bad news.


Flintstone 21st Feb 2008 12:47

If you plan to travel to the USA you may also fall foul of the rabid TSA as well as Immigration. I don't have one to hand at the moment but doesn't the (green) visa waiver form ask if you've ever been convicted?

As others have said your best bet is to pay for first hand legal advice (fer chrissakes don't take anything you're told here as gospel) and go from there.

Good luck.

PS. Why did you hit him? ;)

Turkish777 21st Feb 2008 14:08

The rehabilitation act regarding the spent period is based on the sentence given by the court, ie. community service, custodial etc, not on the offence itself. Any prison sentence over 10 years can never been spent so will remain on your record for ever, however it would be a mean judge to award you that for common assault. (saying that I believe the maximum sentence for common assault is 6 months)..

Look up your sentence given not served against the chart and you will see how long it lasts. By the time you get a job it will be well spent anyway :E

Beethoven 21st Feb 2008 14:58

I believe it is 5 years if you received a fine.

Best wishes,


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