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docash1983 2nd Jul 2008 21:39

Im not holiding my breath. They said they would be in touch and still haven't, I feel like im banging my head up the wall.:ugh::ugh::ugh:

I hope you all recieve replies soon.


dreamliner81 3rd Jul 2008 12:36

from past experience, they always reply whether it is a yes or a no. also...last time, phase 3 and 4 were delayed and did not take place when they were supposed to.

VinceR 4th Jul 2008 09:51

The Email does not want to come...I hope we will receive it before the week-end.


PS: dreamliner81, can you give me more info on the last time you applied for BACF? How long did you wait? Where did the phase 3 take place?

SefonSA 4th Jul 2008 09:56

YES! I got an email & voicemail! Third phase July 9th...

Not much time to tell work & study maths!

Goodluck all & hope to see you there

docash1983 4th Jul 2008 11:17

I still havent recieved anything, and CTC have refused my application, god knows why. Nice start to the weekend aye!:ugh:

-LoneWolf- 4th Jul 2008 11:42

Call FTE and ask to speak to Mary Jo. She is dealing with the scheme. Good luck!

I have my interview for phase 3 on the 8th, so next Tuesday, at 18:00. Time for some studying.

jonty797 4th Jul 2008 11:57

Hi guys,

I've also got my interview on the 8th so thought I'd drop in and say hello!

Quick question - to what extent would BA Cityflyer support us financially? I can't remember exactly and can't find the information anywhere.


VinceR 4th Jul 2008 12:38

Bad news for me. BA CF has refused my application... I hope that I will be the only one.
Good luck for those who go to phase 3!


AdamLT 4th Jul 2008 15:57

i don't think the BACF/ FTE scheme is partially funded...not like the Flybe one which is due up this month sometime.

I got accepted to phase 3 but have told them I cannot attend due to work commitments. i hope they give my place to some one else.

good luck to everyone next week

CruiseControl_007 4th Jul 2008 18:22

Bummer...I got rejected too. Oh well back to plan A.

My condolences Adam...hate it when that happens. If it's any consolation it happened to me on my final stage in the previous FTE/CityJet scheme. Manage to pass stage 2 but couldn't attend stage 3 as I had work commitments abroad for a month. :{

Good luck to all in stage 2.

docash1983 4th Jul 2008 19:00

I've been rejected too. Never mind i suppose nothing ventured nothing gained. Best of luck to all of you through to the next stage.


BusinessMan 8th Jul 2008 14:57

Hang in there guys :cool:. I got binned at stage 2 by FTE for the BACF scheme last year ... but invited to stage 4 of another FTE one and stage 3 of another. So try not to take it too hard as there will be other schemes coming up and the way FTE choose the stage3 groups can be hard to fathom:hmm:, particularly when many people use pretty much the same application answers each time ;).

My point is that not making stage 3 this time round doesn't mean you aren't necessarily cut out for the job or won't ever make it. I tried to take all the knock-backs as practise/experience and made myself look forwards, trying to take the learnings forward each time until one worked out to the finishing post :)

Best of luck, BM

dreamliner81 9th Jul 2008 12:00

I got rejected too. Funny, last time I applied for this scheme I got through the final phase!
There is no financial support on this scheme I am afraid.

Good luck to all of you!

RJ100 10th Jul 2008 15:42

There was a post in another thread saying that only one place was available on this intake. Have been in touch with a person in the know and they are planning on having FOUR applicants on the Scheme.


Shay 11th Jul 2008 08:17

Did anybody here attend the interview on the 9th?

SefonSA 11th Jul 2008 10:20

Yes I was there for the morning slot. What time did you end up finishing?

I had a long interview which was meant to be based on the email questions but seemed to go alot more off topic. I think I covered all the key areas but in a bit of a defensive manner, felt I should of been more positive.

I am not to sure about my test results either! Computer tests were fair but maths the time just flew by and I had only got to Q.18 out of 25! - Didnt have time for guestimating!

In answer to RJ100 we were told they are looking for 4 candidates (though could be less if not happy with FTEs selection) so could be 4 or more for the fourth stage. I counted the receptionists logbook about 18 names signing in but dont know if there have been other interview locations.

Look forward to posting some good news....

How was it for you Shay?

Shay 13th Jul 2008 10:35


I also counted 18 people on the list of names that the lady had to interview..

Tests were ok written, the pilapt was god-awful.. It really was! So count me out for Phase 4. Interview was alright, questions were pretty straightforward and rather expected.

The day was a complete shambles in terms of planning- I finished at nearly 8 oclock and missed my flight back (ironically it was a BA flight). Had to splash out on a flight the next day after trying to find somewhere decent to stay that night :* I think most people in the afternoon had problems with transport home, I doubt anybody made their flight/train home!


ca2bb 22nd Jul 2008 11:42

Has anyone heard whether or not they have made it to the stage 4 interview?

Provisional dated for stage 4 are only 7 days away.

-LoneWolf- 22nd Jul 2008 14:18

Yes I heard last Thursday via e-mail. I'll be there next Tuesday for Phase 4. Looking forward to it. Good luck everyone.

Shay 22nd Jul 2008 18:01

Ive heard nothing so far, Im going to take this as a rejection.. Best of luck to whoever is attending Phase 4 ! :ok:

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