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dboy 23rd Oct 2006 13:24

hoi everybody,

Last week i got another rejection letter. My tests were good and my interview (i thought) was also good, but the company had another opion i guess.

Well, now it is 100% for sure. I think it is now the moment to be very objective and the best thing to do is to quit. I'm going to leave aviation industry because there is no other alternative and i'm sick always trying without obtaining any result, plus i'm too old now(almost 31). I've already sold everything (headset, books, gps..). I had wonderfull years, years i will never forget. I know 1 thing for sure: when i'm 65 old i can say:"i took the chance to become a prof pilot"

I also want to say is that i've learned a lot from a lot of guys around here and that pprune is a very usefull tool.

I also want to wish everyone the best in aviation.

I really hope that you guys can make your dream come true and that the outcome is much better than mine.

Good luck everybody and bye!


SinBin 23rd Oct 2006 15:49

For God's sake man! Don't give up!! Go and instruct or do something outside of the airlines, would be a shame to waste all your hard work and hard earned cash!! The day I 'll give up is the day the blood stops running through my veins!!

Vortex Thing 24th Oct 2006 01:09

No dboy I agree give up. It makes it easier for the rest of us. One less Cv in the pile that means that one day we may get an interview somewhere. :D

As for Nuke. I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings and tell the sad old tale of woe and doom but worked with many when I was an FI and still know many instructors well over 4 years into making applicationswith over 1500hrs who still have not had a single interview and I also know a few who are flying short haul jets with less than 400hrs when they got their first ride so I would probably nip down the shops and get some resilience if you hope to mkae it through being one of the former and are not lucky enough to be the latter.

I do say luck because if you can't get an interview it is very hard to get a job.

Good luck :)

boogie-nicey 24th Oct 2006 10:27

I think not Sir.....

Come on, quit the industry......? Indeed take a moment of pause and give yourself a chance to compose yourself. Then re-assess and re-plan, as someone has already mentioned "a life outside the airlines". Aviation is aviation whichever corner of the industry you find yourself in. Why not do instructing part-time and accompany it with full-time work so that you get the best of both worlds. After all you are intending to return to some other form of full time employment so why not supplement it with what you love and if it still fails to advance your career then at least you're flying somewhere, at somepoint, for some satisfaction.

Take care my friend.

Gertie Vow 24th Oct 2006 12:50

:E Having read some of the posts in this thread I think that it would be a good idea if learning to spell and string a sentence together were included in your pre CV preparation.

BigAl's 24th Oct 2006 14:51

Heer hear. I alwayz think speelin is very impotent. :oh:

I also agree with the stringing a sentence together thing. I believe Spike Milligan said: "string is a very useful thing. Rope is thicker, but string is quicker."

It may be wise to remeber that employers will be looking 'outside of the preverbial flying box'. There's a lot more to getting a job than JUST the flying aspect. Previous roles / experience and qualifications, and how this is presented will not go unnoticed. At the end of the day it is this kind of thing that will seperate you from the hordes of other frozen ATPL applicants!

dartagnan 24th Oct 2006 20:51

you can still "give up" for a while and do something else.Probably you need money to eat!
your license is good for 5 years anyway and you can still send 2-3 CV a month and give some phone call ( and harass them, they love that so they feel important ;) ), and see.the futur looks better for you.

WindSheer 25th Oct 2006 08:16

Having read some of the posts in this thread I think that it would be a good idea if learning to spell and string a sentence together were included in your pre CV preparation.
I totally agree!!

But hey, shouldn't that be 'stringing a sentence.....', and shouldn't there be a comma after the word thread!!


nuclear weapon 27th Oct 2006 10:21

Link to thomsonfly online application.
Its been interesting reading your replies guys. I checked thomsonfly's webseite this morning and they said they are currrentlly recruiting flight crews and followed the link however it led to nothing or they've hidden it somewhere where it cant be found.
Will any of you guys who have been rejected or sucessfull with them post the appropriate link here.
Its worth giving them a try. And does anyone know why flybe are currently delaying thier launch of their online app form. My guess is the age requirements they are going to be forced to do away with. I am pretty sure on the new for they will most likely ask for when you got your college degree if you have any and take it to be an average age of 24/25.

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