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skysoarer 29th Jan 2007 21:19

Passed the sim check! Starting day of the course is the 6th Feb, and I thoroughly enjoyed handing in my notice today!! :} ... I will miss where I've been working for the last 4 years (not airline related), and will keep some good memories, but overall I'm glad to be moving on in the right direction.
I know of 2 others so far who have also passed and have been offered courses. Now I'm just waiting for the course materials through the mail. Can't wait to get stuck in after 11 years of chasing this career!

Edit: Corrected Month duuur!

unimuts 30th Jan 2007 07:54

Well done skysoarer,

But help me out here ! are you saying you are now part of the new " Cityflyer" brand ? also whats the deal in pay and base ?



Wellington Bomber 30th Jan 2007 08:39


Does that mean you have a year to wait, you mentioned starting on the 6th Jan, thats a long notice to work

Or is it just excitement and a typo

skysoarer 30th Jan 2007 10:46

I honestly don't know whether I'd be on Cityflyer or Flybe. I know it's the Embraer 145 and the training is in Manx, but it depends on the base. I honestly have no preference whatsoever they're both switched-on airlines and I'm not picky.

And Jan was a typo :} . I meant Feb and corrected the post a couple of hours ago.


Wellington Bomber 30th Jan 2007 13:42


I thought they were going to get rid of the jungle jets, or as the deal with Flybe gone belly up I wonder

skysoarer 30th Jan 2007 17:52

They're going by 2009 according to the info I have. Can't just switch a fleet overnight after all!

Bram212 31st Jan 2007 15:12

Happy to say that I got a phonecall from BA Connect last week as well! Starting type @ Manchester next week, can't wait to get going:) Wish me luck!

MaxReheat 31st Jan 2007 15:56

Are you all mad?

skysoarer 31st Jan 2007 21:08

Madly happy to have more prospect of an aviation career than I did a month ago! ;)

However if you have a particular argument to state why we shouldn't go for this I for one would be very interested to hear it.


bellyfluffer 31st Jan 2007 21:51

Well done!

PM-ed you a quick question

taxitoalpha 1st Feb 2007 10:17

Well done Graeme

You can't win on this forum, there are hundreds of threads saying don't pay for a type rating and you have landed a jet job as a low houred guy with type rating payed for and you still get a negative post. I say well done and go for it!!

skysoarer 1st Feb 2007 10:58

Thank you!! Defintely low hours for power flying. I'm on 169 hours power flying and 208 gliding. Can't remember sim time but 60-ish.

Can't wait to get started. They're going to bond us for the type rating, which isn't a great surprise to be honest. Last day of my current job is tomorrow woohoo!


cheesycol 1st Feb 2007 11:11

Congrats guys - it's great when you land that first job.

Welcome also to the 145, the "are you mad?" is fair comment from anybody currently at Connect with the can of worms that is the Flybe take over.

For your info, your employer will be BA Connect, but in the near future BA Connect will be owned by Flybe and eventually it will become Flybe - as to when that will actually happen, nobody is too sure in the information vacuum we are experiencing.

Aside from those gripes, well done on the first job!! The 145 is fun to fly ;)

Groundloop 1st Feb 2007 11:40

"Are you all mad?"

One of the increasingly few opportunities these days of a jet job WITHOUT having to pay for a type rating. Why mad?

skysoarer 1st Feb 2007 13:44

Thanks again! I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we're looking forwards to starting with FlyBAcon etc!

Yes I've heard the 145 is fun to fly. Coming from a glass-fibre glider background and plastic power planes (DA-40 Deathstar), it'll be interesting to see what a 'slippery' jet flies like.

I was in discussion with a few TRO's with regards to doing a type rating, but I honestly could not have afforded it with the money I owe already.


Thumperdown 28th Feb 2007 22:03

All BACON hold pool people to migrate to Flybe

darkbarly 28th Feb 2007 22:32

Good news, thanks thumperdown.

Han 1st Solo 1st Mar 2007 18:13

Hold Pool
Very Good news thanks Thumper, cheered me up no end that has. Don't suppose you know when there's likely to be another course do you? :O

Thumperdown 1st Mar 2007 20:23

Absolutely no idea. Probably be some time with all the BACON Dash drivers to convert. Hang on in there :cool:

Han 1st Solo 27th Mar 2007 10:28

BACon to Flybe
Hi there,

Has anyone had any contact from Flybe as regarding official notification of our migration to the Flybe Pool. Everyone formally of BACon operations have no contact details for anyone at Flybe and don't seem interested in helping. The only contact details i've been able to find is an email on the Flybe website which as yet i've had no response from. Anyone got a phone number as all this uncertainty is not good for my continued sanity.
Is a little information to much to ask for? Getting very tired by all this swimming, think i'm not far off drowning. :ugh:



Thumperdown 27th Mar 2007 12:22

Just keep chilled!
Flybe are trying to join up two airlines. The nice lady who organises all the airline training is the same nice lady who does the recruiting. You wouldn't like to upset her would you? Now as I stated before - be patient and when they have something to tell you, they will get in touch. They have not got time to write to you all. You are not their top priority at the moment! - just keep you head above the water, I know its hard.

Han 1st Solo 6th Apr 2007 23:07

Hey everyone.

The wait is finally over! I'm over the moon. Last minute replacement for the first Flybe ERJ 145 course got the call Tuesday was down in Exeter on Wednesday for the induction week and start the groundschool on Tuesday, a Flybe record so i'm told. Hope this encourages everyone in the pool, don't know why I was singled out, might have had something to do with the fact I was available straight away. But its definate confirmation that everyone in the BACon holding pool is now in the Flybe pool.



Thumperdown 6th Apr 2007 23:17


Now as I stated before - be patient and when they have something to tell you, they will get in touch.

But its definate confirmation that everyone in the BACon holding pool is now in the Flybe pool.
Did I not tell you?

Box the Tug 7th Apr 2007 11:16

Hi Han

Thats great news, I'm really pleased for you. Lets hope the rest of us still treading water do not have to wait much longer for the call.

All the very best.


mad_bob 7th Apr 2007 11:29

Congratulations on your appointment. :ok: Just out of interest, are you being offerd the Jet pay scale or the Turbo one? Also have they offerd you a base yet? Reason i ask, as far as i know your the first newstarter onto the 145 fleet in this new flybe.
Cheers MB

Han 1st Solo 8th Apr 2007 10:30

Cheers guys. Starting on the dash payscale, suppose there'd be a mutiny from those flying the dash if we got the jet scale, fair enough it has to be said. Not assigned a base yet should find out over the next week where we're going to be, we were asked our order of preference for the bases where the 145 operates.

For those still waiting hang on in there, from my experience over the last week, which is therefore very limited I know, everyone is very busy down there at the moment but seem an excellent bunch of people you are all in good hands.



mad_bob 8th Apr 2007 12:03

Hans, Thanks for that much appreciated. I do like to keep an eye on the latest schemes comming out of Exciter. :confused:
Your right about Exeter, the office folk are a wee bit animated at the mo with the Bacon takeover, but getting there I understand.
Enjoy the job, lots and lots of flying to be had. Good fun on line with a pretty good culture I think, two days are never the same.:}
All the best MB

darkbarly 10th Apr 2007 12:17

Nice result eh?

After allllll this time as well.

Hope you really enjoy the experience....:)

skysoarer 11th Apr 2007 16:15

I know as of Monday last week (2nd April) there was at least one course going through for the Embraer 145 at Exeter. I was there on their first day doing my final bits of paperwork. Things are still moving for sure!

Best of luck to all of you awaiting places!


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